Completed New Londo Ruins yesterday. The whole level was pretty simple and barring the few ghosts and darkwraiths, there weren’t any serious foes to contend with. Assuming the boss battle would be something similar, I dropped down into The Abyss after equipping the Covenant of Artorias ring and what followed later was a series of gang rapes! The first king spawned after a couple of seconds, and I sprinted towards his location, locked on to him and started poking him with the lightning spear +5 which dealt minimal damage. Less than a minute passed by, another one spawns adjacent to him and this one starts blasting with the magic attacks! The first king grabbed me and consumed one humanity in the meantime (reminded me of Old King Allant that motherfcuker!) And before the third one spawned, it was already R.I.P.
The second time, since the shortcuts were opened I was able to quickly sprint towards the fog door (from the bonfire next to Andre at Undead Parish!) and touch the bloodstain. I donned the Havel’s Armor this time which restricted the motion heavily and the stamina took a pretty bad hit. Used Iron Flesh as well and although the kings were now not able to inflict much damage, the weapons were falling short here. Died again.
The third time however, I checked my inventory and I had a Crystal Halberd (durability - 20!) with a 242 phy. dmg. And there were 7 Gold Pine Resin left - had never used it before. Said my prayers and entered into The Abyss with a slight hope and emerged victorious! One-handed the halberd and poked the hell out of them while circle strafing. Each of the king went down before the other one spawned! A pity that the durability of the weapon is only 12 now! Perhaps an upgrade might set it to default once again?. Anyways, it felt really good. Consumed close to 7 flasks however since the magic dmg was taking away a lot of HP. The boss dropped 4 humanities and 30k souls netting me close to 100k souls for this chapter.
A small correction from the previous post - the Painted World netted me in excess of 200k souls not 100k! I do not recall the exact number but after consuming Priscilla’s soul and the other souls pillaged from this level, the souls were close to a whopping 210k odd!
Leveled up to 78, major stats i.e. Vitality, Endurance, Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence leveled up evenly at 27 IIRC. I might have to improve the strength and endurance now. Haven’t touched Resistance and Attunement from start.
Might visit Ash Lake and The Great Hollow today.
Yes ... aslyum demon is old news now

... Pushed a little in the new area. Tried to explore by going down to 2 skeleton.
Glad to hear that.
Don't venture out into that region for now. They are far too powerful for you now. However, that area has some loot which may be worthwhile. Now, get yourself a good sword and the shield. Go down into the area underneath the bonfire at the Firelink Shrine and explore the Valley of Drakes. There is a nice sword and shield guarded by an Undead Dragon. You can simply walk slowly (not RUN!) towards it and grab that loot plus a soul but the moment you grab one of those equipment, it will aggro the dragon and it might wave its paws. Simply roll back. Heck, even if you die you will have those in your inventory if you managed to collect it before you died. You need this equipment before you venture out any further!
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Which weapon type is better ... axe or sword ?
I haven't used axes so I am not sure how good they are but I've seen few videos with users wielding great axes with ease. Takes a while for the blow and consumes a lot of stamina but yields a good deal of dmg. Stick to a sword for now.