Computer shuts down abruptly... especially during gaming... HELP

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hi all

whenever i play games at a stretch my computer shuts down without any warning. to check if there was a problem in the ups i connected it to the mains directly but no use.

It still shuts down.. though this happens rarely.. may be once in 2 days but only when gaming session stretches for about one hour or more.

kindly help
The gfx card could be overheating? Or the CPU. Run a stress test using Orthos/OCCT 3 (for the CPU) and Furmark (for the GPU) and keep an eye on the temperatures. If those're shooting up, something's wrong. Report back. :)
SidhuPunjab said:
U havnt mentioned SMPS model etc in siggy, maybe U r stressing it too much.

E7400 (Stock) + Gigabyte G31 + MSI HD4850 640/993 + Seagate 500GB 7200.12 + Kingston 4GB + VX450 + Samsung 943NWX
He's using Corsair Vx450 . :)


What are temperatures like ?

1 hr auto test ... temp went max upto 56/57 ... no shutdown

will test the gpu and post results

P.S. Yep its a corsair VX450

did the furmark test... for 12mins... the max temp was 84... then i opened up the cabby ... temp came down to 77

if you'll suggest ill do a prolonged tst ... around 1 hr and then put up results... though even this tym around no shutdowns

P.S. i guess the cpu is working properly ... but i wanted to know wat shud be the expected temp of the cpu wen the load is 100 % (Cabby was open while i ran the cpu test)
beanstalk_230 said:

did the furmark test... for 12mins... the max temp was 84... then i opened up the cabby ... temp came down to 77

if you'll suggest ill do a prolonged tst ... around 1 hr and then put up results... though even this tym around no shutdowns

P.S. i guess the cpu is working properly ... but i wanted to know wat shud be the expected temp of the cpu wen the load is 100 % (Cabby was open while i ran the cpu test)

84C seems to be high , i am not sure about it though as i haven't OC'd gpu's .
Let some one with more expertise guide you ...
beanstalk_230 said:
hi all

whenever i play games at a stretch my computer shuts down without any warning. to check if there was a problem in the ups i connected it to the mains directly but no use.

It still shuts down.. though this happens rarely.. may be once in 2 days but only when gaming session stretches for about one hour or more.

kindly help

Your CPU seems fine. 84 for GPU is a little bit high but not at all alarming... Rename Furmark to something else. May be CoD4 and then run it for around half an hour. If temps are within 100 degrees, your GPU is fine too.

Next test your RAM. If that too comes out alright, run OCCT and Furmark simultaneously for at least 15 minutes... just be careful about temps etc.

See if this can diagnose the problem.
84 Deg in 12 mins is quite high.

Id suggest you run the furmark test for a long period of time. alteast 1 hour and see what the temps get up to.

Im guessing heat buildup over long gaming sessions is causing this. or it could be the ram otherwise.

basically wat sir morgoth has said is 100 % correct.

Run the furmark test for a extended period and report back with the temps.

i just hope your problem gets sorted out.

Is yours a dual slot or single slot GPU. If its the older single slot stock version, then 84 is normal, if its the newer dual slot version, then 84 not so good, but still nothing to worry abt. 4850 is ok upto 95-100. (normal stcok version). Still take out the card and remove any dust that may have accumalated over the fins and gently clean the fan.

Also please check the ram, since PSU, CPU and most probably GPU are not in question. With that rig I hope you have some good cooling in place.
A little bit more info need

1. Do this shutdown happen for a particular game or any game u play. --> then u need to look for games installation.
2. Check if the drivers are installed, update it or uninstalled it and install again.
3. For temperature, use the best cooling kits accessories for the right device and see if the problem exits or not.

dont worry this are simple problem u will get it right. ;)
TE members are there 24hrs :ohyeah:
Which cabinet do u have? fans in it? everything seems fine 84 degree on load is ok, my 4850 went upto 106 degrees but it never led to a shutdown!

Add some more fans in your cabinet OR keep it open till u get fans.
^^ 106 Degrees!?@#?@$@%! Dude you can cook food in there! Alternative energy source!

Seriously though, I still feel it's a problem with the fan settings. Try and reset the GPU clocks to default levels and check the temps. (i.e. If you have tried to OC it)
:lol: Yup it was when i had stock cooler and it used to clog every 20 days or so rofl! my point was hat even at that temps it never led to a shutdown so in OP's case gpu temp is not a concern prolly :)

akatsukireborn said:
^^ 106 Degrees!?@#?@$@%! Dude you can cook food in there! Alternative energy source!

Seriously though, I still feel it's a problem with the fan settings. Try and reset the GPU clocks to default levels and check the temps. (i.e. If you have tried to OC it)
clean the stock heatsink of that HD4850 'Thoroughly'.
manually set fan speed to 60-70% n c if it helps bring down temps.
use RockFella's mod if that doesnt help out much.
Rockfella said:
:lol: Yup it was when i had stock cooler and it used to clog every 20 days or so rofl! my point was hat even at that temps it never led to a shutdown so in OP's case gpu temp is not a concern prolly :)

If OP has Stock/Reference HD4850 then he probably isnt running it at stock speeds...mayb some malfunctioning at those speeds at that temp range.
i have kept the cabby permanently open since then... and no shutdowns at all.... it seems to be GPU heat problem ... anyway thanx guys... will clean up the fan etc sometime soon.. will see it if it actually solves the problem... the cabby is an el cheapo frontech ... i guess thats wat is causing such a problem.
yup it looks like it. Also if your card is pretty old, like more than 8-10 months would suggest you to reseat the heating with better thermal compound. 80-90 is however normal temps for that card.....
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