Crysis Warhead Performance Analysis

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Yep , thanks to memnom , started the game yesterday , and finished it too :P

a much better story curve than Crysis . No crashes for me though , used Ultima's patch from inCrysis forums , without AA , ran superb , Had to shift to DX9 for Ice levels though. But worth it. Saw only one or two graphical glitches throughout the game , rest was fine. BTW a question , is this the second part in the Crysis Trilogy , or just like a Crysis 1.5 ?

Also saw a review of Warhead in todays Plug n Play by a Tech2 guy.

Crysis Warhead justifies every penny you’ve spent to soup up your machine. The CryEngine 2’s been tweaked so that even mid-level gaming rigs can play Warhead at decent frame rates, at respectable settings.

Never had any audio looping issues but the game did crash randonly on the desktop many times. Really strange
PhOeNiX said:
Also saw a review of Warhead in todays Plug n Play by a Tech2 guy.

Crysis Warhead justifies every penny you’ve spent to soup up your machine. The CryEngine 2’s been tweaked so that even mid-level gaming rigs can play Warhead at decent frame rates, at respectable settings.


Yeah right, wonder whats a respectable settings according to him :P

Anyways, i never had any sort of crash in this unlike the Crysis. Enjoyed every bit of the game :hap2:. Something worth buying ;)
Sure m8.........took less than 5 hours to finish it at Medium Difficulty.

The story curve is great , and the new weapons are nice , but i ended up using the FY71+Sniper Scope+Incindery ammo. Never even used the shotgun. Overall a great experience. Having no AA makes the game smoother than cheese :bleh: but gives u jagged edges. But i prefer the jagged edges and good frames rather than waiting and ogling at the Straight lines between firing each round :P

My system seemed BottleNecked by my graphic card (8800GT OC) as the CPU utilization never crossed 50% , and the RAM never crossed 65% . So i guess a SLi or a Crossfire system would run the game smoothly to a much higher extent.

One thing that keeps me wondering is that what systems do the developers and testers use ? I mean , for such a game , they would have designed the Enthusiast Settings for a very high end PC right ? So what benchmarks do they use ? Don't they realize that the game is highly unoptimized even after the tweaking ? I guess someone should lend them a copy of CoD4 so they can know where they are making the mistake. Also such a hyped up game , which makes you curse every Upgrade you have made in your "More-than-a-months-pay" PC , and on top of it , has more bugs than the aliens u kill in the game , really kills the experience.

But all in all , a great expansion from Crytek.

Now 'nuff Crysis . Bring in Far Cry 2 :P
Even IGN said that Warhead is much better optimized :S

I used r_useedgeaa=1 on my x1950Pro, and i got rid of all the jaggies at almost no dip in FPS.Unlike other games Crysis is actually smooth at 15-20FPS so i can play at 1280*800 at almost Gamer like settings.
While I seem to have problems with the settings. When I set the AA to 2x,the shaders setting sets itself to Gamer. And when I switch it back to Mainstream the AA is turned off. I tried playing with the shaders at high but the red laser pointer in the reflex scope vanished. :@ It reappears when I set the shaders to Mainstream. What the bloody hell is the problem with this game?
arnold said:
ppl with 2gb of ram are having this problem...playing crysis with gamer or enthu textures requirires more than 2 gb of ram..which causes frequent swaping of memory and hence leads to crashes ,audio looping and shutterring.

i would suggest to keep obj details at enthu and lower the textures to mainstream...the effect on image quality is positive wrt that of both obj details and textures at gamer.

having obj details at max renderes the obj at details to be rendered in detail instead of popping up or texture applied when u approach it..also using mainstream textures helps reduce the mem requirement and if playing at 900p or lesser it hardly makes any diff as slightly lower res textures are used instead if the higher once.

ppl with 4 gb of ram should not have any problems though.

I had sound looping too, and I have 4gb ram + 1gb vram, so I doubt its that. The game is no doubt buggy, but the graphics are beautiful. Maybe a bit optimized, as I said before, hopefully a patch can fix all this.
RoBoGhOsT said:
is the retail dvd available in india yet ? :S


PhOeNiX said:
One thing that keeps me wondering is that what systems do the developers and testers use ? I mean , for such a game , they would have designed the Enthusiast Settings for a very high end PC right ? So what benchmarks do they use ? Don't they realize that the game is highly unoptimized even after the tweaking ? I guess someone should lend them a copy of CoD4 so they can know where they are making the mistake. Also such a hyped up game , which makes you curse every Upgrade you have made in your "More-than-a-months-pay" PC , and on top of it , has more bugs than the aliens u kill in the game , really kills the experience.

But all in all , a great expansion from Crytek.
Now 'nuff Crysis . Bring in Far Cry 2 :P

yup cod4 was a very optimised game,so much optimised that it didn't even do half the things that the cryengine2 does at medium setings.:rofl:
gamervivek said:
yup cod4 was a very optimised game,so much optimised that it didn't even do half the things that the cryengine2 does at medium setings.:rofl:

ome thing i'd like to point out :)

COD 4 is a game, crysis is a benchmark
_pappu_ said:
ome thing i'd like to point out :)

COD 4 is a game, crysis is a benchmark

Very well put :P

I loved CoD 4 for everything it had ....... Crysis i like for ths graphics .

Crysis sows what future games will try and compete with in the graphics part , while CoD 4 shows what all games (future , present and past) have and will always dream of having , a near perfect game.
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