Do you regret to be an Indian

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People love that they are Indian but not that they are living in India.

Isn't that contradicting ?

What do you love Indian for, if you don't like living here..

I am sure many might come up with better argument against that but I just don't think that you love your country if you don't like living in it.

Everyone wants to live in Utopia, sadly it doesn't exist..
dipen01 said:
People love that they are Indian but not that they are living in India.

Isn't that contradicting ?

Note that some distinctly mentioned "present condition" in which they are living. That denotes a bit of disappointment about being a part of it. If the state improves, opinions might change. :)
Although I do care about the broadband and prices and all thats not what disturbs me.... What really gets disturbs me is what is happening in Karnataka with the hate politics.... People getting beaten up for talking to someone from a different faith.... Open hatred towards another community to gain political mileage.... Leaders turning a blind eye towards these issues....

I have voted for the candidate i thought was fit for the job..... but thats all I did and can do.... I have a full time job and with pressure of work I can't expect to go on a campaign against all evil and all.... I voted for a person who I thought could do this job.... if that same person fails me or is helpless all I see is that my country is failing.....

On 19th Nov 1962 Nehru said Goodbye to Assam when China attacked and got inside Assam.....People of assam were left at the mercy of the invading Chinese army.....Ceasefire was announced on 21st Nov and the army withdrew with unknown reasons.... So in a way that ceasefire was the one thing with me being called a Chinese or Indian.... Hell i don't want to be Chinese but the emotion is very conflicted with the present scenario where region based politics is on the rise..... India prides itself on being diverse, but where does the diversity go when a person is killed in his own country for being an outsider.... :(
Sorry guys me mentioning the broadband issue was just a stupid joke.................Believe me I would be the first person to kick out the party who starts offering cheaper BB in their poll agenda....

And ^^^to get to your point.......Nehru was one of India's worst PM's.....He was a full aiyaash............If everything had been left up to him.the India that we see now would have been much much smaller.............He was really one of India's worst PM's............WEAK......incapable of anything..............It was due to Sardar Vallabhhai Patel that our situation improved after independence else so many other provinces would have been lost.................

Hell,,The Congress has always said::India doesnt need to be a nuclear power........Those sons of b** hell India doesnt need to be..............I owe all the recent dev of this nation to the BJP....I just wish it were possible for the BJP alone to win 276 seats and form a govt at the Centre...........

All those who love being an Indian and not BEING in INDIA(I don't share your sentiments though):::Vote for the BJP.......
hell no i dont regret being an indian even when pple ask me questions like are u from china or sm other asian country (me being from sikkim).
I absolutely don't. I feel that I've got a decent deal overall in life and I owe at least part of it to the country I live in.
Absolutely not...

And each time I get the slightest amount of this so called regret, I pack my bags and travel out to one or the ther corner of this country and return amazed, with my faith in the greatness of this nation fully restored...

Bihar is as different from Sikkim is as different from TN is as different from a Leh that it's like being in different countries altogether, and yet the vast majority of us share a strong bond..that of being from the same awesome nation
Perhaps India ain't the best place to live. But it is as much mine as it is yours or the politician running it.

You don't like living in INDIA then why don'y YOU change it????

Go ahead, stand up, become a politician, be a leader.It can't be that difficult.

But wait if YOU became a politician, what about the 9 to 5 air-conditioned office job of yours which puts a comfortable pay check in your account every month? Sacrifice a comfortable life so that millions can come out of misery.BUT that ain't a fair price.IS IT???

All you morons there who have even the slightest regret either do something about it or shut up and preferably leave the nation. Some white would readily take you in at 1 quarter of the usual salary and make you work 4 times as much.
ceoshubham said:
Sorry guys me mentioning the broadband issue was just a stupid joke.................Believe me I would be the first person to kick out the party who starts offering cheaper BB in their poll agenda....

And ^^^to get to your point.......Nehru was one of India's worst PM's.....He was a full aiyaash............If everything had been left up to him.the India that we see now would have been much much smaller.............He was really one of India's worst PM's............WEAK......incapable of anything..............It was due to Sardar Vallabhhai Patel that our situation improved after independence else so many other provinces would have been lost.................
Hell,,The Congress has always said::India doesnt need to be a nuclear power........Those sons of b** hell India doesnt need to be..............I owe all the recent dev of this nation to the BJP....I just wish it were possible for the BJP alone to win 276 seats and form a govt at the Centre...........

