“War is honourable, but Death is willing to work with some shady characters in the underworld to find out what he needs to know. Whereas War was a straight warrior type who would rush in and fight head-on, Death is more agile, nimble… he’s fast. He kills people like it’s an art. Death doesn’t even block – he just dodges.â€
The HUD has been removed from the build we see to avoid spoiling items and the like, but we still see Death engage in a bunch of different combat situations. We see him use that hook again, which we’re told is officially called the ‘Ghost Hook’ – to pull an enemy’s weak spot out, and to close the gap between Death and his enemies. Even when battling a hulking beast, Death seems more combo-heavy than War ever was.
“I don’t want to go into too much detail, but let me say it this way – if you and I were playing the first Darksiders and we were both about four hours in at the same point our characters would be largely the same. Maybe a little difference, but we’re pretty much the same dude. Four hours in on this game I can guarantee we’d be totally different.â€
“Did you see there was gold dropping and stuff? You can now collect items and gold that drop out of defeated enemies and use them. We can say that looks like Diablo or whatever, but that’s another idea we’re adding into the mix.
“If you get stuck but not frustrated it is about right. Like I just finished Portal 2 and there were times where I was just like ‘Screw this game’ – I’d put it away, then come back the next day and say ‘Oh…’ and get it right away. Puzzle-wise, I think that’s the best you can do, so we’re shooting for that.â€
Some players also took issue with some of the level design. “A lot of people complained about how if you had to backtrack in dungeons in the first game you had to walk forever to get where you needed to be,†he adds, admitting another shortcoming.
“We’ve solved that by having more dungeons but making them smaller. If you took all the dungeons and put them together the surface area would be far greater than the first Darksiders, but what we have done is made more dungeons but make all of them smaller. You also get Despair, Death’s horse, a lot earlier, so it’s a lot easier to explore the overworld and get to places faster.â€
Gannu said:Allwyn, seems like Vigil heard ya!Guess that should make you happier!
abhifusion said:First Darksiders was awesome, it took 1.5 hrs for me to kill the worm... Waiting for II eagerly !
Darksiders 2 is scheduled to launch in June 2012, THQ's Q3 fiscal report reveals. It lists the ambitious action-adventure game for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Darksiders 2 is coming to Wii U as well, although Nintendo's platform isn't set to drop until the "year-end season."