Call of Duty: Black Ops - Discussion Thread

Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

when i switched from consoles to PC it was too difficult for me to adjust but if some 1 ask me to play on consoles [FPS] now i will be the first 1 to die :D
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

kartikoli said:
if they dont sell it for decent price we will get it for free

cant wait for long and wont pay 2.5k for sure
and then people like you complain about the state of pc gaming.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

^^^ i never did :D .... if they keep the prizes competitive enough then i am always willing to buy it
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

^^ Competitive enough? They have to set the price tag at 1/4 to 1/10th the price that it sells at in the rest of the world in order to barely sell a few copies. I know people who would rather download a 15GB game like GTA4 on shitty so called broadband connections rather than buying the legit copy a mere 400 bucks. So your good prices theory doesn't work well at all in our country. Looking from the publishers perspective, it would in fact cost them more to sell at such low cost as compared to loosing the entire market to piracy. For them the market is non existent in our country. Only publishers like EA who churn out a lot of avg to crappy games (in addition to the good ones) can work out deals for good prices with local publishers. For the rest, they would rather stick to selling the console versions at full prices (2.5k~3.5k)
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

^^ i did purchase GTA 4 and i have a good 2mbps unlimited connection .... any way if they keep the price tag some where below/close to 1000 then ppl will surely buy them (specially at the launch) bcuz that is the time when ppl are excited

OK if i have to wait for a month to play the game then all the excitement dies and surely ppl will download as they have no choice

the point is the game should be available as soon as its launched with good prices

in our country ppl dont buy games at 2.5k .... that is the money they pay for there hardware and say I HAVE A 1 GB CARD worthless to say its 9400GT or 8400GT :D

i have faced such thing ppl compare there 9400GT with my 9800GT and they say both are 1GB cards .... and u cant convince them .... then u r expecting them to pay 2.5K for a game
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

kartikoli said:
OK if i have to wait for a month to play the game then all the excitement dies and surely ppl will download as they have no choice

the point is the game should be available as soon as its launched with good prices
so if the prices are not 'good', then according to you, people have 'no choice' but to pirate it.

tell me something... which other product exists in this life where you can go to a shop, see the price, decide it's too expensive, and then take it for free anyway?

if one thinks black ops is too expensive, that's fine. won't buy it at that price, fine. will pirate it instead, fine. but then turning around and complaining about how activision doesn't release their games in india? seriously, does the concept of cause and effect just not register at all?
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

I just hope the Single Player Campaign is long and decent.

Not like MW2 :no:
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

spindoctor said:
so if the prices are not 'good', then according to you, people have 'no choice' but to pirate it.

tell me something... which other product exists in this life where you can go to a shop, see the price, decide it's too expensive, and then take it for free anyway?

if one thinks black ops is too expensive, that's fine. won't buy it at that price, fine. will pirate it instead, fine. but then turning around and complaining about how activision doesn't release their games in india? seriously, does the concept of cause and effect just not register at all?

Movies, Softwares ;-)
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

kartikoli said:
^^ i did purchase GTA 4 and i have a good 2mbps unlimited connection .... any way if they keep the price tag some where below/close to 1000 then ppl will surely buy them (specially at the launch) bcuz that is the time when ppl are excited

OK if i have to wait for a month to play the game then all the excitement dies and surely ppl will download as they have no choice

the point is the game should be available as soon as its launched with good prices

in our country ppl dont buy games at 2.5k .... that is the money they pay for there hardware and say I HAVE A 1 GB CARD worthless to say its 9400GT or 8400GT :D

i have faced such thing ppl compare there 9400GT with my 9800GT and they say both are 1GB cards .... and u cant convince them .... then u r expecting them to pay 2.5K for a game

First you say that they do not sell at competitive prices. Then you say Indians would not buy if the prices are competitive with the rest of the world (even if they don't mind buying any other hardware/electronics at prices 30~70% higher than the rest of the world). Man, just make up your mind about what you want to say before your write it. If you want to say that people would buy at 1/10th the price of the rest of the world, then its hardly competitive. How is it fair to expect the price to be lower just because Indians cannot afford the actual price. If Indian market cannot afford it, then it simply means that the product is not for the Indian market which is what they are doing. How can you blame them for not caring about the Indian market?