All those who love being an Indian and not BEING in INDIA(I don't share your sentiments though):::Vote for the BJP.......

just to clear the misunderstanding. . . Both the nuclear testing projects were done under congress. . Congress had mobilized for the nuclear test , but they were caught by satellites and had to postpone things. Following election bjp wins and does it when they got the chance. Nuclear testin by governments arent something by which atleast the educated should look as merit points for voting. The parties know these to be beneficial to get votes.
one of the admirable things under bjp was the golden quad. Not admirable enough when compared to what other developing nations do to drive their nations out of poverty. But better than nothing. The whole economical boom was a miracle. The governments did nothing measurable. Its just that the private sectors did wonders.
hp-india said:
No regrets at all.. No place on earth is perfect. Corrupt politicians, poverty and hunger, rape and murder, everything is common to every country in the world.
In short, I do NOT regret being an Indian or being in India right now..

Same thoughts as mine

hmasalia said:

Thats what I would call you all lamers...
How many times have you seen a Blind Man on the street & helped him cross the street.

You dont blame the polititions for everything.
You are to be blamed..
All I ask you to go and vote this time.
Maybe there is no candidate that suits your Moto/Understandings/Views CURRENTLY.
But atleast take a effort to go and vote.

Maybe next time there will be someone who shares your attitude/views and will come up with some agenda who suits your views...

Down with Broadband Rates/Downwards Prices for Computer Hardware
Free PO*N Channels.....

AAAH!! That party will surely get your vote aint it????

Now this just sucks...

Now one should not be an INDIAN to help someone....Ok tell me this..

Do you don't use plastics, govt is asking you to stop it..are you doing it?
Do you switch off unwanted electrical appliances at your place?
When you are at a dhaba or scooter mechanic and a kid serves you, do you take the service or ask the owner to send him to school and never go to the place?
When you see an road Accident do you stop to help the victim out?
will a VOTE help you here???

every Indian is different and his views are different!! either you JUST VOTE and hope they will work..or get set and start working...or if you can't STOP babbling about the govt...

I'm sure they are doing a good job with whatever they have...

I hope you remember the pledge of INDIA..we all read thought it in school assemblies....

"I love my country..." does that ring a belll?????
ceoshubham said:
......Nehru was one of India's worst PM's.....

Would we have had a liberal democracy without this guy ?

..or could we have ended up with periods of civil folowed by military rule, at regular intervals ?
Looking at this thread

We are all indians!

we all sit on our butts and just talk and blame..

so proud are not..u have to accept it
Congress during Narsimha rao's reign opened the Indian market to World and Vice versa(Globalization- Gatt Treaty).some of you may not have born at that time.before that ,it was license raj.everything -you have to wait to buy!be it automobiles or..-economy and country kind of stagnated.for that many years India gov locked the economy to protect it .


BJP did a great thing by realizing Golden Quadrilateral project.We ,Still need such projects to connect to various part of the country-be it North-South connecting western corridor Project or any other .


My Speculation is ,though BJP will not be ruling the centre this time.-yeah ,sadly.


Coming to "INDIAN" Feeling - well ,first stop this dividing under various states -India. be it south India,(North)East India and North India.That's Enough.the local son of the soil feeling is too much doing bad to the country-be it maharashtra or karnataka or punjab -whatever.
lol at touting the golden quadrilateral being a great contribution to the country. Its basically a personal goldmine for everyone concerned, if you know what I mean and this is why roadwork projects will always get a lot of support. What people don't realize is that they need huge budget for continuous maintenance and upkeep which will simply cost the nation that much more while also poisoning the earth. Also the prices for asphalt has gone up drastically in the past few years starting with that project.

If you think of the longer term national and environmental benefits, investing that amount of money to improve the rail network in the country would have been much much more good. Railways is unarugably the more sustainable and affordable solution in the long run. Having more rail lines including separate ones for goods transport which could be opened up for private operators running their own trains would be a great and feasible solution that nobody in any of the recent governments is going for.
i am proud to be an Indian...but i think we as citizens do not deserve to live in India...India as a nation was born on the pillars of equality, prosperity, economical growth, industrialization all of this to get us out of the oppression we suffered out of centuries of slavery...but along the way we forgot the meaning of independence and all those great idea went into drain...we turned a blind eye on the corruption which we our self started and encourage...we try to save money any way we can (best example is us importing hardware from US while evading duties) we create these posts and say this party or that party can improve the conditions but they had their chance and where did they take us..we are at the same point where we started...we cry over temples and for a party because they would get a mosque built or its leader belongs to a particular cast...we need to change...we need to take our destiny in our own hands...the sentiment is there all it need is a voice...i say we rise up...who needs a political party why dont we support an independent candidate who knows what needs to be done...remember all beautiful things starts small....JAI HIND

by the way i would be traveling from Bangalore to Lucknow to vote how many of you would do that ???
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