Crysis Warhead Performance Analysis

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Just finished it. Man oh man, what a game! A lot better than Crysis and the background music is simply amazing. I was averaging around 23-25 (all Enthusiast level)and the min it dipped was around 18 but just for a second or so here and there.
I have been having the fps drop in snow levels too, a game restart fixes this, but very annoying, I hope a patch is on its way!
Infected said:
^^ same here but I can only say that for the first few levels,
Once the Train comes in my FPS drop as the Jungle is quite intense on the GPU's I believe.

I Differ your opinion sorry.
I believe Warhead has much better textures and the game is much smoother compared to Cysis on the same setting even with patch 1.21.
And yes both maxed out, Warhead looks much better, IMO.

to each his own. i didnt feel a fps of a performance difference between crysis and crysis warhead. i dont think it is by any means "much smoother" than crysis. by much smoother im assuming you mean atleast 10 fps of a difference between both games? but is it really? infact i had to restart my game to keep a consistent smooth framerate in crysis warhead compared to crysis for the reason stated above. try installing the CCC mod for crysis for better graphics (no flickering shadows,sharper shadows and textures , hill fix etc) and performance. ->
C.U.D.A.A.T.S. [CCC] 2.21 -
it fixes alot of problems with crysis and makes it look better than normal and performs a little better too.
also its nice to have noticeable differences you can see throughout the game. i want to feel like the game im playing is better than its predecessor. to me crysis and crysis warheads performance and graphics felt exactly the same. maybe i just dont care enough.

In the morning i ran Crysis Warhead Benchmark and to my surprise i got an avg fps of 31 at all Gamer settings. I used to get 33.5 in Crysis at High and now 31.
F*** Crytek...

Is this optimization????:@
Just copied a config off :P

havent had the chance to test it in a big battle yet though

EDIT : ok in a battle with around 5-6 enemies it goes down to 15...which is too less :(

but anyway here are 3 screenshots :

try installing the CCC mod for crysis for better graphics (no flickering shadows,sharper shadows and textures , hill fix etc) and performance. ->

C.U.D.A.A.T.S. [CCC] 2.21 -

Thanks for this, I will try it out for sure :-)
On my 9800GT (680MHz Core), i get 22-25FPS at 1440x900 ... Shadows, particles & motion blur to Gamer, rest all at enthusiast .. but even at 22-25FPS it was smooth .. surely performs better than Crysis.
its not "smoother" than crysis but its really crisper. and a 8800GT at 1024*768 give about 30 on Enthusiast at every conceivable situation.

however the Texture Filtering seems to be a bit strange, only when u get close the textures are rendered as such or else they are just a blur, this goes to the rocks and trees pretty much everything that is immovable.

As far as the gameplay is concerned its really intense , the fights are more frequent and fervent , and one fight leads to an another which is also one of the nicest things to say.

The Driving is "oh-my-F-god" improved , the vehicles are now well... vehicles, doesn't feel like driving a concrete block on wheels and different vehicles feel differently.

so thats about it. much crisper than original crysis. :)
My framerate dipped below 10 in mainstream @ 1280x800 in Frozen sections. Actually Crysis ran better in frozen landscapes. Seems this game haven't been optimized as they claim!
I cant even get the game running on my system....have a Q6600 , 8800GT OC , 4GB Corsair XMS2 RAM @1000MhZ , Vista X64 , the game just starts with a blank screen , stays for 2 seconds , and crashes with no errors. Haven't even seen the Intro Videos. :( . when i saw in the game log , i had this error

"Error loading DLL: CryScriptSystem.dll, error code 14001

<CrySystem> Last System Error: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail."

Tried re-installing , no use. :(
^^ try this... :)

Before you start uninstall Crysis

1) Go to Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.

2) Install the utility

3) Run it via the Start menu, go to Windows Installer Cleanup Utility

4) A list of installed programs should appear. Search out the C++ redistributable entry, and click on the button to uninstall it.(MAKE SURE THE ONLY ITEM ON THE LIST SELECTED IS THE C++ redistributable entry)

5) Re-install Crysis ....have fun
Is warhead here crashing unexpectedly for anyone in xp... weird thing happens

im playing the game on enthusiast mode and after playing for like 15-20 mins

the game just ends abrubtly and goes back to windows no log errors no nothing... is anyone here facing the problem my rig: E6600 @ 2.4 ghz, 2gb transcend ram 4850.... i searched around in Google GOD and saw tht the game is a major memory hog and thts wht causes the crashing...
Warhead is a major bug-fest from what i have seen , no user is being spared of the infinite number of random crashes , and as of now , no fixes . Everyone is pissed off at EA+Crytek , and it would be better if they release the patch to fix these issues soon.

Btw @kauzy

^^ try this...

Before you start uninstall Crysis

1) Go to Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.

2) Install the utility

3) Run it via the Start menu, go to Windows Installer Cleanup Utility

4) A list of installed programs should appear. Search out the C++ redistributable entry, and click on the button to uninstall it.(MAKE SURE THE ONLY ITEM ON THE LIST SELECTED IS THE C++ redistributable entry)

5) Re-install Crysis ....have fun

I had reinstalled the C++ redist , so do u mean i should uninstall it , uninstall warhead , reinstall warhead ? will it work?
This is by far the buggiest game I have ever ran on my PC.The audio loop being one of the major problems.The dam thing stutters like hell in the hovercraft scene with a good amount of audio loop.Completed it somehow & felt it was way better than Crysis but unfortunately these annoying bugs just harrowed my near perfect experience.Had only 2 crashes so far.After adding the Cuban-Ultima-Doom-Arch-Assassin47-Taowolf-Sword's Custom Crysis Configs [CCC] v2.21 file the game ran extremely smooth.Not to mention it fixed some load time issues & prolonged delay in getting back to main menu & quitting to desktop.
Ambar said:
Same here, that audio looping in the hovercraft part was damn annoying.

ppl with 2gb of ram are having this problem...playing crysis with gamer or enthu textures requirires more than 2 gb of ram..which causes frequent swaping of memory and hence leads to crashes ,audio looping and shutterring.

i would suggest to keep obj details at enthu and lower the textures to mainstream...the effect on image quality is positive wrt that of both obj details and textures at gamer.

having obj details at max renderes the obj at details to be rendered in detail instead of popping up or texture applied when u approach it..also using mainstream textures helps reduce the mem requirement and if playing at 900p or lesser it hardly makes any diff as slightly lower res textures are used instead if the higher once.

ppl with 4 gb of ram should not have any problems though.
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