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Same old situation can't fight Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy anymore have lost my guts totally :( can't type much due to sadness the reasons for this are:

1) Can't Walk

2) Can't Sit

3) Can't Breathe on my own

4) Can't Play PC games properly

5) Don't have a Girl to Love

6) Don't want to trouble parents & friends with the first 5 points thus pretend to be Happy & Lie

But I have overflown my limit of taking it

Sorry for the trouble guys but just had to type this on my most favorite forum

Edit: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy websites say 50% chance of death after age 30 thats the biggest reason
Hang on mate...I undst your loss but you have loving parents who gv u everything u want...

I know God has given you disability n sufferings this life....who knows u gonna be a superstar next life...but u hv to endure this and also enjoy it coz u can....

you can do this bro....
well dunno what to say other than hang on m8, all of us here as well as your friends and family are here to give you any support you need.
dude dont b depressed...

I agree with vij u never know whts going to come......jus don give up that easily.....

See dude where is stephen hawking.......u can try to write some small stories with imagination....Who knows u might become a j k rowling of future when u mature in that department.......

U have all the time of this world to do that.....Also u have loving parents who fulfill all your dreams
Hi! Udit,

I realise that its must be a tough life,

But hang on mate, you never know...... a cure could be around the corner.

Things will surely work out buddy...

We at TE are with you........


You are a GEM.......
just hang in there mate,u have all the support u need and theres no shame in asking for help when u need it.
In addition, there is research and clinical trials looking into the effectiveness of human embryonic stem cell transplants. It is hoped that injecting healthy, nonspecialized stem cells into DMD victims will cause the stem cells to specialize and produce the structurally and functionally correct dystrophin that the boys have been lacking since birth. If dystrophin can be produced, at any rate, it may slow the progression of the disease, or cure it altogether.

its coming soon....

A new treatment has been used to treat the mouse equivalent of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Attempts to treat DMD with gene therapy have so far failed because the faulty gene is exceptionally large and difficult to get into the appropriate muscle fibres. Researchers at the MRC’s Clinical Sciences Centre developed a new technique, called antisense therapy, that uses 'molecular camouflage' to blind the cell's protein manufacturing machinery to DMD mutations. This allows the key parts of the defensive protein to be made so it works almost normally, relieving many symptoms of the disease.

DMD research is looking up with more hope than ever before....Another 3-4 years and you never know...

enjoy your bed rest for now though...
Wow Udit, I dint expect something like this from you.In all honesty, you are one of the most courageous and boldest people I have ever known (including the internet).

You are just 20!!...where is the question of giving up at this stage of life???

We all have our own problems and assume there is nothing we can do about it, but thats wrong!!...

Those are only 5 thing you have listen, life has INFINITE reasons TO LIVE.

The universe cares about you and thats says alot.You are surely one of a kind and people really do look up to you and praise and admire your positive attitude towards life even with all the hardships you have experienced.

Common pal! hang in there! your life is JUST BEGINNING.
Udit, (1), (2), (3), may not be within your control. But (4), (5), (6), is very much what u want to be.

Do u mean that all those who dont suffer from it play well. Do u mean that all those who dont suffer from it have a loving girl? Or do u mean that those who dont have to suffer it dont need to pretend to be happy.

I do agree that u have a larger share of suffering than average. But then u can choose to live with it with depression. Or u can choose to live something better, something brighter. Someone close to my heart was diagnosed with a cancer. I dont know how long that person is with me. I know the pain of fear of losing someone close to ur heart. I m still living with that constant fear. But believe me, the more we think of it the more we get into that shit. Didnt u enjoy showing off ur rig in TE meet. Think something like that. Not necessarily a meet. Anything. U sure are one heck of a intelligent IT guy. And there will be something which u can do. And may be survival rate is not that great. And things do change rapidly. But u can do somethings as of now, isnt? I know its easier said than done. But give it a try.
Please do not be depressed mate.....I know I can't understand your sadness....but yes I will pray for you....

:) You surely do not want a me this is from a happy bachelor
Udit dude... never saw this coming from u... ur such a fun and cool dude to be around man... so why let depression ruin the zest that you have in u... and from the little that I know you I have not seen any one treat you any differently because of your condition, so I don't see any reason to get depressed man... take it as it comes... and we're there right by u bro.
hey man...udit u knw what u have been my greatest inspiration ..since ive known u..i knw u r sufferings are something i cant think of..but dude plz dnt give up on life.cauz this will make u sad as well as all da ppl tht love u sad..

dnt worry mate a cure might be just comin

u have a gr88.rig..and all da love of TE'ites and u r parents..

and trust me u its better to be single than to have a gal..cauz initially its all good but later it really hurts..really ..

just hang on all that i can say...

whenever i am fed up of ma life..and get depressed i think of u my dear frnd .and tht makes me fight back...
Udit , if this depression is really affecting your thought process , i suggest you talk to your parents and family.your 6th point is troubling me cause you shouldnt be lying to your parents and friends ... they all want to see you in your real self rather than hiding your emotions for the sake of temporary relief to them . depression is anger held inside and it will get worse... before that happens , please talk to your parents and consult a qualified doctor at the earliest asap for the depression.
I cant imagine how tough it must be you but i have seen lot of patients under severe depression for various reasons and its not worth going through it , trust me.
Ur an Azming guy Dude !! one of the Best Members on TE i say Must.. U always have THE solution to a problem or a Suggestion or two.U rock Dude !! we Guys @ TE are Always to ur Support,i have been Involved with people similar,believe me People Like U are THE MOST gusty people i have seen,people of Enormous Potential,azming Energy & great out look to life

Good Luck with watever u do ...we guys are always with u
Dude.. you're unnecessarily worried. Death is just a part of life. Who knows that something better might lie after death? My mom passed away when I was like 12, she too was depressed and did something that well, can't be typed out here. I can assure you I was plenty pissed but then I realised that I will obviously meet her again, just not right now ; ).