As for low prices, how low is low? You bought GTA 4 because it cost 499/-, I know a number of people who think that is too high for a game (but don't mind spending that much more on weekend booze or meal at a restaurant week). Is 200/- low enough? Again there would be a tonne of people who think that is too high. Heck I used to know people who cringe about spending 40 bucks on a pirated copy of a game. At a price of 499/- even if a 1000 or 2000 people buy the game at that price, its simply not enough for the developer/publisher to cover the cost of after sales support arrangements as well as you have to consider the local publishers cut. Its simply not profitable to them and it more likely to loose money. Do you want every publisher to release games and sell them at uncompetitive low prices out of charity because our country is a third world nation whose people cannot afford the same cost as the rest of the world (and yet, we can't hear enough about how high our country ranks economically as on the most powerful nations of the world) Piracy can't be helped in India, but at least don't try to blame the developers/publishers or brag about punishing them for whats basically the deficiencies of our own people.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Steam supports region specific pricing. If it is counterproductive to launch the game in Indian prices through retail, they can do so through digital distribution, where there is no packaging and distribution cost. Even if 109 people bought it, that would be better than 0 sales, right? Software prices are still out of reach of the average Indian. I have rarely seen a retail version of Windows, never seen an original version of MS Office bought separately and do not think will ever see someone enthusiast or hobbyist buying Adobe Photoshop.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

@kartikoli - GTA 4 is one of the buggiest games and they (Rockstar) knew it as well, hence the low price. Do you think they would have sold it for Rs.499/- if it was a good port?
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Thats true for GTA IV, but what about Mafia II, it sells for $49.99 in US and Rs. 499 here...
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Ohhh, Me likey :D

Sp1n as always up in arms against Piracy :D

End of the day i think it all comes down to a personal choice of wether to participate in piracy or not. Even Activision has no choice, its a CATCH 22 . No way out unless we have numbers, awareness, more media .

Like if they air adverts on TV/Posters and merchandises atleast people will know that you can buy these games legit. People still come up to me and go like "What is an original copy/pirated copy" .All about awareness i think.

For me personally, I definitely go in for a buy if I feel the develepors have put in the effort. Its almost equal to a movie ticket+food price , and that lasts only for about 3 hours . WHile games last for a month atleast ( If you play like me :p i.e patiently :D)
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

jc36lect3r said:
Thats true for GTA IV, but what about Mafia II, it sells for $49.99 in US and Rs. 499 here...
If you google around a bit you will find out that the game released is incomplete. A lot of content was cut out of the game so that they can be used for DLC. Now if you manage to sell your game and the customer is happy with the initial product he/she will definitely comeback for more.

So here the strategy was to get the people to buy it first and then make profit from DLC content.

BTW the game was too short wasn't it. Would you buy a game for 999/- or more that won't last you a weekend?

Did you know that the good old RTCW costs 500 Rs. and it is a much longer game?
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

prabs said:
@kartikoli - GTA 4 is one of the buggiest games and they (Rockstar) knew it as well, hence the low price. Do you think they would have sold it for Rs.499/- if it was a good port?
rockstar had nothing to do with the pricing of gta 4. that was a business decision by 2k games. as to why they did it... they probably reckon that some little revenue is better than nothing. which is a great attitude to have, but understand that the revenue they got was absolutely tiny.

suppose they sold 1000 copies of gta 4. do you imagine it could be more? at 500 bucks a piece, that's a total of 5 lakhs in revenue. now subtract the cost of importing the game, clearing customs, packaging, distribution, distributor's profit. also, did you know that india has dedicated authentication servers for the game? yea, the cost of that came out of that 5 lakhs. how much profit do you think 2k got out of this deal?

let's be unrealistic and presume they got all that money as profit. 5 lakhs is about 10,000$. that's the revenue they get from selling 166 console copies in america. a game like gta4 is guaranteed to sell 10 million copies and they know it. tell me how much they care about the revenue equivalent of 166 copies?

if you think my estimate of 1000 copies sold is too low, double it. triple it. how about 10,000 sales? you think there are 10,000 people in india who bought gta4? and even if there are, their total revenue generation is the equivalent of 1700 console copies in america. according to wikipedia, gta 4 has sold 17 million copies. how much do you think they care about the revenues they get from releasing the pc version in india?

don't be under any illusion... they are doing us a huge favor by releasing games for 499. it makes very little business sense to do what they do... don't expect everyone should just follow suit.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

Read in an interview with the designers that the SP campaign will be as long as that in MW and WaW. So 5-6 hours on normal.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

spindoctor said:
so if the prices are not 'good', then according to you, people have 'no choice' but to pirate it.

tell me something... which other product exists in this life where you can go to a shop, see the price, decide it's too expensive, and then take it for free anyway?

if one thinks black ops is too expensive, that's fine. won't buy it at that price, fine. will pirate it instead, fine. but then turning around and complaining about how activision doesn't release their games in india? seriously, does the concept of cause and effect just not register at all?
ok just give me an answer
i am desperately looking for COD 7 and can pay anything less than/close to 1000 and i dont get it any where in the market ... there are thousands of shops selling pirated dvd's @ 200INR

what are my options ????

