Console Gaming Vs Pc Gaming : Round 2 !

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All pc games that focus on multiplayer do not require a cd in the drive to play, only a cdkey.
They don't even need cracks, the developers remove the cd check themselves with an official patch.

In case the developer isn't smart enough to remove the cd check, then you can download special online enabled cracks that won't get detected as cheats.
I played Warcraft3 for a longtime with such a crack and it worked on Bnet, all that is needed is a valid serial key. Diablo 2 works on Bnet as well with a similar online enabled crack.

And cd cracks/mini images aren't illegal. Only piracy and sharing serial keys is illegal.
Otherwise huge sites like megagames and gcw wouldn't be hosting them publically. If you read the included info carefully, you will find all info related to serial keys and where to acquire them is removed.

Ofcourse this is if you download them from reputable sites like megagames and gcw, the lesser known self proclaimed warez networks make no such efforts to stop anyone who didn't pay for it from playing the game.
First of all, death, theres no reason to call me a Retard...

Thank you.You have made me realise what retards Im debating with.Ill keep this in mind while replying to your posts next time.

If youd elaborate on your points a bit more instead of just talking bullcrap and insulting people. I do think this discussion would be a bit more productive.
goldenfrag said:
If youd elaborate on your points a bit more instead of just talking bullcrap and insulting people. I do think this discussion would be a bit more productive.
I already have elaborated.If you would read my posts you would know that.You would also realise that those aren't "desperate posts",but are completely valid points.Too bad if you don't get it.Just because you don't understand what I'm saying you dismiss it as bullcrap?
I dont see Dynamic Lighting.. etc... on Consoles, if thats what you mean by Innovation. Just coz the PS3 has sum catch phrase with Innovation, (im not sure) i dont think it really means anything.
Dynamic lighting?! What in the world have I been posting about all this time? :dead: If you expect me to go around quoting all my posts for you,tough luck.You're gonna have to read them yourself.But rest assured that wan't what I was talking about.
If youd elaborate on your points a bit more instead of just talking bullcrap and insulting people.
What points do you wish for me to elaborate on?
Sorry about calling you a retard,but if you would have simply asked me nicely,and not like this....
Desperate post's to defend the Console? Yup, i think so. I think you know in the back of the mind that the PC owns a Console, anyday!
Those are totally pathetic points to defend the Console. Sorry to say, but you really dunno how to defend the Console. Get a Hardcore Console gamer here, he will defend it well, as the Console deserves.
...I wouldn't have been so harsh myself.
^^ I did add the "Sorry to say" now didnt i?

Didnt call you a retard, or a complete idiot, now did i?

Maybe i should call you that, but i dont wanna stoop to your level.
If youd elaborate on your points a bit more instead of just talking bullcrap and insulting people. I do think this discussion would be a bit more productive.
@goldenfrag : Well I think u r the one right now talking bull crap. NO-ONE in this thread has elaborated his points so well as demon did ! Really did u even read the whole thread ??
Not really, i read a few post's. I read most of Demons coz he was defending the console.

Anyways, theres no use coming in this thread just to be insulted.

Anyways, like we PC Gamers said, its on CHOICE, thats it. Now 4get the topic.
Heh.Wow.That 'Sorry to say' really helped,didn't it? Would it have been better if I said "Im sorry to say that you're a retard"?
Nevertheless,Iv already apologized,so unless you have anything else to say I suggest we get back on topic.

TBH Iv (finally :P) realised that this topic could go on and on forever.
Blade_Runner said:
Yep your posts will get consideration but only once you actually start accepting view points from both perspectives. I've agreed re4 and gow 4 were damn fine games. Burnout was the reason for me buying the ps2, consoles are pnp. However i don't see the same attitude from you guys.
PCs are much more customizable and graphics-friendly than consoles,but have the disadvantage of escalating prices for newer hardware which is coming out too fast for anyone's good.Consoles offer solid gameplay,they just happen to be the field where one tends to experience fresh new forms of gameplay,and they have an unbeatable library of games.But they're too rigid and offer no way to upgrade.So PCs will keep looking better and better,but consoles can go only so far before reaching their limit.But on the flip side consoles still have the best games around,and are currently taking all the limelight(and rightly so,imho) with next-gen upon us.There,Iv given my viewpoints on both.
Blade_Runner said:
You guys have been hinting it all along this thread. Probs with installing games, bug, patches etc........ About tediousness i find changing game discs, swap memory cards etc tedious
Lol I can assure that Iv never so much as hinted at installations of games being problematic.Tedious,yes,but not problematic.And the same goes for the bugs,patches etc.They never pose a problem,but they're required nevertheless. And like Params pointed out,it isn't necessary to change discs if you have a HDD.As for memory cards,there are plenty of third party memory cards which offer as much as thrice the storage capacity of a Sony card.So leavng no-CD cracks and HDDs aside,both the PC and the console need CD-swapping for games.In that respect,consoles have the advantage due to the absence of any sort of installation.
Blade_Runner said:
I am well aware of that but the security is growing stronger and stronger. With 1.0 - 1.5 firmware/kernel the weak point was in the psp firmware itself. With 2.0 onwards hackers had a hard time finding one so they had to resort to finding weakness thru game exploits.

