Dragon Age 3: Inquisition - Discussion Thread

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Reviews are up a week early!

Game Spot[1] - 9/10

"Inquisition's characters and world, on the other hand, recall the grand gestures of the original Dragon Age, even though the game as a whole is so structurally different to its predecessors. It offers the thrill of discovery and the passion of camaraderie. It features a glee club called The Sing-Quisition, and a dwarf with writer's block. It establishes connections with its world in big ways and small, with the sight of a titanous temple and the smirk of an Orlesian commander in love. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a wonderful game and a lengthy pilgrimage to a magical world with vital thematic ties to one we already know."

Game Informer[2] - 9.5/10

"After two disparate entries with different philosophies, Dragon Age’s identity crisis is over. With a mixture of open-world exploration, entertaining combat, and top-tier characters, the team at BioWare has found a winning formula that isn’t shackled to either Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age II. Inquisition is not defined by the traditions it returns to, but by the new directions it forges for this magnificent fantasy universe."

IGN[3] - 8.8/10

"When I’d finally slain my first dragon in Dragon Age: Inquisition, I felt a little sad at the thought that I was probably beginning to exhaust its seemingly endless stream of content. But then I saw the quest ticker: “Dragons Slayed - 1 out of 10.” In all my hours, I had only ever seen three. It’s a surprisingly huge, dense world, and I soon realized there were still entire sandboxes I hadn’t even set foot in. Even in my hundredth hour, I’m still discovering. Despite its less than compelling plot, I still want to go back to explore and fight through every nook and cranny of Dragon Age: Inquisition, until every dragon’s skull is mounted on my wall. "

Polygon[4] - 9.5/10

" Dragon Age: Inquisition is one of the biggest games I've ever played, and I still want more. This is the astounding scope I referred to above. It's no longer as simple as how your choices affect your small band of adventurers — though that can vary quite a lot as well. Dragon Age: Inquisition puts the fate of the world in your hands in a way that few role-playing games have done before. And even after another 80 hours devoted to it, it's a world I cannot wait to return to in whatever BioWare does next. I don't know what higher praise I could give."

Time[5] 4.5/5

"Dragon Age: Inquisition didn’t work for me at first, but then I realized I’d been playing it too much like Dragon Age II, mashing through battles and racing between to-dos and ignoring the filler because why would Bioware know anything about riveting world design? Then I slowed down, and in slowing down discovered how wrong I’d been–how much more the design team managed to fill this iteration with. Sometimes gaming’s as much about the caught-you-off-guard zen moments as the lunatic action ones, and sometimes the workmanship’s enough."

PlayStation Lifestyle[6] - 9/10

"Despite the small issues with the horses and the lack of items players can buy from merchants, I can still safely say that Dragon Age: Inquisition is the best console RPG I have ever played. The beautiful graphics grabbed me, the detailed characters reeled me in, and the open areas and numerous quests made me fall in love with the game. Overall, I spent around 55 hours on the game, and while I only recently finished the main story line, I still have many more side quests that I can play. If you’re an RPG fan,you owe it to yourself to play Inquisition, and somehow, I don’t think you’ll regret it."

Joystiq[7] - 5/5

"Dragon Age: Inquisition is BioWare's reaffirmation of what it's capable of delivering. It's a gorgeous game on an epic scale. Rich in character and story, it creates a fantasy world with plausible social rules you can get lost in. It makes you feel that you aren't just exploring a new world, but helping shape it at various levels of society. Inquisition sets the bar for what a blockbuster RPG should be."

Crave Online[8] - 8.5/10

"Dragon Age: Inquisition‘s beautiful world isn’t just a theme park looking to entertain with pre-built rides, it makes you feel like a part of the equation with major choices to be made, and often. Its combat system is a great mixture of its two predecessors, offering means to play in both action and strategy modes. Although, CPU controlled characters don’t exercise good judgement, making strategic play the better choice in most scenarios. There are also some low points in the narrative path which may hinder some from completing the lengthy journey, but it delivers interesting quests often enough to keep the ride going."

MMORPG[9] - 8.6/10

"There is no way within the scope of this review to cover everything that Dragon Age Inquisition is in terms of story, game play, visuals, combat, companions, romances, and everything else that makes up what can only be described as Bioware’s return to glory and as the preeminent force in the RPG genre. Dragon Age Inquisition is a must play for anyone who calls themselves a fan of role playing games."

PC Gamer[10] - 87/100

"There’s even co-op multiplayer, in the style of Mass Effect 3’s horde mode. As I write this, the servers are empty, and so I’ve been unable to test it. Whatever its quality, it doesn’t affect a singleplayer campaign that, all things considered, is a resounding success. How much you enjoy Inquisition will likely depend on what it is you enjoy about RPGs. If you want complex systems and hardcore challenge, it could potentially disappoint. I don’t. I want a rich world, interesting characters, and a dramatic and memorable plot. Judged on those criteria, Dragon Age: Inquisition sits happily alongside BioWare’s best."

Eurogamer[11] - 8/10

"Its not-so-fatal flaw is that in offering so much, both in terms of player choice and in going for peak-BioWare in every aspect of the game, those individual moments, characters, activities and plot beats often don't benefit from the focus and importance needed to unlock their full potential. Still, that's hardly a crime, and one more than made up for by the many high points that I can't name directly for fear of spoilers, the hours and hours both adventuring in Thedas as it was always meant to be, and sitting at the highest levels of its politics. The true power of the Inquisition may be illusory, but that doesn't stop it being satisfying to wield while it lasts."

