Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !

AHA.....wrestling among the TE members....
Now I haven't voted cause I haven't used any consoles so as to speak...:bleh:
That's the reason why I cannot comment :eek:hyeah:
Now from what I've seen I'd pretty much stick to a PC because I can do more...upgrade more often, listen ta music with any type of accompaniments....(meaning speakers here) and generally type out my word and excel thingies......
What I fail to understand is the amount of torrid replies directed @ one another.... their seemed to be some 2 dood's in favor of consoles....n a whole buncha guys against em...OK well u like Mary I like Jane....we don't b**ch about that do WTF??
Seems emotions run strong here...a lil too strong......haahh give those fingerz a rest guyzz.......:bleh:
No offense to any of the posters on this thread
Freefrag said:
well making u all understand tht postin personal remarks is not right is'nt not off topic......

What in the world is that supposed to mean?? Pretty much everything Iv posted is on-topic! If you're talking about my remark to Goldenfrag,well,lemme just quote Funky here:

Well m8 problem is when u dont respect the other's opinion and start using foul launguage its nacessary to throw back some punches.
@deathdemon i am not sayin tht u r the only one who is postin personal remarks .....i feel tht this topic has been stretched to a limit tht ppl r flamin each other to prove their point so i request "everyone" who is postin personal remarks......plz stop
Rahul said:
i am not even 1% interested in this rubbish ...... try hard but u can't drag me to this discussion ...... well all i can say is Consoles S***S

Who asking you to participate? But i'm asking you stop posting O/T posts.

well u can also chk the poll results if u have time left after making long replies ....... lol

Poll results? PC gamers are satisfied by winning a little poll on TE? A site majorly for Indian community also specialising in computer hardware??

No, sorry, its a thing of shock to even have 4 people vote consoles over PC.

However, talking about REAL polls -

Now that, is a real poll. GAMEfaqs consists of visitors around the world and has over 3000 members active at any given time.

EDIT:- i was just trying to make some humour ...... no intensions to hurt ur feeling but watch out when u reply someone else who is not talking to u

lol, attention whore or something? I replied to funky not you, go up there and read it again. And this is a message board not a phone conversation. I can pick any post made and reply regardless if it was directed at me or not. You being a mod should be knowing this better than me.

funkymonkey said:
Well m8 problem is when u dont respect the other's opinion and start using foul launguage its nacessary to throw back some punches.

When kids do no understand that what they think is not the only way and start talking in uncivilised manner they need to be reminded that they can be on the receiving end of it too.

You call it being aggressive? Then yes but thats nacessary.

Ooh. Check out Street'Hitman'Cleaner Funky! I could pick several posts where console gamers have supported and appreciated the good points of PC, but can you do the same?? I doubt it, unlike you i've read through the entire thread and i know how much respecting other people opinion has been going on.
Im sorry for the rash replies in this thread. But i couldt take the stupid insults towards the PC and insults towards people as well.

IMHO, this thread should be closed.

Signing off from this useless excuse of a thread.

attention whore

I really think that was uncalled for...

And this is a message board not a phone conversation. I can pick any post made and reply regardless if it was directed at me or not. You being a mod should be knowing this better than me.

This isnt exactly your thread either. you dont need to be so rude just coz you were ignorant.

Anyways, im not coming back here :eek:hyeah:

Where is this discussion going on? on TE right. You can go onto gamefaq and have your fare discussion there.

We are what we are, and mind you its as real as it gets for us.

Learn to accept the fact that you cant force anyone to like the consoles over the PC. Noone is forcing u to switch to pc. For me and from the pole for majority of PC is prefered platform and we have our reasons for it.
But i couldt take the stupid insults towards the PC and insults towards people as well.

Prove it with backups. I've respected PC's advantage everytime but its you who just can't see PC loosing out to any of the points.

This isnt exactly your thread either. you dont need to be so rude just coz you were ignorant.

If being frank about an pathetic misguided funny but horribly innacurate post is rude and ignorant.....

Anyways, im not coming back here

That'll fix half the probs.

Where is this discussion going on? on TE right. You can go onto gamefaq and have your fare discussion there.

We are what we are, and mind you its as real as it gets for us.

Learn to accept the fact that you cant force anyone to like the consoles over the PC. Noone is forcing u to switch to pc. For me and from the pole for majority of PC is prefered platform and we have our reasons for it.

Here's another one guys, here's another one of them posts, and they say console supporters are ignorant. Just when an obviously biased TE (and there is NOTHING at all wrong with it!!) gets a PCvsC poll and when i straight it up with a more accurate poll from a dedicated gaming community, and see PC losing, they can't take it.

