hey any recomendations welcomeMetallus said:Yeah Tanequil came out last year, third one is due this year towards the end. Try out some Dragonlance books, specially The Minotaur Wars Trilogy, all three books are out now. And give the Forgotten Realms a go too (if ya want I can tell ya which ones). Gemmel's Drenai tales are pretty good, last I read were, White Wolf and Swords of Day and Night (Waylander series was the best). Heck even books on Eberron have started appearing (I gotta get me some of those).

Aces170 said:Just finished eye of the world, will read wheel of time Part 2 now.
haha , you are setting yourself up for a disappointment i think

i own all 10 books and i think i still havent given the last 2 more than a glance

theres a new book :new spring" i think which was half decent. more of a prequel though. 11th book will be here in october