Graphic Cards Crysis Benchmark Thread

@ madnav - how cud u play when Benchmark is running?????? :bleh: :bleh:

if u r in vista try to run benchmark tool with administrative privilege and in Add Runs settings just enter the number of Demo Loops will close automatically after that much runs and will give u the results
Guys, I am sure he is talking about the in game benchmark bat file. that will keep looping unless you bring down the console and type "quit". then only it will quit and display avg FPS in command window.

With crysis benchmark tool, same benchmark is run but tool automatically quits the benchmark after specified no of runs.

Thats what madnav is experiencing. He is running benchmark by using bat file.

M8 download the Crysis benchmark tool and use that. much easier.
gamepagol said:
@ madnav - how cud u play when Benchmark is running?????? :bleh: :bleh:

if u r in vista try to run benchmark tool with administrative privilege and in Add Runs settings just enter the number of Demo Loops will close automatically after that much runs and will give u the results

the game start after i run waits for my response..else it doesnt go further...just like wen u play the game..
im tired of playin da game half da way twice now :mad:
will patch n benchmark :ashamed:
@madnav thats not fair.... benchmark shouldn't allow u to play at all... something is wrong...

which OS u r running? do u have dual booting? if yes u have to set proper path of crysis in that benchmark tool
E6850 @ 3.6GHz, P35, eVGA G92 GTS 512 @ 800-1998-2400MHz , 2GB DDR2 @ 900MHz 4-4-4-15, Seagate 7200.11 500GB, XP x86 SP3, Forceware 177.98

DX9 High

Run #1- 1280x1024 AA=No AA ~ Last Average FPS: 54.685

Run #2- 1680x1050 AA=No AA, ~ Last Average FPS: 41.9

E6850 @ 3.6GHz, P35, MSI G92 GTS 512 @ 763-1944-2070MHz , 2GB DDR2 @ 900MHz 4-4-4-15, Seagate 7200.11 500GB, Vista x86 SP1, Forceware 177.83

DX10 Very High

Run #1- 1280x1024 AA=No AA ~ Last Average FPS: 30

Run #2- 1680x1050 AA=No AA ~ Last Average FPS: 21

^^ one review had that 4870x2 had only a penalty of 3fps at going from high to 4xAA very high in vista:O .looks like finally dx10 is showing its muscle.
Mistake corrected, forgot to select DX10 button :rofl:

yea 4X AA is free in 4870X2

gamervivek said:
^^ one review had that 4870x2 had only a penalty of 3fps at going from high to 4xAA very high in vista:O .looks like finally dx10 is showing its muscle.
All Very High Vista x64 SP1

Run #1- DX10 1280x1024 AA=No AA, Quality: High ~ Last Average FPS: 31.88
Run #2- DX10 1680x1050 AA=No AA, Quality: High ~ Last Average FPS: 24.23

OC it more na, I know U still have lots of headroom left, U can beat 4870 by huge margin :rofl: :clap:

gamepagol said:
All Very High Vista x64 SP1

Run #1- DX10 1280x1024 AA=No AA, Quality: High ~ Last Average FPS: 31.88

Run #2- DX10 1680x1050 AA=No AA, Quality: High ~ Last Average FPS: 24.23
SidhuPunjab said:
OC it more na, I know U still have lots of headroom left, U can beat 4870 by huge margin :rofl: :clap:

galloping 3FPS is a huge thing in Crysis for GTS, so to go from 31 to 34+ will be very hard for him ;)

His shaders will crap out before his clock and memory, and shaders count the most here. So I would really like to see stock condition GTS overtake 4870 :p

It will take water + lot more clock on CPU and possibly a vmod on GPU to do this :p
I am wondering how come you got 35 in 1024 res while i got 34.

See my specs :( in siggy.

gamervivek said:
e2140@3.1GHz 3870@865/1126 xp32

dx9 high,catalyst 8.5

1280x1024 40.35fps

1680x1050 31.23fps
