Custom Chip For PS3 JB

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^ received mine. :)

havent tried it though.

a simple noobie question. how do i connect my laptop to my ps3 for ftp sharing? i've both of them connected to internet via WiFi? :)
do i have to leave iTrust for both of you!? willing to leave for both of you if mods dont have any problem! :)
dhruvrock2000 said:
3 chips with me , 1 for StormBlast , 1 for Anish and 1 for dark.lord

That should be the end of the 1st batch which i was supposed to send. People who have paid KLiCK , plz settle it with VIA PM him if you haven't yet received it. Going through tracking numbers now...
I already have my chip :rolleyes: ... its working flawlessly ... didnt try backing up any games yet ... but transfered cricket 2010 , RDR , Bayonetta and GT5 through blackbox ftp to the internal hdd of the ps3 ... working with no issues ... thanz lot to dhruv for organizing this [GO] :)
I guess you should..... :)

For using the FTP and Backup Manager, use the guide that i have posted a couple of pages back.

BTW, a new Backup Manager is is Open Source and has way more features than the previous one.

I'm using it right now and it is working really well. You can install this one without un-installing the previous one.

A word of caution

If you un-install the previous backup manager, it will also remove the gamez folder which contains all your ripped games.

So I advise against it :P

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@Dhruv: Come on Gtalk.....and no it doesn't change or update the previous one as this one is completely different :P
The old ftp manager was giving me issues .. crashing n stuff ... but the blackbox is flawless ... as of now :P .... used a crossover cable to directly connect my ps3 to pc and transferred folder to ps3 hdd using filezilla ....
I'm getting 8-10. I guess that will have to for now.

Just made a 50 GB Fat32 partition on my external for transferring stuff from PC over to the PS3 and vice-versa.

The new Open Manager is brilliant guys. Check it out already :P
Yes it is.....And for the umpteenth time check out Open Manager.

It allows you to that and more....e.g:

~Copy Game from Bluray to Internal or External.

~Copy Games from Internal to External and vice-versa.

~Now you can check if a game has a file over 4gb by highlighting the game and hitting [R1] on the controller

~Files over 4gb are split into 1 gb parts when copied to the external hdd.

All games i have tried so far has worked perfectly. Don't un-install Backup manager when you install this. IT doesn't overwrite anything and install as a new app called "Open Manager".
Mate, were you able to sort out the tracking IDs?

Would be great if you could send across mine :)

Edit: Nvr mind.. Just saw your PM
I've sent out most... must've missed urs :P Will send it in a bit. Btw... it seems that they have some problem with their server coz trackings are not showing up but as you can see dark.lord has already received his , others should also get it soon.
the downloaded games from my HDD arent getting transferred to PS3 though filezilla. Everytime it says transferred failed. I've Mafia 2 with the directory name Mafia.2.PS3 with folders PS3_GAME, PS3_UPDATE and i am trying to trasnfer them to /dev_hdd0/game/LAUN12345/GAMEZ

dont know wwhere i'm wrong.

PS: In Failed Transfers tab, it says the reason as 'TimeOut'
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