Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !

^ there is nothing like high definition video quality. HD is just a term to denote resolution and nothing else. you've probably heard stuff like 720p, 1080i and 1080p which is 1280x720 progressive frames, 1920x1080 interlaced frames and 1920x1080 progressive respectively. we've had these resolutions (except the interlaced part of course) for a long time now on PC. even quake 3 supports it.

just running at an HD resolution alone doesn't mean that your game has to look good. if you run an old game at that res and then a new one, the 'quality' you mean (which im assuming is gfx) will obviously be better on the newer game thanks to more detail, more polygons, higher resolution textures and better lighting.
faheem_m said:
:S:S but i am asking about high definition video quality for the games in the above question..please tell me according to high definition video quality.i am eager to know. as i like the superior video quality of x360/ps3.

Before comparing video quality b/w ur PC n the latest console do tell us about the graphic card in your pc and the resolution/quality at which u play... :bleh:
vij said:
Before comparing video quality b/w ur PC n the latest console do tell us about the graphic card in your pc and the resolution/quality at which u play... :bleh:

first of all i am not comparing my pc with any other console. nor am i a complete supporter of any of the two-consoles and PC gaming ,as i think both are best in there own way.

i don't have a very high-end cards like u guys..not so lucky..but yeah i have a 6600gt .and play games at 1024 X 768 with high/medium settings ...but i don't think it has to do anything with my question..

cauz my question was just simple .-can we get hd output for pc games ? for which i already got the answer.! i just liked the x 360 games which i played at a frnds place and found display really superb(it was something different means the game looked very realistic and crystal clear and there was a shine kinda thing which i noticed as a difference between HD non HD and display..) ..both the HD projector and the samsung Bordeaux...and though my frnd also has a rig with two 7900gts paired up in SLI the console display looked better to me.thts the only reason i asked if we could get that similar or better video quality on PC ,cauz i ve always liked a pc a little more than consoles...

after reading almost all of the above posts looks like people after entering this thread really get in a fight kinda mood ..:tongue::tongue::rofl:no offenses meant-
I can assure you there is nothing special about x360 output. Put the PC video out through component cable / DVI and you will get the same quality. Run HD WMV on X360 and run same file on PC they look equally good.

If you connected the 7900GTS to projector using VGA/svideo/composite out then obviously the quality will degrade.
Funky said:
I can assure you there is nothing special about x360 output. Put the PC video out through component cable / DVI and you will get the same quality. Run HD WMV on X360 and run same file on PC they look equally good.

If you connected the 7900GTS to projector using VGA/svideo/composite out then obviously the quality will degrade.

ok thanx ...funky..this is what i was looking for..simple and to the point..
Ahhhh........that was a nice half hour reading :eek:hyeah: Still waiting for the comments on xbox360 and ps3. But before that, I have a doubt -

Params, for a 1st 4-5 pages of this thread, you have been stating that having exclusive titles is one of the major advantages of the consoles. I didn't quite understand this. Now suppose I decide to buy a console. I look around various sites and read game reviews. I decide I would like to try games A, B and C. But then, I realize that game A is exclusive to x360, game B to ps3, and game C to Wii. :S How is this good for me?

Now guys, this is a genuine doubt. Don't flame me unnecessarily. And I would prefer params to answer this cause he's the only console supporter to post intelligently without all the "lolololol pwned ya" and all the l337 speak. (sorry other guys. But thats basically what I saw after going through 9 pages of this thread at a stretch.)
I decide I would like to try games A, B and C. But then, I realize that game A is exclusive to x360, game B to ps3, and game C to Wii. How is this good for me?

I too'd wait for Params to answer this, but here is a pointer...It ain't good for it pc gamers or console buffs

The point I am trying to make is Game publishers would almost always want to port games to all platforms but pressures from console manufacturers (Sony/MS/nintendo) causes them to bring out titles exclusive to that console...and nor are PCs immune to this problem...for a long time, PC users could not play GTA or still don't have access to great titles like ICO or SoTC....

thus this problem afflicts the gaming industry on the whole and is not something that is confined to a specific console or to the console world or to PC gaming for that matter...

Thus you cannot really use this is a diffrentiator in a debate on PC gaming vs console gaming
Well Superscar said what all I had to say to this.

Exclusivity is what defines the platform, but ofcourse this can also serve a nuisence to others most of the time.