The piracy will never go away.The PSP is a perfect example of that.And those flaws that you talk about have not been much more serious than a security flaw of some sort or the other,on the PSP,which only helps hackers,and thus,the public.Even the new firmware updates have hardly done anything to reduce the piracy,they've simply delayed the inevitable day it'll be cracked once more,and added more features,too.So keep 'em coming,I say!
True piracy wont go away but its becoming tougher and tougher increasingly. The success that ps2 enjoyed in india was more related to the fact that games were available 60-80 a pop. The psp and Ds arent doing so well guess why No one wants to purchase games worth 2k or so.
Id just like to point out that these firmware upgrades have,so far,been completely optional.One need not apply them if he doesn't want to.Im not aware of any game requiring a firmware above 2.0 to be playable.And about 80% of homebrew is usable on 2.0.If that isn't enough you can even downgrade to 1.5 from 2.0.
As for your point about the PSP and DS not doing so well,India hasn't exactly been prime market for handhelds.The DS and PSP are enjoying just as much popularity as the GBA did,if not more.And judging from the fact that this is India,I'd say thats a very good response.:)
maybe someday i will understand this thread ....

Rahul said:
maybe someday i will understand this thread ....


hmm, i will summarise this for you.

Kid 1: consol roxor my boxor

Kid 2 : la la la

Kid 3: u da man

Someone : PC is a good gaming platform too.

Kid 1 : @someone - u suck

Kid 2 : @ someone - I hate you stupid ****

Kid 3 : @ someone - u stupid, consol rox, pc sux. u idiot

repeat that 100 times and you are on this page M8 :)
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funkymonkey said:
hmm, i will summarise this for you.

repeat that 100 times and you are on this page M8 :)

Heh, you know what sucks? You trying to be funny, and that cheaply over exasurated reply from Rahul.

That is not certainly how the thread went, i know you have the habbit of not reading posts because They're too large from the last time, regardless if it made any sense or not. We appreciated PC just as much as you all have the consoles.
params7 said:
Well, someone agree's, hehe..

I believe he was being sarcastic :P

I'm not gonna comment on the debate here, cause I don't have a killer PC and I don't have many consoles. I just have a crappy old PC and my little PSP. I don't even have most of the best games available for both these platforms. So currently I'm neutral about the PC vs. Consoles thing. I think gaming rocks, no matter whether it's on a PC or a console! :hap2:

You guys are being too harsh on each other. Both PC and Console camps are getting waaaay too aggravated over this. Cool down guys. ;) In the end, you're not gonna convince each other that you views are more appropriate. Fans will be fans. You can't force an Indian cricket fan to support Pakistan in a cric match between the two, can you? :P Same is the case over here, if you know what I mean.
params7 said:
Heh, you know what sucks? You trying to be funny, and that cheaply over exasurated reply from Rahul.

That is not certainly how the thread went, i know you have the habbit of not reading posts because They're too large from the last time, regardless if it made any sense or not. We appreciated PC just as much as you all have the consoles.

i am not even 1% interested in this rubbish ...... try hard but u can't drag me to this discussion ...... well all i can say is Consoles S***S ..... well this is my opinion and i don't want anyone to agree with me .....

well u can also chk the poll results if u have time left after making long replies ....... lol

EDIT:- i was just trying to make some humour ...... no intensions to hurt ur feeling but watch out when u reply someone else who is not talking to u
Deathdart said:
I believe he was being sarcastic :P

I'm not gonna comment on the debate here, cause I don't have a killer PC and I don't have many consoles. I just have a crappy old PC and my little PSP. I don't even have most of the best games available for both these platforms. So currently I'm neutral about the PC vs. Consoles thing. I think gaming rocks, no matter whether it's on a PC or a console! :hap2:

You guys are being too harsh on each other. Both PC and Console camps are getting waaaay too aggravated over this. Cool down guys. ;) In the end, you're not gonna convince each other that you views are more appropriate. Fans will be fans. You can't force an Indian cricket fan to support Pakistan in a cric match between the two, can you? :P Same is the case over here, if you know what I mean.
Well m8 problem is when u dont respect the other's opinion and start using foul launguage its nacessary to throw back some punches.
When kids do no understand that what they think is not the only way and start talking in uncivilised manner they need to be reminded that they can be on the receiving end of it too.
You call it being aggressive? Then yes but thats nacessary.
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