Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !

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Re: PC Gaming vs PS3 or Xbox

Each one has its pros and cons.

Console people dont have to worry about upgrading etc,but thats a problem with something is wrong in the console not everyone can fix it and replace a part.

PC suks for single machine multi player , but rox for online play.Consoles could give problems in online play but as a standalone 4 players can go on and on with it.

PC games have a wider variety of games , but you may have os problems , limitations , again consoles have limited games but one plays all.

With the homebrew scene growing the difference between pc and consoles is constantly reducing.I recently saw Diablo 2 on psp ! how cool is that ? Near future we can expect some hybrid systems to exist having best of both.
Re: PC Gaming vs PS3 or Xbox

I am probably the ideal person to answer your question. I have a very high end gaming PC, XBOX 360 Elite, PS3 and a PSP. Still I consider PC to be the best platform for gaming.

People spend on gaming PC's because it has the potential to offer the best gaming experiences. A console is basically a compromise. consoles are cheap, but they cannot match the graphics and audio capabilities of a high end gaming PC. Many people would say that quality of game play is the only important thing, But in my opinion, graphics and audio are just as important for a great gaming experience.

Killzone 2 is touted to be a technological marvel on the PS3. leaving its great game play quality aside, Its one game that's supposed to push PS3 graphics to its limit. Yet I payed the game on my PS3 and the graphics look like a joke when compared to some of the games I played on my previous 1900XT graphics card. GTA4 made both XBOX 360 and PS3 crawl on their knees and after all the frame rate issues, the graphics are a mess on both consoles. I have a legit copy of GTA4 for both PS3 and PC and the PC version plays at 450 FPS at medium texture quality (which more more due to the limit of texture memory because of the 512Mb cards I have) and nearly everything else at its max. Even a game like DMC4 lagged at certain areas on the PS3 version. Compared to that The FPS does not drop below 200 on my PC and this is at 1680x1050, 8x AA and DX10 mode at the highest quality settings. Halo 3 which is so well received on the XBOX 360 disappointed me with its pixelated mess.

A PC is ideal for playing games, you can play with keyboard/mouse for FPS/RTS/RPG games, you can use a game pad for arcade style, side scroller's and Third person and one-on-one fighting games. You use a steering wheel for racing Sims, you can use a joystick/flightstick for flight sims and you can play them all their their best possible quality limited only by the the amount of money you can spend.

So why did I buy consoles?

The answer is that the consoles cover 20% of the gaming that I lack on the PC. Regardless of the PC being the ideal platform from a gamers perspective, the consoles are ideal from the developers perspective. They have fixed platform with minimal unknown's, If they cannot achieve some thing in the game, they can blame the limited console hardware for that. They have a far more tighter control over piracy than with PC games, so they can sell them for exorbitant prices. So there are many developers who developed some great games that run only on the consoles. It goes without saying that these would games would have been even better on a PC, but since they did not make them for PC, I have to have a console to play them. I bought my consoles only to play those console exclusives.
Re: PC Gaming vs PS3 or Xbox

i enjoy playing games on PC , but it should have good Sound & graphic card and should be extremely fast !!
I play on consoles for the exclusives, like halo,pgr etc. i play on pc for the multiplayer base and also for the easy piracy.
playing games on PC is like driving your car after tuning the tappets, upgrading cyliner bores, toggling with ur fuel supply settings... u feel that extra speed, that one extra second faster to 60, just proud of the tinkering you've done with your baby.

Playing games on PC is the same as u feel every single FPS gained after upgrades... its just that all the hard work and patience and money spending is not everybodys cup of tea! Consoles= pure instant unadultered fun!

But as much as I love a good MW3 match with my buddies on X-live, I'd rather play on my PC- something which I have assembled with my own hands.
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