China electrocutes young gamers!!!!!!!

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Whoa hotstuff! Beating up kids is a necessary part of good parenting since kids are pretty stupid so you can't actually reason with them. All life forms understand pain though so it's a valuable tool in getting the message across.
yeah so you would beat the hell outta ur kids if they dont listen to you....BTW do u know in US, parents can be dragged to court by the children for physical abuse
Yeah. I know kids can even divorce their parents.

Yes, I would beat my hypothetical kids. Kids are too young and lack the mental capaticities or knowledge to know what's good for them. Trust me. They don't realize it yet but when those kids get older, they'll be glad that their parents did them this favour. If you let your kid just get his way all the time, he'll just grow up to be a phenominal failure at life.
Hotstuff said:
yeah so you would beat the hell outta ur kids if they dont listen to you....BTW do u know in US, parents can be dragged to court by the children for physical abuse

In case you don't know, corporal punishment is legal in US schools in some states. And you can spank your kids.

And don't use the US as an example, kids there get into more problems than anywhere else in the world.

You are allowed to spank your kids, you can't abuse them though. There is a difference. Spanking is allowed for disciplinary purposes. Not just because the father is drunk - that would be abuse. And the spanking should be proportional to the misdeed - e.g. not doing homework versus taking drugs. Second is obviously more serious (though whether spanking is an appropriate response depends upon what stage the addiction is).

Guess what - I was never spanked. Ever. But I never gave my parents any problems. There are kids who do, and who do need to be disciplined. Spanking is sometimes necessary. It is easy to say "talk to your kids". That is the first step. But sometimes kids being kids will not listen. God knows I didn't always listen. At such times, if the infraction is severe, the punishment might also need to be equally severe.
I find that hard and by hard I mean impossible to believe. That is the equivalent to saying "I never lie". See, false by virtue alone.:)
Well, what warrants punishment? A small lie?

"Did you do your homework?" "Yes" (does that warrant punishment or just a rebuke?)

I never committed any major infractions or anything that would cause any problems.

I've always been an excellent student. And I know how to take care of myself. My parents never really needed to worry about me much.
It's just that kids are hard learners and are bound to repeat mistakes which warrant beatings. Also, kids whine over things they like or want and tend to refuse things that are otherwise good for them simply because they aren't sensually pleasing.

But I believe you are telling the truth. This isn't a matter over which someone would lie since that would be blatantly obvious...unless that's what you wanted me to believe in which case I'm on to you.:tongue:
Maybe the thread title should be changed to "Corporal Punishment for kids: A discussion".

I too was not beaten by my parents. Only some tight slaps a couple of times. My elder brother, though, has tasted more serious beatings. Could it be that since I saw my brother getting punished, I stayed away from any serious mischief? Or could it be that my parents realised that corporal punishment was not really helping out with my brother, and hence changed their tactics with me? For me, the worst punishment was if my dad said that he was disappointed in me. He didn't even need to raise a finger.

Ck, you say that you have taken beatings from your parents, and think its perfectly alright, and wouldn't mind doing the same to your kids.

Beating up kids is a necessary part of good parenting since kids are pretty stupid so you can't actually reason with them. All life forms understand pain though so it's a valuable tool in getting the message across.

I find this viewpoint very depressing :( Dude! You will be raising kids, not cattle!
I'm almost in the exact same boat as you are. I recieved my share of beatings when I was little but the last time I was beaten was several years ago. In comparison my elder brother has been beaten plenty of times so I like to think I learned from his mistakes too.

Yeah, I know. I sound like an ass within that quote and I'm not saying that children should always be beaten. If they readily comply over some matter or after explaining it to them they do, then that's well and good or if it's the first\first few time\s they've commited an offence, you can let them get away with just a warning.

It's just that, after a while kids become resistant to the scoldings and continue being the uncontrollable brats that they are at which point force become necessary. Fear of pain always adds incentive to obeying what your parents tell you.
dang the page is removed >.<

@zhopudey the overall conclusion was beating/spanking for right things isnt bad
wat ck meant is if ur children are getting offtrack spanking can be a useful tool if not words... in many scenarios words do have effects but mostly if the parents are goodie goodie the children tend to take advantage of it... so if u maintain a picture of a serious parent from the beggining then it would no doubt help later on ;)
I think I'd actually treat cattle more gently were I to raise a stock. At least you know there is a genuinely huge gap in understanding between the two of you and due to their limited intelligence they are hard of understanding unlike humans who are just willingly stubborn.
ck said:
It's just that, after a while kids become resistant to the scoldings and continue being the uncontrollable brats that they are at which point force become necessary. Fear of pain always adds incentive to obeying what your parents tell you.
SA said:
wat ck meant is if ur children are getting offtrack spanking can be a useful tool if not words... in many scenarios words do have effects but mostly if the parents are goodie goodie the children tend to take advantage of it... so if u maintain a picture of a serious parent from the beggining then it would no doubt help later on

I think the whole point of good parenting is to instill in your kids the wisdom to distinguish between good and bad, and the courage to choose what is right over what is easy. Of course, you'll have to practice what you preach :P Children should behave in a good way because they understand that its the correct thing to do, and not because they are afraid of getting thrashed.

Am I being too idealistic?
^^Yes you are.

That is the point, and often it works.

When it doesn't (and it doesn't have to fail spectacularly, just a few serious failures is more likely) you _may_ have to go back to "this is for your own good".
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