Hi Udit
Stumbled upon this post a couple of days back, and didn't know what to say. Maybe I was embarassed, maybe a bit scared, and I felt very, very stupid.
A couple of weeks back I was facing a real tough situation at work, and I raised a huge hue and cry about it. The whole damn world was running around trying to meet my every command, and ensuring that the presentation happened on time. After I finished I went back to my table, feeling pretty pleased that I had met my targets.
After reading your PMs and this post + your story, I realise that the people you think are 'normal' (like me) are actually the abnormal ones. We magnify our own problems and issues and self-importance so much, when what we face and go through in real life is a pittance compared to what you go through in just a few hours.
Nay, a pittance is too much to call it.
My friend, you have a gift. That gift is the most precious of all mankind. When we speak to you, interact with you, and read your posts, we forget for those moments all our troubles and sorrows - because yours is much bigger than ours, and yet you choose to share, to let us be a part of them, and see into the courage, determination and fortitude you face them with. And for that time, I think about this little kid who's making me understand that my problems are really, in the grand scheme of things, quite insignificant.
And still you manage to smile. I can see your smiles in the words you write. The memories of the pain, the struggle, and also the good times. It takes extraordinary courage to write about the pain you faced. It may take even more to write about the good times, the memories, and the love and affection you have managed to receive.
On your sadness about girls - Take it from someone much, much older - girls aren't worth the trouble. Sex, however, may be, but don't worry - it's overrated too, unless it's with someone you love very much - or someone who's really good at it
On games - Why don't you learn chess? I could be a sparring partner, and we can play on the 'net, no board is required except for you to check your moves. Just learn the basic moves, some strategy and the notation. In a few months you could be a grandmaster! Betcha you'll be whipping my butt in a few weeks, and will go hunting for more experienced players.
You hang in there, and don't lose your guts. We love you and you are going to get through this. Don't worry about a thing!