Dark Souls - Discussion Thread

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He can be killed, even without backstabbing and riposting. Just lock-on and circle around him. His Dragon tooth slam attack is very slow, so it can easily be dodged and one can easily get 3 hits, before he recovers from the animation.
Hey how's PvP? I've heard good stories about it. Being much more engrossing than PvE. Is it just the regular exploration plus helps and invasions from other players?
Hey how's PvP? I've heard good stories about it. Being much more engrossing than PvE. Is it just the regular exploration plus helps and invasions from other players?

I wouldn't have put in 150 hours during my first playthrough, with more than a quarter of the game yet to completed, if the multiplayer aspect was anything less than awesome. Co-oping is mad fun, especially in Anor Londo against Laurel and Hardy, I made around 1 million souls there just by doing tons of co-op.

PvP is mainly in the form of duels, mano a mano. It's an unspoken rule that players bow to each other before commencing and not use any unfair means, like kiting mobs or summoning a white phantoms. There are exceptions of course, but few and far between. I usually get matched up with Russian and Japanese players but players from Europe and the US aren't uncommon. Since the game's been out for a long time, the PvP is now concentrated in few locations rather than everywhere. Undead Burg, Anor Londo and Oolacile Townshop are the current hotspots. Yesterday, at Oolacile Township, I was getting invaded constantly, literally, I would barely get the chance to heal up at the bonfire before an invader's fog wall came up. You can exchange items with invaders/summons so that's another positive. Another thing, PvP builds, gear and weapons are wildly different from what you would generally use in PvE.
Was able to play a bit during the weekend. Died a lot in darkroot garden, trying to kill the big ass knights there. Lost around 10k souls. But ran around and killed them a bunch of times and finally made it to moonlight butterfly. First time i went there i spend a humanity from my inv and took with witch with me. Got killed. Second time i was running away from one of the knights and went though the fog door to escape. < 10 % health and 2 flasks with +1. Ty to ample endurance was able to roll out of most of her dmg and killed her with 0 flasks and about 40% health. Then went down to the darkroot basin and killed the hydra. It was such a long fight. The last head didnt want to come anywhere near me (didnt have the ring so was slow in the water :( ). Didnt follow the path in the hydra lake ... have to do that sometime. Also found my own method to kill Havel the rock. Killed him without he landing even a blow on me :). the Also gave the ember i got from darkroot garden to the blacksmith in undead parish. Atm farming souls to buy the key from the blacksmith to open the door . Also take a detour and went and killed capri demon ... it was a pretty easy fight with the drake sword and drop kill mechanism. Currently i am using claymore +5 and drake sword. Which weapon should i look for next ?
^That drop-kill method was the one I chose for slaying the Capra Demon as well. But turns out, if you face him when you have leveled up sufficiently he is too darn easy. :P

As for the weapon, one of the best ones in the game is undoubtedly the Black Knight Halberd. When upgraded to +5, all the knights and other mini bosses turn into minions with two to three shot kills. One shot with critical damages such as backstabs and ripostes especially with the hornet's ring equipped. The only downside is you need a strength of 34 to wield it. But trust me its worth it.

Did the black knight at the darkroot garden drop a halberd?
Yep have it in inv ... but i only have strength of 18. :( ... will be tough to get it to 32 fast. I am concentrating a bit on endurance coz i like to defend attack roll mechanism. Also wearing the wolf ring to improve my poise. will put a screenie of my stats here today.
@krugur: what type of character are you looking at? I mean are you more of a melee guy or a mage? I went purely by melee this time but invested (or rather wasted) several souls in other stats which did not help. If you are looking at a melee oriented character, you should improve your strength, dexterity and above all endurance and vitality. I don't remember the others. :P
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Yep ... i am looking at a melee char. This is my current stats.


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Yep. That seems pretty evenly distributed. Just stop pumping points into Dexterity, if you're doing so. Make sure Vitality, Endurance and Strength are balanced out.
Do not spend absolutely any points on Resistance! And none for Faith or Intelligence since your character is melee oriented.

Today, 04:37 AM


WTH were you doing Allwyn? Morning shifts?
Almost all stats are improving resistances. wonder why they have it as a separate stat.
Focusing on endurance and strength now, so i can wield better weapons. :)
Once you have the BKH (black knight halberd), it will be the ultimate meat slicer! This weapon was way too overpowered after upgrading to +5 and we were breezing our way through the remaining areas. :lol:

I cannot imagine what a Grant (drop from an invader you will come across eventually) could possibly do! It requires a strength of 50 although you can two-hand it with 34 str. Weapons that scale with your stats add to the damage so keep an eye on that as well.

Btw what location are you planning to visit now? Have you ventured into The Depths yet? That's a good level to go right now with your stats.
Ok ... i wanted to ask that ... yest i roamed all the placed i visited ... got upto 20k souls and 1 humanity ... during roaming saw a big ass sword ... walked to it ... and i guess u guys can guess the rest ;). Was back to roaming mode to collect the souls again ... I am still using the starter armor as it doesnt drain much and has decent resistances ... any idea which set i should be looking for next ? ... Will start depths today then. I went there once, saw the butcher and ran back (the guys is scary).
But the butcher is pretty easy. He will have the slam attack and takes time to recover. Get a couple of hits and he's done for good. Be careful there's one more in the adjacent area who protects an NPC. Be extra careful while rescuing this NPC - do not slash those barrels as he might turn hostile when you hit him. Instead roll over those barrels.
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