Gaming Trend[12] - 95/100

"Dragon Age Inquisition has raised the bar for storytelling. It’s the sort of game you think you have figured out after a few hours, but time and time again it’ll surprise you. With a rebuilt combat system, an open and inviting world, 150 hours of content, and a warm and familiar storytelling system, Dragon Age Inquisition is the best RPG I’ve played in a decade."

The Daily Dot[13] - 5/5

"That said, my overwhelmingly positive feelings about Inquisition are largely informed by the fact that I think it functions so well regardless of whether the player cares about the lore of Thedas, or returning characters from previous Dragon Age games, or romancing anyone, or not. The various systems in play are so masterfully crafted that any fantasy RPG fan is remiss not to play Dragon Age: Inquisition, to imagine how the genre may evolve as a result of what this game accomplishes, even if they don’t care very much about the story."

So anyone picking this up? Gameplay estimated to be about 40-50 hours for the main quest, all the reviewers have played upwards of 80 hours.
I want to give it a try ... considering the good reviews and the open world gameplay. But the combat is putting me off a little.
I am not sure if i will like it. I am more an action orient combat fanatic, but have enjoyed some games which didnt sport it too.
Well DA:I is more "actiony" than DA:O. Looks like they kept the combat from DA2 and added the RPG elements of DA:O.
I was hoping it's 'actiony', but that tactical camera stuff makes it look like all the action is automatic and the mages are all using auto-aim no?
Well the tactical view has to be switched into and the default view is over the shoulders. You can follow any character with direct control and let your companions do their own stuff in a battle, or you can pause and setup combos in the tactical/3rd person view. Check out the Gamespot review, it's more of a Let's Play than review.
Indeed. I don't know, nobody has played it yet. I am also avoiding story discussions to avoid early spoilers. It will probably be the same travel, collect party, save the world stuff, but the reviews did mention that the characters were pretty good. I am not expecting a Mass Effect level character party or DA:O level story, but it should be pretty decent.

There are some returning characters, you can see them in all the reviews. Moreover your decisions in DA:O and DA2 will have some bearing. No importing save games though, just head over to Dragon Age Keep, quickly choose the important decisions for Origins and 2 and you're done! When you sign in to the game with the same Origin account your choices will be reflected. Really helps if you haven't played the previous games.[DOUBLEPOST=1415913836][/DOUBLEPOST]Official trailer

I have just received this mail from EA:

Dragon Age: Inquisition is not available in India

"Thank you for your interest in Dragon Age: Inquisition. In order to avoid a breach of local content laws, Electronic Arts has withdrawn Dragon Age: Inquisition from sale in India. Unfortunately, that means we're unable to fulfill your Origin order. You will be refunded for your purchase, and we apologize for the inconvenience."

This is so sad and unfortunate...I was waiting to get my hands on it since they announced it. This mail also implies DA:I won't be available in retail box copies too...not sure how to procure the legitimate version then. Ordering from Amazon.com or eBay is surely gonna cost a lot, and even these copies will require Origin to activate the game. Origin, being region locked, most probably won't process it.

Also, I am not sure what "local content laws" could be violated, though I remember Fallout 3 was also not available in India since it had a creature named "Brahmin" in it, which is name of a caste in the society.
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WTF. They have indeed removed DA:I from Origin India. I think you could still get it from Origin Mexico through a proxy, it's cheaper there. The only reason I can think of is that it features same sex relations, and probably goes against 377. What a disappointment.
Trimmed down version of GoT, TWD on tele No version of "Mature" games in India. Are they banning FC4 too? This sucks.
WTF. They have indeed removed DA:I from Origin India. I think you could still get it from Origin Mexico through a proxy, it's cheaper there. The only reason I can think of is that it features same sex relations, and probably goes against 377. What a disappointment.

This seems the most logical reason behind the cancellation.

Also, one needs to remember that previous Bioware games with homosexual content were released at a time when the anti-LGBT laws in India were officially relaxed (2009-2013), due to Delhi HC judgement. However, since the end of last year, these laws are back in full force, when the SC re-criminalized the homosexuality. This is most likely preventing EA from releasing DA:I, with its prominently featured gay content.
Because the rule hasn't been enforced retroactively yet? Frankly all this speculation is pointless until EA releases an official statement. Moreover, from what I gathered in the Bioware forums, not only is the game no longer sold here, there will be no online functionality available even if we purchase it from abroad and activate it in India. So we would need a VPN to both purchase and play the game with all features, which to me, is bullshit.

Hopefully more information will be available when we approach the launch date, but till then, no Inquisition for me. As a big RPG fan, this is a huge disappointment.
Well then they cant stop piracy of the game as its not officially released. We'll they say they dont want piracy and its bad an all ... but if they do s*** like this what else choice are they giving people.
I plan to play this game, considering online mode is not a big feature for the game, i guess my path is clear.
When you say "they" I hope you mean our govt. EA India can't jeopardise its sales from other franchises in India by dissing them.
Again, this is assuming the game got into trouble with the "moral" supremists.
More information needed.
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