The key to getting happiness out of something is looking forward to it. No matter how tough or painful it may seem.. always try to look at the bright side. Of course.. this is easy for me to say since I'm not in your position or anything but hey.. thats been my philosophy for all the 18 years I've lived out here . (well kinda 12 cause I was not worried about stuff till I was actually six).

My dad is a tissue researcher at the NUH in Singapore. I'll try contacting him about what can be done. Have faith dude. By the way, nice rig re. What all you play on it? Am sorry if I seem to be marginalising your problems but the only way to cope with them is by putting them at the back of your head.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy websites say 50% chance of death after age 30 thats the biggest reason

ok listen..buddy..if u are afraid cauz of dis reason..plzz dont be..cauz IMO have more faith on the almighty then science..really..cauz..if some one has to die..he may die any moment..u never know ..any accident..anything can happen anytime ..just dnt be afraid of anythin....

sorry if my words..are a bit..too harsh or something.but thts what i believe cauz i ve seen it wid my eyes..ppl whom i never expected to leave this earth so early just went away..without any serious probs...

so just hang happy wid whatever u have in u r life.. ! ( i knw its very difficult to be this position.but u can do it. and ..i pray to the almighty to give u more strength and for a cure..)

OK and one more thing..i ve found which i think..should give u more hopes of a cure...u ve been a fighter for so long..just hang on a bit..Udit.

But… there is hope!

In recent years, boys have been treated with steroids which has added a few years of walking and possibly several years of life. The steroids do have side effects. Fortunately, there is a particular steroid that minimizes these side effects but the medical community has been slow to adopt this drug because it is not sold within the USA.

Gene therapy and stem cell research have made huge advances in just the last year.

These actual cures could be any where from 5-10 years away. There is however, a new class of drugs which will not cure the disease, but will fool the body into producing dystrophin or will upregulate other proteins that could take the place of dystophin, while at the same time eliminate some of the damage that occurs in the muscle cells of DMD boys.

Although boys treated with these drugs will probably never be world class athletes, there is evidence that they could lead a relatively normal life.

These drugs could be in clinical trials in 2-3 years…if there is adequate funding NOW!

source :Cure Duchenne - Parents Helping to Find a Cure
I read till post #13 before sleeping & was thinking whole night where I'am taking my life to & realized it is useless getting depressed as by depression I will loose all my enthusiasm for fun stuff like games, music & movies

and posts after #13 have really cheered me up :D

you guys created magic in 12hrs & you guys are great :ohyeah:

I really didn't know who you were until we had the thread on bike in hospital. After reading that thread, i closely followed you and started reading about you. You've been such an inspiration for so many ppl including me. At times when I decided to just call it quits after going thru sheer depression for just over 11 months. Pain and its unbelievable buddy. But my friend asked me to just hang in there. I am also asking you to do the same buddy.

See, ppl have different roles in life to play and some are chosen by god himself, they are really spl. The spl ones never have an easy life, believe me. Some ppl live for themselves, some for their family, some live or made to live only for others. You are like that Udit. You may look back at your life and say what a life you've had. But at times of depression, remember how you've been an inspiration for ppl. You are a champion mate. You are already a superstar, why worry about becoming in the next life?

In christianity and islam, there is a feeling, rather concept of "Life after death" and it is called eternal life and regarded very very highly. A muslim friend of mine used to say, "ppl who suffer on earth are very very lucky and chosen by god. they are said to have a easy path to heaven since they have already suffered for their sins (if at all any) on earth itself". you are lucky mate :-)

As SAM rightly said you can't do much about 1, 2 and 3.
About 4, Try to play games which you play better more often.
About 5, Buddy, its always greener on the other side. Ppl who don't have gfs worry about not having them and ppl who have will wonder when it will end. But there are a few who do get lucky and lead a happy life. Just relax man. It isn't not that difficult. Someday you might get a great soul who might be your world :-). Patience is the key udit.

About 6, Not troubling parents i can understand, but friends? Buzz us when in need.

Now to look at the positive side,
1) You are very very strong
2) you're a champion
3) Your courage gave strength to so many ppl, me being one of them.
4) you got a chance to realise how loving and caring you parents are.
5) your comp skills, WOAH! How many do you think have such skills?
6) your english is so cool man :-)
7) you are blessed.

can add many more to this, but this is already quite a long post, Now to complete with this, let me narrate a simple incident. Last week a girl in chennai had an operation, thing is that she can't breathe and can't eat anything. The reason was, while she was just born, her dad tried to kill her by stamping on her throat since she was a girl. Some how she was saved and now she lives in a small house with similar kids. Time to realise the worth of our wonderful parents mate. I salute your mom and dad :-)

Good day and good luck bro, our prayers will surely continue.

PS: Take a print out of posts which you feel like reading it again and again and which gives you strength. Read them in times of depression.

EDIT: Bro, as i already said, we came to earth on a mission, if our job is done, we'll be called back for eternal life. The day you realise it, death will be just another part of life.
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