Chronicles of TechBoi on orkut...

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1)Ask Techboy not me.

2)He won't tell us as stated in the profile, he doesn't even tell her leave alone you.

3)From what it seems, he is the perfect thief.
so thats what you wanna become, a perfect thief and steal Rio's X6800, funky's P5N -E SLI, sumone ram and what else is in your list

lolz, pun intended
by perfect thief I mean, you will never know what he does/wants, he gaurded his secrets all the way from third and you seem to be one of his closest friends if not the closest friend ever since seventh, yet you couldn't even figure head or tail out of him.

Akshay in third person.
yeah as if you tell me anything straight forward....other than the fact that your ultimate goal is to be integrated with a computer and that your only love is computer..

as for ur profile,

do ya ppl kno why he listened to the song "Kya mujhe pyaar hai for months"

cos he was linking the love thing to his computer and in his words," I liked it cos i was able to link the entire song wid computers"..
yeah I never tell anything straight other than what I wrote in my profile. And yeah, that song was dedicated to the comp, true. But you don't know what happened in the weeks after that. Nor do you know to whom were the songs, Badhi Mushkil Hain, Ankhen Khuli, Doorie, Kuch Is Tarah and those of Pardes were sort of dedicated.
I even told you that I didn't link Kuch Is Tarah to the PC, I didn't even like it much at first, then why did I want to listen to it again and again...

The answers were easy, all you needed was the right brain which nobody actually used.
My love is not the computer and I have no intensions of being integrated with it. For some reason I am not even feeling like gaming now days and don't for some odd reason seem to be very interested in being infected by upgraditus either.
this is what mr coool, PM's to me just now,


i think you would like to ask me a few questions, but i think you already know the answers.

the game has just began. Remember my comments in the last few days, that will help you a great deal.

remember i was asking you and harsh a few questions and some of them just couldn't have been brought out of my aptitude, but they could have been brought out from experience/past.

the harsh he is referring to is one of my school friends
Yea when 100 others are saying that, obviously its a conspiracy against you. And all those 100 are fools. After all when 100 speak in tendem only sane person would be the person who disagrees. Lmao.
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