Can we make MAC OS work on our assembled computers?

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The Alchemist said:
If you really want something, as close as possible to a real Mac, look no further than this:


This is the only way you can install a retail OS X DVD on your PC and even get software updates without patching or anything just like a real Mac.
What's that priced at?
Gaurish said:
I saw this link before, this page talk about a USB device which we should buy.

isn't EFI supposed to be Extensible Firmware Interface?

Its not a USB device, its actually a BPU(Boot Processing Unit) which plugs into your motherboard's onboard USB header pins and not the actual USB port.

However, it just doesn't work with any hardware, only a selected range of hardware is supported as of now.


More about E-FiX

Anish said:
What's that priced at?

The current price is $199.

You can place the order here.

Buy EFiX
Buddie try searching the work "Hackintosh" in google and you will find lots of guide to install MAC OSX in a PC. Some guides have pictures as well.:)

MAC OS are the best OS as they are free from virus and spywares. :)
:D I came, I saw, I conquered...!! :ohyeah:

I checked this thread for the first time yesterday, started the download yesterday evening; d/l complete today afternoon; installed as dual boot with Vista.. now successfully experimenting with it... in fact, posting this from a Hac.. :D
iAtkos really worked will for me too . Got my gcard/lan/audio everything working .. getting some stuff to work was tricky but insanelymac is great resource . Once everything is setup it work's very nicely ;)
I used iDeneb.. Most components work OOB, including Wireless, Ethernet, GFx etc.. The only problem I'm currently facing is audio.. Need to search drivers for the same.. :)
Can someone let me know if they are able to access the insanelymac forums..? I'm fed up trying to register there. Keep getting the error message that "You are not permitted to use this board". I had sent a message 2 days ago to the forum admin also, but no reply..! Is it because my IP has been blocked..? I tried through some proxy also, but still having the same problem.. :(
Update to my previous post: Audio now working through the speakers.. the headphone jacks not working yet.. that's what exactly I wanted to solve at the iMac forums... :(
^^ What onboard sound do you have ? If it's any of Realtek ALC's then you will need APPLEHDAPATCHER and a codec dump from any linux live cd. That's the best and easiest way to patch the kext's rather than using dump's available on the forums. Look for applehdapatcher on google and you will get many how-to's,
^^ Ok.. will try. Mine does use a Realtek audio. Not sure about the more intricate details.
Still, does anyone have problems accessing insanelymac forums or site..??
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