Diwali Dhamaka - Show your <stuff> thread :P

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^ Hihih :P I thnk we should make @Being.smart moderator of GT section :D



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Aaj Kuch Toofani Karte Hai
Desi Gas Bomb, It's the best cracker to make a big light.
I'm so glad to see so much of the younger generation is turning around to the idea that Diwali is a festival of light (Deepavali) and not sound. My neighborhood is really quiet compared to previous years, with most people having heeded the appeal to keep the pollution down and use crackers within the dB limit.

I applaud those who have consideration for other inhabitants of their neighborhood, elderly, the very young, and animals and birds, all of which are severely affected by noisemakers.

I love the fact that a thread asking for troublemakers to show off has turned into a thread discussing the merits of burning away money, hearing and oxygen.

Most of all though, I like the picture of the saltines :)

Like they say, date a cracker, don't light one!
I light couple of 10k waala's in the night after 11pm, just to disturb neighbors sleep. The prices are too much this year.
Post Pics of crackers....

( This pic was goin around on watsup so posted )

keep enviornment pollution free
(Start car pools, use fans, no Crackers, make donations, live a healthy life)
Rangoli by flower petals. Architect/designer : my wife :-)


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Morons have gone wild, its like war. What is the GOI doing, Pollution norms for vehicels, factories, etc. is not going to work if whole years pollution is done in one night.

Guess OP created this thread on a wrong board, a childrens board would have been more apt. Here people are very knowledgeable.
If u Have Money Buy and Burst and if u feel its like waste Pass on
As simple as it should be...:rofl:
I never bought crackers more than 500 in my life (or for whole family), but quite happy with it. Yesterday exploded 2 packets of Hydro bomb :2guns:
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