hey dude read ur story, really nice, i must say the 9 month patr was really funny
hope you get well soon, im sure a cure will b e found soon as its just around the corner, my bday is just at 5 days dif from you,anyways dont loose hope on life
we all at TE are there to help you whenever you need to, im sure many other people also may not have as many friends as you do so cheer up and enjoy life as much as you can,everyone has to die oneday( us too)
life is totally unpredictable, u maybe healthy as a horse and have an accident and die or u maybe ill and live struggling but a long long life so.....try and enjoy it as much as you can and please dont lie and pretend to be happy, im sure the people who love you and us-yours friends at TE too dont want you to do that.
WIshing you a speedy recovery bro and a happy life ahead