Created this thread out of boredom and frustration

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well ya the quota system is been misused by many included those who don't even fall in those categories.. ... which is pathetic..
and indian politics had got a great way of doing things.. take all the good people and give em unimportant or useless posts such as that of the pM or the president.. :(
and then most of the a$$holes are in positions which really matter as far as developing the country is concerned....
and wtf do we as a nation need to spend exhorbitant amounts on defense????????? who`s attacking us.. the US?? trust me they do`nt even have to balls to think of attacking INDIA... cause most of the indian brainiacs work in positions where.. well. you know. .hehehehehe
so much money is spent on buying stuff rather than researching .... that`s what i`m against... if they could put 1/5th of the money for defense into making say a certain region self suficient(build roads, schools,hospital etc) we have had acheived a lot of self suffiencing in so many areas...
ya we have highly trained professionals in the army and navy, the best of diplomats , the best brains working for big companies.. its such a rosy pic from the outside... but from the inside.. well.. corrupt officials, poor infrastructure, pathetic laws,(dress code???? , just an eg) ....
I sincerely believe in what mahatma gandhi had preached when we got our independence.. that we should start from the grassroot level.. that is we should develop our villages and towns, develop the khadhi industry, cottage industry
now 50 years down the line. trust me.. that whould have made us self sufficient in many things and also leave us with a lot of money to develop our cities into worldclass cities!! (Wel thats my opinion)...
on the dress code thingy.. well its shame for the women folk.. i mean ... whatever happens well its because of them.. wtf... they get raped because they were provocatively..??? ... its like...the law cant do anything about rapists, the officials cant control abuse on women.. so the easy way out...(to put all the blame) dress code for the women... the way the sena did... useless!
its like telling girls that you wear something that shows even a millimeter of skin you`ll get raped !!!!
isn't that being too naive or narrow minded?? .......
the thing is the most officials are lazy.... you gotta force them to do work.... and when you do then cry out loud.... and the gov usually listens to themm. but when they don't and we cry out loud. well there is no one to listen to us...!!!!!!
most ALM`s do a great job in getting things done... but more needs to be done....
why cant people have more say in the working of the gov besides the fact that we voted them to power.. why isn't there a rule or a law that if the person voted to power doesnt complete (whatever work he`s supposed todo with a stipulated period of time) he'll be thrown out of office and cannot contest election for say another 5 years.. i mean why not... if we can vote em to power.. we should as well have the right to remove them from office if they don't perform their duties on time....... afterall its out own hardearned money that goes into these hands and they use it for their own personal purpose ... mofors!!
Yo Chic_magnet!!!! way to go..... A man of my own heart!!!

Abt the rape part ---- Most of the rapes occur in the villages.... don't tell me that women in the villages wear short skirts or revealing clothes!!! what crap!!!

And abt the defense part, I have to disagree with you..... What US ??? We have Pakistan.... We are constantly at war with them...... We need to keep our defences up.

and what you said is correct.... important portfolios like Railways,etc.... goes to idiots. But the President is a genius. And unfotunately he cannot do anything..... he is just a figurehead. ....

chicmagnet said:
why cant people have more say in the working of the gov besides the fact that we voted them to power.. why isn't there a rule or a law that if the person voted to power doesnt complete (whatever work he`s supposed todo with a stipulated period of time) he'll be thrown out of office and cannot contest election for say another 5 years.. i mean why not... if we can vote em to power.. we should as well have the right to remove them from office if they don't perform their duties on time....... afterall its out own hardearned money that goes into these hands and they use it for their own personal purpose

CHEERS MAN!!! Well said.....

And back to the defence part.... even that would have been OK if all the money meant for development had realkly been used in development works..... But most of it is stolen by thieves in high offices...
Well I don't how many will agree with me but most of our present problems are due to islamic invasions.Yes I am anti-muslim to the core but I don't hate muslims personally.
Its just the cumulative effect of what Islam has done to this once proud nation that just can't be ignored.I once too believed in the Hindu-Muslim unity crap given in textbooks,thats nonsense.
After going through a lot of material (you could say medieval history is a hobby),its clear that most of our problems are due to the Islamic invasions.In Naipaul's words(I know I quote him too often but hez I my favourite writer on this topic) India is a wounded civilization ,wounded so brutally that it doesn't remember its true identity.
I am all for a secular state but having lived in a country like Saudi Arabia I have realized what a repugnant religion Islam really is.
I could probably fill a 100 pages with this but b4 you people say "WTF u saying?" I would like to ask you a question ,does anyone know what "Hindu-Kush" mountains in Afghanistan stand for?It means Hindu-slaughter and its shameful that not one voice is raised by the Indian government against this.
Had it not been for Islam ,would India have been divided?No.Infact even Afghanistan would still be Gandhar(Gandhar+"K" from Kafir=Kandahar!).Would such a large nation spanning from Bengal and Assam to the very tip of Iran not be as if not more powerful than China?
And lets not forget that most of the very worst of our politicians rely heavily on the Muslim vote bank(Mulayam,Laloo who propagates a mass-murderer like Shahbuddin etc...).People like Narendra Modi (look at how much he has developed Gujarat,an India Today report showed that most villages there will have 24x7 electricity in a few years and many already have it!) are infact the saviours of our nation but unfortunately the leftist(I have more scorn for the likes of Yechury and Surjeet than even Laloo) media (eg. NDTV) potrays him as a villain.
And as 9/11 shows Muslims can't live in peace with anyone.Whether it be Kashmir,Chechnya or New York!
And do you know that as a non-muslim you can't go anywhere near Mecca and Medina but here in India they want to have(and actually have) mosques in Ayodhya and Mathura!What a shame!
WOW!!! That was a passionate post......