secondly there are diff. marketing strategies for diff. regions ... i am not asking them to sell the game at 1000 all over world
as they say its better to sell something instead of nothing

at 2.5k they will have 100 copies sold and at 1k 500 copies sold which is profitable ??? {edit: figures are just to explain}
dinjo said:
Movies, Softwares ;-)
there are lot more things but dont want to drag this useless debate :D
Lord Nemesis said:
First you say that they do not sell at competitive prices. Then you say Indians would not buy if the prices are competitive with the rest of the world (even if they don't mind buying any other hardware/electronics at prices 30~70% higher than the rest of the world). Man, just make up your mind about what you want to say before your write it. If you want to say that people would buy at 1/10th the price of the rest of the world, then its hardly competitive. How is it fair to expect the price to be lower just because Indians cannot afford the actual price. If Indian market cannot afford it, then it simply means that the product is not for the Indian market which is what they are doing. How can you blame them for not caring about the Indian market?

As for low prices, how low is low? You bought GTA 4 because it cost 499/-, I know a number of people who think that is too high for a game (but don't mind spending that much more on weekend booze or meal at a restaurant week). Is 200/- low enough? Again there would be a tonne of people who think that is too high. Heck I used to know people who cringe about spending 40 bucks on a pirated copy of a game. At a price of 499/- even if a 1000 or 2000 people buy the game at that price, its simply not enough for the developer/publisher to cover the cost of after sales support arrangements as well as you have to consider the local publishers cut. Its simply not profitable to them and it more likely to loose money. Do you want every publisher to release games and sell them at uncompetitive low prices out of charity because our country is a third world nation whose people cannot afford the same cost as the rest of the world (and yet, we can't hear enough about how high our country ranks economically as on the most powerful nations of the world) Piracy can't be helped in India, but at least don't try to blame the developers/publishers or brag about punishing them for whats basically the deficiencies of our own people.
prabs said:
@kartikoli - GTA 4 is one of the buggiest games and they (Rockstar) knew it as well, hence the low price. Do you think they would have sold it for Rs.499/- if it was a good port?
anything less than 1K at the launch would really sell good
! 0 t A said:
Ohhh, Me likey :D

Sp1n as always up in arms against Piracy :D

End of the day i think it all comes down to a personal choice of wether to participate in piracy or not. Even Activision has no choice, its a CACHE 22 . No way out unless we have numbers, awareness, more media .

Like if they air adverts on TV/Posters and merchandises atleast people will know that you can buy these games legit. People still come up to me and go like "What is an original copy/pirated copy" .All about awareness i think.

For me personally, I definitely go in for a buy if I feel the develepors have put in the effort. Its almost equal to a movie ticket+food price , and that lasts only for about 3 hours . WHile games last for a month atleast ( If you play like me :p i.e patiently :D)
there u r personal choice + mindset of ppl...
we cant stop piracy and we cant force some 1 as well
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

kartikoli said:
ok just give me an answer
i am desperately looking for COD 7 and can pay anything less than/close to 1000 and i dont get it any where in the market ... there are thousands of shops selling pirated dvd's @ 200INR

what are my options ????

you have 3 options...1) buy the game 2) don't buy the game and don't pirate it either 3) don't buy the game but pirate it. doesn't really matter what you do, but we both know which option you will choose right?

all i'm doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of complaining about how publishers ignore india after pirating their shit.

kartikoli said:
at 2.5k they will have 100 copies sold and at 1k 500 copies sold which is profitable ??? {edit: figures are just to explain}

i thought i addressed this earlier. black ops is going to sell over 20 million copies and will generate revenues of over 1 billion dollars. you think they care about 1k copies sold at 500?

you want to pirate black ops, go right ahead. next year you'll be back on the forum whining about how activision is not releasing the next call of duty here and pretending to not know how cause and effect works.
Re: Call of Duty Black Ops Discussion Thread.

are they releasing cod ops officially in india? this time around ?

checked i dont think so btw has console games prices increased i thout it was used to 2499 now its 3499 D:

oh well there goes my ratio now :p

i would buy if they give me value can spend max 1299 for the game IF the game is good and has ALL the support paying 2.5k for the PC game is too much for me atleast

but it makes sense it ativision doesn't release the game officially in india if they sell it for 1000rs then say 200 copies get sold they make 200000 but if they sell it for 2.5k and 100 copies get sold they make 250000

btw games like darksieders for 699 F1 are totalllly worth it :D