superczar said:Absolutely not...
And each time I get the slightest amount of this so called regret, I pack my bags and travel out to one or the ther corner of this country and return amazed, with my faith in the greatness of this nation fully restored...
Bihar is as different from Sikkim is as different from TN is as different from a Leh that it's like being in different countries altogether, and yet the vast majority of us share a strong bond..that of being from the same awesome nation
Speedz said:Perhaps India ain't the best place to live. But it is as much mine as it is yours or the politician running it.
You don't like living in INDIA then why don'y YOU change it????
Go ahead, stand up, become a politician, be a leader.It can't be that difficult.
But wait if YOU became a politician, what about the 9 to 5 air-conditioned office job of yours which puts a comfortable pay check in your account every month? Sacrifice a comfortable life so that millions can come out of misery.BUT that ain't a fair price.IS IT???
All you morons there who have even the slightest regret either do something about it or shut up and preferably leave the nation. Some white would readily take you in at 1 quarter of the usual salary and make you work 4 times as much.
BIKeINSTEIN said:Those who regret-
Please stop watching movies like 'I... Proud to be an Indian'.
Watch movies like 'Bose- The forgotten hero'.
I have been totally apolitical till date.
Being born and brought up in Mumbai and having been fed the usual diet of "history" in school, which i studied for the sake of marks, i make for a very bad Indian for not knowing the history of my nation well.
Always been a bad student in history and the only time in my life i scored really well was in the main SSC exams.
Coz i was taught in my final year by a old, grandpa-like gentleman who was a freedom-fighter himself.
History never had been so interesting with 'Gandhi Sir' adding his own tales/experiences.
Words turned into pictures and what i had great difficulty in learning stuck like glue to my mind.
I recently happened to watch 'Bose- The forgotten Hero' as i seriously had nothing better to do . :ashamed:
I was surfing through channels and that channel happened to have the best reception at that moment.
It looked different and i stuck around to catch the name of the movie and got stuck til the end.
I was amazed at what all that guy managed to do.
And the other key members who helped him in his struggle.
The usual escape, traversing harsh terrains, meeting so-called leaders who looked down upon him but getting them to provide some support, etc etc
The troops in INA actually hiked it out all the way, without enough food or medicines and still fought valiantly.
Jungles those days were jungles with seriously hostile conditions.
Was even more surprised that Bose had been around till 1945.
That's iirc around the same time the English realised it was time to go back home, as they had enough and were beginning to perceive great threat from all sections of the society.
Some of those who lived in servitude of the English with big homes, land, wealth etc may not have wanted that.
(I guess they and their remainders regret being Indians maybe. :S)
So many people gave up their lives (in terms of sacrifices too) but so less may have been felicitated later- most of them preferring not to coem forward as freedom to the motherland was their only aim.
And then were petty robbers/offenders who were in prison at about the same time who used that to their advantage later to claim benefits post independence. :lol:
I really treasure whatever freedom i enjoy- which has come at the cost of the immense sacrifices by so many people.
The present state of the nation is due to spineless, money-worshipping hermaphrodites.
That should not have any bearing on one's love for the nation or the hope fo a better tomorrow.
If one regrets, then he/she/he+she must belong to the same species. :cool2:
Why not try and be instrumental in the realisation of that better tomorrow.
It took decades to achieve freedom.
Looking at the mess we created, it surely will take a few more to clean it up.
Those who ask how, here's how-
Just be the change you want to see.
Be a lil more generous.
Be a lil more considerate
Be a tad more loving towards all- rich or poor.
Be as unbiased as possible.
Resist greed/temptation.
The changes are endless but not something huge.
One step at a time will get us there.
But i guess most live for self now.
Patriotism is just some word and "Patriot" is that missile the US has. :no:
Maybe most lack the b@ll$ our parents/grandparents/great grandparents had.
Coz as i said earlier, we studied history for the heck of it and never kind of developed any true patriotism in the first place maybe.
Schools need to show more documentaries and arrange more trips to places of historic interest.
Qualified guides be hired if teachers themselves are not good enough.
I wish there were more teachers like Gandhi sir.
Regret??? I have to be a son of a 1001 fathers if i regret being an Indian.
Jai Hind!! :hap2:
p.s. I haven't checked who here regrets and who doesn't.
Just posted my exact thoughts why i will never regret being an Indian, come what may.![]()