I do not believe in the fact that Muslims are to blame..... how could they conquer India??? Because the Indian kings at that time were weak and allowed themsleves to be defeated.

And do not discount the contributions made to India by the Mughals...... they were great rulers. After Ashoka, Akbar was the only one who came close to being a PERFECT ruler.
The work of Akbar was destroyed a 100 times over by Aurangzeb who infact created the Kashmir problem by forcing a majority of the purest of Hindus-the Kashmiri Pandits to convert to Islam lest he would slit their throats(many million are estimated to have died this way!).Fact is b4 the 1600s Kashmir was a Hindu state and now its the biggest single drain on the Indian exchequer due to the fact that its a Muslim majority state will all its consequent effects.
Please remember that Muslims conquered India because we allowed ourselves to be defeated by infighting. The same thing happened later again when the British came...... The Mughals were fighting among themselves(rather, they were not fighting at all.... they were more interested in the luxuries... ).

And Modi giving electricity ti the villages does not jusitify the mass murder of 1000s of muslims. No HUMAN deserves that. Muslim women were gang raped in HUGE numbers. can you justify that by saying that he is electrifying the villages and so that makes him not guilty of the crimes against humanity??? NO WAY!!!

Same thing applies to the Babri Masjid demolition....... The Babri Masjid was already there..... don't blame the muslims for building it..... the hindus at that time allowed it to be buolt because they were too weak to fight.....

What is the point in pulling it down now???

NOTE: These views are my own.... I am just giving another side to the argument of Undertaker.,.... I am NOT Anti-Hindu or Anti-Muslim. One of my best friends is a Muslim and I have the highest regard for all religions..... Please do not take my comments personally unless you are Lalu or Modi :bleh:

Nikhil posted 2.23 minutes later:

undertaker said:
The work of Akbar was destroyed a 100 times over by Aurangzeb who infact created the Kashmir problem by forcing a majority of the purest of Hindus-the Kashmiri Pandits to convert to Islam lest he would slit their throats(many million are estimated to have died this way!).Fact is b4 the 1600s Kashmir was a Hindu state and now its the biggest single drain on the Indian exchequer due to the fact that its a Muslim majority state will all its consequent effects.

I agree with you.... but why blame the Muslim rulers in general??? Aurangzeb was a superb military commander but not much when it came to humanity and the arts and cultures and all that.... He was an Islamic Zealot. I agree.....

but do not generalise the Mulsim rulers. They did a lot of good stuff too.... The best known monuments of India were built by them. I do not even need to start naming them...

Nikhil posted 6.9 minutes later:

If you want to single out one factor for the problems ---- BRITISH RULE.

If they hadn't conquered India, we would definitely be a superpower now..... No doubt abt that.....
Most of the "best known" monuments were actualy built by destroing more magnificient Aryan structures!Have u ever seen the Jain scriptures inside the Quywat-ul-Islam mosque next to Qutub Minar?Since u r a fellow Delhiite you can see them first hand whenever you wish to!
And lets take the grandest of them all-The Taj Mahal.Did you know that Shahjehan ordered the hands of the labourers building it be cut(most of them were poor Hindu peasants ) b'coz the ******* thought that this would ensure that no one made a better monument?I find the Taj Mahal to be grotesque not beautiful due to this.
Did you know that the Bahmani sultans killed for fun a 100,000 hindus each year?
I have nothign against any other religion but Islam.You could argue that medieval christianity was equally destructive but then they have more than made up for that and have undergone many reformations since.
Can we say the same about Islam?NO!
If the British hadn't conquered India we would still be living under Muslim rule!And we wouldn't be a democracy for sure.
And I am not a Delhiite.... I am a bangalorean...........

Anyway.... in a way I agree with you...... but I am not Anti Muslim........

Nikhil posted 2.15 minutes later:

And no............

If British had not conquered India, then there would have been a revolution against tehe Mughals itslef and that time, we would have got power the very first time (1857... the First Mutiny) Because the british were so strong, we lost the first war of independance.....

Anyway, chek your PM.... We are going waaaay away from the topic.....

Let us come back to PRESENT day India....
Sorry but I thought you were from the thread about ISP providers.My mistake then...
Anyway we are both entitled to our own opinions.This infact is quite a lively topic!
British rule was a net +ve for India esp us Hindus even if marginally so.
About coming back to present day india:to understand the present you need to analyse the past.
it is ..... but I do not want to hurt anyones feelings here..... tht is why let us continue this discussion by email or something.........

