Storage Solutions DVD Media Scans

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hmm 16X ?:no: i thot edgetek's were 4X,8X only.
neways apollyon can u post some scans of the media.
if scans r bad then these remind me of the "Unique" DVDs avail in lamington for 14 bucks each.
they had the same code found on MBI but scans were bad and DVDs dint read at all.
still hope its not fake though.:)
Eazy said:
MBI 8x +R = 32 each (I paid recently)
Edgetec TTH02 16x -R = 20 each = FAKE !!!
hey eazy y do think its fake!! :( should i buy it or not??tell fast...have just 30 dvds left....will have to buy 2day
Get one or two discs and burn them at 12x. Post Nero CD-DVD Quality scans here. Only then will we be able to tell u if the discs r good or not. But accd to the price it's a clear fake.
apollyon said:
hey eazy y do think its fake!! :( should i buy it or not??tell fast...have just 30 dvds left....will have to buy 2day

I would buy them anyway - even if they are fake the price is not too bad ... only thing to worry about is that they should not be bad to burn.
Eazy said:
I would buy them anyway - even if they are fake the price is not too bad ... only thing to worry about is that they should not be bad to burn.
WHOA !!! I cannot belive what I just said ....

the first disks I bought were Edgetec -R 8x (FUJIFILM03) and they were BAAAAAAD !!! So bad that I thought my writer was defective !!

I would not buy Edgetec disks again... so I would think that they may NOT be very good.... if you want to try them anyway then go ahead but I would definately go for MBI +R 8x media.... my first lot of Edgetecs cost me 21 per disk so this price is not that great.

Yesterday at Lamington road I saw UMAX media -R 8x for - I think the guy said - 16 per disk. These any good ? Somehow I dont think so.
Eazy said:
WHOA !!! I cannot belive what I just said ....

the first disks I bought were Edgetec -R 8x (FUJIFILM03) and they were BAAAAAAD !!! So bad that I thought my writer was defective !!

I would not buy Edgetec disks again... so I would think that they may NOT be very good.... if you want to try them anyway then go ahead but I would definately go for MBI +R 8x media.... my first lot of Edgetecs cost me 21 per disk so this price is not that great.

Yesterday at Lamington road I saw UMAX media -R 8x for - I think the guy said - 16 per disk. These any good ? Somehow I dont think so.

Why do u say FUJIFILM03 is bad?????
Burns and reads fine on my benq.
archish said:
Why do u say FUJIFILM03 is bad?????
Burns and reads fine on my benq.

I had a lot of low quality burns with them - but this is the luck of the draw my BENQ 1640 does not like them. Or probably I got a bad batch of the media. :huh:
apollyon said:
i think the edgetec media has probs with the dw1640, cuz i get excellent scans with it on my pioneer n nec burner

The reason for this may be because Philips/BENQ are one of the main proponents of the +R media camp so their hardware is made to work best with that media whilst the FUJIFILM03 is a -R which if I am not mistaken is pioneered by Pioneer.
well u mean crappy for the quality of these discs i suppose, which is comparable to the media at these rates. I got the lowest PIE of 10 on my BenQ with new firmware. Thoght I will buy a few more.
archish said:
well u mean crappy for the quality of these discs i suppose, which is comparable to the media at these rates. I got the lowest PIE of 10 on my BenQ with new firmware. Thoght I will buy a few more.

There are variables in all computer hardware I dont think there is any strict rulez that if a FUJIFILM03 does not work fine on my writer that it MUST be the same on yours. There are many variables because some BENQ 1640's are made in CHINA and some in Malaysia and then there are OEMs and Retails and there are meant to be differences in the working of the drives made in April and May and I suppose the moths after that too .... so if the Edgetecs work for you - GREAT - you will save money by not buying the 50% more expensive MBI +R media. :)
hmm just thinking to go for -R or +R as the quality scans are good on the -R fuji03 than the mbi chepo ones. BTW its TechCom not edgetec :)
got 200 of the edgetec media 2day, surprisingly darky got 100 yesterday n his were tth02 while mine r mbi!! a 96 score in cd/dvd speed @ 16x...good enough for me :D
apollyon said:
got 200 of the edgetec media 2day, surprisingly darky got 100 yesterday n his were tth02 while mine r mbi!! a 96 score in cd/dvd speed @ 16x...good enough for me :D

Can you please confirm that the burn @ 16x completes a full disk in under 6 minutes. Because I have read that many media do not actually burn at 16x even tho you may have selected that speed and the burn software at the end says something like "BURNED SUCCESSFULLY AT 16x" . Was burn done in Nero ? have you done the registry hack for Nero to show the real time burn speeds ?

I understand a true 16x burn completes in around 5 min 45 secs.
apollyon said:
got 200 of the edgetec media 2day, surprisingly darky got 100 yesterday n his were tth02 while mine r mbi!! a 96 score in cd/dvd speed @ 16x...good enough for me :D
PI errors and PIF are good indicators of disk quality. the quality score isnt a exact measure. I get 98 for crappy burns sometimes. Kindly do a scan and post :)
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