Canada says India second-biggest foreign threat to its democracy

Tired of this civil war narrative had the bullet not missed I was glad to find an article that challenged it

Hordes of commentators were quick to analyze the significance of the moment in terms of what did not happen. Imagine if the shooter hadn’t missed!
Had Trump not survived the assassination attempt, they all argued, the country would obviously have been plunged into one form or another of civil war, a result of the inevitable violent response from the right.
Luckily, extremists on both sides would have to go at it some other time. …

This interpretation is exactly wrong. In fact, the meaningful, history-changing event is the one that happened.
If Trump had been killed, having failed to anoint a successor, the people who have been putting Jan. 6 protesters in prison by the hundreds for the past three years would have rolled right over what was left of Trump’s MAGA
movement, and Joe Biden—or whoever they chose to run at the top of the Democratic ticket—would have won the election by a minimum of 20 million votes.