And I totally respect your opinions..... as Voltaire once said "I may not agree with a word you say but I will defend to death your right to say it".... some guy at TE also has this as his siggy....
well democracy is all about evolution, with my limited knowledge of history i would still risk saying tht all the leading democracies today (USA, U.K etc) had had a similar period with corruption, cheap politics ...bah bah but then the society evolves, it took USA 400 years to get 2 where it is 2day, so hopefully we're going 2 get there withe
better mass media, and informed ppl , sooner, maybe in 50 years.

so keep hoping,everyone, and keep concectrating on ur job ;)
WOW..............Man I guess We Lost to foreign rule becoz we were also corrupt.....did ya see what the britishers did? they stole everything that we had.....atleatr under the Mughals we were wealty country.......i am not Pro Mughal, Muslim, or a pro Britisher......

but tell me whathave we done to be really proud of except Infosys, Wipro and Reliance? what economy we have? all the leaders are corrupt u name them, and they are corrupt
leave that tommrow when ya go out of the house the see can ya even keep the road infront of ur house clean? No all we think abt is our own houses and thats all...

i had a fund built up in the office in whgich every employee according to their wish will put in some money and we wold give that money to the poor and the needy or maybe to the forest dept......whgatever, i did the same thing in Kolkata also and we helpeed the Spastic society.......but

in the present company, ppl are so busy that they dont give a damn, and i think no one does.....
U know I closed the account alsont with the secretyary...wanna know why, they accused me and told me what if i use that money to buy things for myself......just look at what ppl will go to the extent.....told them that it is not possible for me to withdraw the mony but i said **** them and the rest of the ppl.....Now i alone with a few friends of mine donate 2k every month for the tiger reserve program...2k is not too huge a sum and we manage 10k everymonth to give to them, as we are 5 ppl but our conscience is clear

in the same way if we can help in our own some way. like not smoking, using less Fuel, we will help all and the generations to come, but then ppl say that i am crazy over Mother Earth....up to ya to judge...and me to act.
I think Indians made the biggest mistake by driving out the British. Just look at Hong kong for example.

Ps - pl dont start comments like how can you accept slavery etc.
No Hacker..... The British were totally exploting us..... They were not giving us a fair chance to live.... What happened in Hong Kong is different. It was the modern age. So, they had to treat the people properly.....

And the British coming to India did have it's avantages. Because of that Indians speak very gioid English.... no other Asian country is as good as India...... Because of that IT companies are doing so well.... and BPOS too.....

But they totally looted us...... the Kohinoor Diamond.... and various other priceless treasures.... and gold in general....
undertaker said:
Well I don't how many will agree with me but most of our present problems are due to islamic invasions.Yes I am anti-muslim to the core but I don't hate muslims personally.
And as 9/11 shows Muslims can't live in peace with anyone.Whether it be Kashmir,Chechnya or New York!
And do you know that as a non-muslim you can't go anywhere near Mecca and Medina but here in India they want to have(and actually have) mosques in Ayodhya and Mathura!What a shame!

You could replace the words, Muslims here with "blacks" or "Jews" - depending on which era you were born in. and which ideology you subscribed to -
The KKK believes in Deliverance of the White christian from the blacks and browns.
The Idea of pure Aryan race still lives in the hearts of many in mid-west Europe.

I don't know the color of you skin. but I hope you don't meet any dot-busters.

For centuries, many superior civiliazations and nasty invaders have invaded and destroyed civilizations. Well..the British Invaded America, the north tried to abolish the south from 1700 to 1776. It was sad the yankees won.

And then there were people who did not blame it on genology and religion.

There was Mangal pandey, and Bhagat singh - closer to home. but history has much more if these in the american revolution, the crusades, the egyptian conquests. etc.

I believe in the power of One. It takes one person to start a movement. Do you have the courage. Cowards work in mobs and groups. and they can be hindu or muslim or christians. Religon dosen't make a difference, it is fear and power. A mob, a political agenda, a personal vendetta, all bring the fear.

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

I sense much fear in you."

:blabla: :| :argue:

wtf?? no sleeping smiley?? am off to sleep......

this thread is boring :dizzy:

didnt read even a hate these flame threads....
then why visit it??? Why spam in these threads??? No one invited you..... no one held a gun to your head and forced you to post here.... .
i just expressed my views about this thread here...u wanted feedback na?
**** : that nikhil is hopeless

Sunny: lol...y?

**** : his stupid thread

Sunny: hahha

Sunny: post like me

**** : not posting

Sunny: it'll go waaaaaay OT

**** : i dont approve of his thoughts

Sunny: ohhhk

**** : i was thinking of saying something though

**** : his argument is that "Indians speak good english because of the British"

**** : wanted to ask him if his grandpa built the 50k odd km of indian railways

Sunny: lmao

**** : or if his grandma brought electricity here

**** : or if his pop in law formed the Indian army

Sunny: rofl..

**** : should just ban this ****

Sunny: LMAO ROFL!!!!!!

**** : ban all these spammers

:rofl: its a yahoo messneger convo :P
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