If I were you there, I'd look at my pocket first and then make a choice between A,B and C, like I did before. When Resident Evil went exclusive to Gamecube, and I was offered to chose between an Xbox or a Gamecube with my brother leaning towards the Xbox (for no apparent reason), I had to make him understand that most of the games we want to play are only available on the Gamecube.

So yeah, it may be a bad sport in the videogame business but it is required to make the platform appeal more, otherwise there'd be no reason to buy anything other than a Ps2 or PC for that matter.

So coming to your original question

I decide I would like to try games A, B and C. But then, I realize that game A is exclusive to x360, game B to ps3, and game C to Wii. How is this good for me?

lol, get them all? Life would be boring if you could get everything you wanted now wouldn't it? People generally go for the platform which has most of the games they would like to play.

But as the topic title suggests, its PC gaming market vs Consoles gaming market, not PC vs Ps2. And consoles, have already got most of the best exclusive FPS PC shooters (starts with Doom 3 upto FEAR now), where PC isn't doing a great job ny taking some back from the consoles, and the only exclusive genre its left with now is those advanced simulators and RTS, MMORPGS. And with the Ps3 getting a mouse and a keyboard, its only a matter of time before Age Of Empires and Rise of Nations come to consoles. Sims 2 is already here on the Ps2, AoE on DS (but that's handheld, I know)
params7 said:
Exclusivity is what defines the platform
Exactly. Exclusive titles play a big role in making consoles appealing without any real merit to the console as a platform itself.

Sony makes Rockstar wait months before releasing GTA on pc just so it can benefit from the headstart. Surely someone high up in the marketting division realises just how much better of a GTA experience the pc delivers over the ps2.

In fact, name one console exclusive that wouldn't play better (or just as good) on a pc.
Well that's an established fact. Games will look better on PC, heck both Gamecube and Xbox can make games look better than they would on the Ps2, but playing can always be questioned. Keyboard and Mouse with a chair can be beat by Dualshock with a sofa (not to mention a big ass TV).
Yes exactly - and who says you can't use that same sofa, big ass TV and Dualshock with a PC, and enjoy the hi-res graphics to boot :)

PC's are all about letting the gamer decide how he wants to play, not who signed a contract with whom.
Wii is a totally different take on gaming.

As much as it is being publicised now, I sometimes have great doubts if this new way of playing will really last that long, though, so far its been just me.
I personally feel console gaming's biggest advantage over it's pc counterpart is that it's cheaper.

Aces said:
when is the Wii controller coming for a pc ?

It would be too much of a pain bringing the Wiimote onto the pc.

Params said:
As much as it is being publicised now, I sometimes have great doubts if this new way of playing will really last that long

I feel slightly this way too , but I'm also sure we'll see better uses of the Wiimote in the future. Whether that will happen frequently enough for it to even matter is what really bothers me.
^i have a feeling that the Wii will last a long time. i did have my doubts initially but after seeing all the videos and the responses of people who actually have gotten their hands on one already... im pretty sure. the fact is that Nintendo made sure they gave the world something NEW and FUN with the Wii. that's a combination that will be pretty hard to beat for a while.
params7 said:
So yeah, it may be a bad sport in the videogame business but it is required to make the platform appeal more, otherwise there'd be no reason to buy anything other than a Ps2 or PC for that matter.

Why should there be any reason? :p Isn't that just complicating things, when everyone keeps saying how much simpler consoles are? Its somewhat like linux; everytime I get into the mood to take the plunge, so I go check the reviews of latest flavors available. Then I realize RHL has this great feature while ubuntu is better for that, and fedora rules for something else. So I say chuck it and stick with windoze :p

I would like to buy any console because it is definitley better than the others, and not cause the company managed to strongarm a bunch of game developers. e.g. - No matter how hard Nvidia, Intel and DAMMIT keep fighting, the consumer is always the winner, as we get better hardware to play with. :D

I want to discuss something about Gaming platforms today.
Now we all know that there are so many gaming platforms today.But we are gonna discuss mainly about PS3,Xbox 360 and Gaming PCs.

Now we know that PS3 got the NDTV Tech Life award's best Gaming Device of the year.But we know that Xbox and PS3 will always be rivals.

Now my question is why are people assembling High end Gaming PCs paying as much as 50K to 80K, while they could assemble a PC at as low as 20K to 25K for their general purpose work(except video editing like things) and just buy a Xbox 360 for 15k which they just spend it for buying only a graphics card.

It all seems as a orthodox believe to buy Gaming PCs for just playing games.

Now I don't impose this thought of mine upon all but I want you all to suggest what is better: PC gaming or Console gaming?

Thank you

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