Duck Tales in Hindi?

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I can remember that it was also shown on star plus daily from 5PM-7PM some years back,anyone here has any contact in star plus??
^^ I meant starting an FB page which says: WANT TO PURCHASE DUCKTALES + TALESPIN IN HINDI

The link supplied by you is only an ode/discussion to the cartoon series.

Something which ll catch the eyes of the concerned people should be created. That one is vague as far as our objective is concerned.
I got the english versions of all episodes of both Ducktales and Talespin sometime back. Needless to say, will trade them anyday for the Hindi versions !!
ggt said:
you get the hindi episodes but for mobile resolutions. on FZ.

for those who know what it means;)

Does it have all episodes? I can remove the english audio from the episodes that I have (which are ripped from DVDs and in good quality) and add the hindi audio over them. Can you PM me the links, ggt?
I had queried this guy on YouTube who had posted the Hindi version intro of Duck Tales. The video was extremely clear @360p and the sound was equally good. It had the Toon Disney logo on it. I asked him if he had the full episodes, he said he had few of them. Never followed up after that. :(
ggt's suggestion ended up as a dead end. Its not shared there anymore.

Anyone else with any ideas? Anyone having contacts in Disney India? I also remember that it used to come on Star Plus in the evenings. So if anyone has any contacts in Star TV India who can hook us up with that collection, you would get a collective cake from the community here :D

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Ethan_Hunt said:
I had queried this guy on YouTube who had posted the Hindi version intro of Duck Tales. The video was extremely clear @360p and the sound was equally good. It had the Toon Disney logo on it. I asked him if he had the full episodes, he said he had few of them. Never followed up after that. :(
Video is not a problem. I have the entire collection in English with good quality video. Its the audio, the hindi language dialogues. I am ready to volunteer to remove the english audio and add the hindi dialogues on them. I can do it for all the 100 episodes, if no one else has time. Only need someone to get the original hindi audio that we used to see on DD.
boogeyman said:
ggt's suggestion ended up as a dead end. Its not shared there anymore.

Anyone else with any ideas? Anyone having contacts in Disney India?

Does anyone knows whether this programs come on tv these days.

I am still finding it tough to understand with so many gizmo show off here and there.Even on old tv via connecting to audio video input output one can save the serials on wd media boxes.

Ill try to do the same now.First channels where it comes .than ill try my best to get a device which directly connects to my sony wega.
MAGNeT said:
Does anyone knows whether this programs come on tv these days.

I am still finding it tough to understand with so many gizmo show off here and there.Even on old tv via connecting to audio video input output one can save the serials on wd media boxes.

Ill try to do the same now.First channels where it comes .than ill try my best to get a device which directly connects to my sony wega.
Its no longer broadcasted, our only chance is to get it from disney india or star plus.
My cousin's wife works in some TV channel for sure. Will ask my cousin about it. But people please dont expect much and dont expect soon :(
RS4 said:
Its no longer broadcasted, our only chance is to get it from disney india or star plus.
If you saying star plus .Than it might be coming.Also what about disney channels on set up box or pogo.Even keep a tab on DD as these days i have seen byomkesh bakshi in good rip quality on it sometimes.

Also do suggest some direct recorder from tv(sony wega 29 inches old bulky model with video,audio sense usage of composite cable is a must) in good quality like whether Wd media players will work or not.Or any other option.Right now i own only ipod touch 3rd generation model.If That also can do with some software and hardware accessories do share.

Regarding asking from disney india as i said they wont relent.If they had to they would had already released the dvd even though at higher prices in market.They know this programs are their all time makan.Even 20 years down the line they can command any money from channels to repeat the telecast and still mint money.In sense i mean chances of getting dvd footage is 0.01%.SO one should start thinking on other lines.
If Disney India has a twitter / Facebook account, it won't be a bad idea to spam them requesting them for a DVD release. Just because they can make money telecasting it, has never meant that they don't release the DVDs. The case is similar to what happens with movies.
agantuk said:
The case is similar to what happens with movies.
With movies is royalty.Now a days even if you come up with 3D sholay hardly any buyers or collector will only buy the 3D stuff.In sense at most 10-50 thousand copies would be sold.

On repeating on tv also hardly i guess per view 30-50 thousand is paid to the companies these days as royalties or some pre-set agreement.

Now coming to cartons.Its market is kids and even 20-50-80 years down the line the story will appeal to the genere.

I wont be surprise if i come to know for each episode of duck tales to telecast on tv they charging more than a lakh.(say 50 episodes 50 all these animation and dubbing done 20 years ago say at 20 lakh total...In short 20 lakh animation earns worldwide 100 crore or even more).

Actors never go old.Story never goes boring or touches kids who is born today or 50 years down the line.

Hence no way they will be interested to come with that setup atleast in INDIA.

I guess that's easily answers why not a single episode easily available on torrents of same or removed as soon as its up.I guess disney has special team to track and remove those sources.

Note::I have nothing against anyone.I am just explaining how system of these industries is working and just banging heads at wrong end wont be helpful at all.
RS4 said:
Its no longer broadcasted, our only chance is to get it from disney india or star plus.
This is something which has baffled me.. its a cult classic and in the days when it used to telecast.. 10 AM was bliss.. and so was the half n hour after that.

Ethan_Hunt said:
.... The video was extremely clear @360p and the sound was equally good. It had the Toon Disney logo on it. I asked him if he had the full episodes, he said he had few of them. Never followed up after that. :(
@ Ethan_Hunt

This might not be a walk in the park for you but owing to your skills.. you better track that utube uploader down again and accomplish this mission.
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