Dude, how many time do i have to repeat this? I'm not asking you to buy a console (the last thing i want to see is another console in your hands so you could rip it apart :p). Don't make assumptions over assumptions, Rahul said PC in the poll was winning, this is an Indian community, consoles have hardly had any marketing in India, moreoever TE really focuses on PC more than anything else (GFX section, hardware section etc) Thus the only thing the poll reflects is the favourite gaming platform amongst the majority of Indian tecchies, nothing more, nothing less.

But i'm afraid i can't say the same thing for Gamefaqs.
params7 said:
Ooh. Check out Street'Hitman'Cleaner Funky! I could pick several posts where console gamers have supported and appreciated the good points of PC, but can you do the same?? I doubt it, unlike you i've read through the entire thread and i know how much respecting other people opinion has been going on.

Then i recommend you read the thread again. I have console, i have owned consoles for 18 years now. It was prefered platform for me till there was no PC as alternative to it.
And this is exactly kind of personal remarks that makes you fking retard. Sorry i never attacked you like this before. it was my mistake.
I am convinced that the insult directed towards params by funky applies to everyone in this thread who gets so worked up about such a useless topic.
KingKrool said:
I am convinced that the insult directed towards params by funky applies to everyone in this thread who gets so worked up about such a useless topic.

Nope its directed twords 2 people only. And this is after i kept it civilised so long even after no of personal attacks. There is a limit for everyting.

Getting worked up is different thing, numarous personal attacks is other.

One has already got public warning.

the good thing is that i can walk away and come back clean minded any time. I doubt these two can do that and keep it to this thread. Its gone too far. in this thread , outside this thread. Its about time i posted that.
funkymonkey said:
And this is exactly kind of personal remarks that makes you fking retard. Sorry i never attacked you like this before. it was my mistake.

And that's exactly the kind of remark when one's out of replies. I said before I've respected PC's advantages as much as you all have of consoles.

Man, you have thick head for sure.

First, you say console owners don't respect PC's advantages, then when i say that's not the case you say one's gotta become aggresive out of nowhere.

Then when i breing out a much accurate example of a worldwide poll, you tell me to go back to gamefaqs??

We can see who's respecting who there.

And then i'm a retard all of sudden?

Fine. How about you spot posts from the thread where console supporters have NOT respected and thrashed PC's obvious advantages, while i can bring over tons of posts which shows the respect i've given PC gaming.

So as to we can see who is acting like a real stubborn retard all the time.

I can say your imagination lacks magnitude, since every reply you have only consists of one thing " You can't expect us PC gamers to shift to consoles " when the matter of fact is nobody is even telling you to!
I am stubern, thats what i am telling. Whatever you say wont make me think any differently about consoles dispite their +ves. I am aware of all factor including economics but that does not mean i will support console.

I simply prefer PC. As simple as that.

And i never told you to stop supporting consoles. EVery point you make is senseless for pc gamers. Your preference to consoles and your or anyones reasons to support console does not bother pc gamers.
And i never told you to stop supporting consoles. EVery point you make is senseless for pc gamers. Your preference to consoles and your or anyones reasons to support console does not bother pc gamers.

And Vice-Versa that. Every point is senseless only when it hurts and when one's out of replies. I can vouch for myself in the thread, every point i made was on quote of a PC supporter in wonderland of his own. Simple as that.
then stop. You have made too many personal attacks on too many people. You live in your dreamworld, stay like that.

you guys wanted this debate. Then expect that pc owners will stand by their decisions.

And noone was surprised about your or other guy's posts. There are plenty of things i can say, and it will hurt you, and badly. you are not mature enough to stop making personal attacks. Lots of people here wanted and still want to call you jerk. i can assure u of this. But did they? They didnt. still you continue attacking others and when someone attacks you you say we are out of words? Whats different, you have made personal attacked soo many times.


I am stubern, thats what i am telling. Whatever you say wont make me think any differently about consoles dispite their +ves. I am aware of all factor including economics but that does not mean i will support console.I simply prefer PC. As simple as that.

@Monkey : Dude I think u have said that like a 100 times before in this thread. We all know that. If u r being insulted so much then y the hell r u even bothering posting here?? Nobody is forcing u to post here! Just leave this thread FOREVER and everything will be back to normal. Now u can call that a personal attack but i have heard enough of ur Bullsh*t.Kindly Leave if u dont have the guts to reply in a civilised manner !:)
why should anyone stop? can you stop posting? Then stop and dont reply. You can go on talking BS and others cant? dont think that anyone cant drop to your level. They can, and thats what i am saying.

I will still maintain my reputation in this forum after talking BS here. That i am 100% sure off.