Ebay camera dealer fraud.....Help!!!

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My conversation with ebay representative....

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11:10:02 AM System
Initial Question/Comment: Other
11:10:08 AM System
Thank you for contacting eBay.in Live Help. Please hold for the next available Live Help agent.
11:10:08 AM System
Vidya M has joined this session!
11:10:08 AM System
Connected with Vidya M
11:10:15 AM Me
hi vidya

11:10:24 AM Vidya M
Hi, welcome to eBay Live Chat! My name is Vidya. I would be glad to assist you with your concern.

11:10:26 AM Vidya M
How may I help you today?

11:11:15 AM Me
I had sent innumberable mails to ebay and fraud investigation team regarding my camera replacement but still no reply from ur side

11:12:04 AM Me
I'm still waiting for progress

11:12:32 AM Me
u thr?

11:12:54 AM Vidya M
May I have the item number please?

11:13:26 AM Me
its over 7months old

11:13:38 AM Me
so i think that wouldn't be of ne use to u

11:14:01 AM Me
about 7months back i had bought a camera from ebay via kk_camerazone

11:14:28 AM Vidya M
Had you file an dispute in Resolution center ?

11:15:02 AM Me

11:15:11 AM Me
I had sent a mail to ebay support

11:15:22 AM Me
they told me sent a mail to fraud investigation team

11:15:41 AM Me
i did that twice or thrice but no replies from them.

11:16:05 AM Me
how to file a dispute at resolution center??

11:16:53 AM Vidya M
The option to file an dispute is only with in 45 days from the date of transaction.

11:17:05 AM Me
yea i know that one...

11:17:24 AM Me
after 20 days of receiving the item the camera stopped working...

11:17:58 AM Me
so i returned it to dealer

11:18:18 AM Me
but its over 6months i still havent received it

11:20:10 AM Me
u thr?

11:20:48 AM Vidya M
To escalate this case to the concerned team, I would require the item number.

11:21:01 AM Me
jus a sec let me find out

11:22:09 AM Vidya M

11:22:42 AM Me
370179790724 .... i guess its this 1....

11:22:59 AM Vidya M
Let me check the same for you.

11:23:16 AM Me
item listing is over 90 days old

11:23:27 AM Me
so i dont think u'll find any details of it

11:24:40 AM Me
u thr?

11:24:53 AM Me
please check mails sent from my id.

11:25:05 AM Me
u'll find all details regarding the issue

11:25:17 AM Me
there has been atleast 10 mails to ur ebay support

11:25:39 AM Vidya M
I was reading the revert given to you by our investigation team.

11:27:14 AM Vidya M
Did you contact the seller regarding this issue?

11:30:33 AM Vidya M
It’s been a while since I heard from you. Just checking to see if we’re still connected?

11:31:00 AM Me
yea still thr

11:31:37 AM Me
i contacted the seller million times...when he hears my name he just cuts line and switches of the mobile

11:31:45 AM Me
i have sent him many mails

11:31:51 AM Me
but its of no use

11:31:52 AM Vidya M
Oh okay.

11:32:06 AM Me
so wats d solution

11:32:18 AM Me
ur fraud investigation team is not replying

11:32:38 AM Me
have sent them 4 mails in last 20 days

11:32:40 AM Vidya M
I will escalate your case from my end to our concerned team, so and they will revert back to us, whether they can cover you under eBay's Standard Purchase Protection Program.

11:33:19 AM Me
Payal said that to me last week as well but i got no progress from ur side

11:33:38 AM Me
there has been no update on d issue

11:33:42 AM Me
all i do is wait

11:34:11 AM Me
Ma'am if u suggest i'll take a legal action against the seller..

11:34:30 AM Vidya M
You can decide to do the same.

11:34:31 AM Me
if u r unable to do nethng..

11:34:53 AM Vidya M
Since the seller is even not ready to respond to you.

11:35:07 AM Me

11:35:53 AM Vidya M
I will escalate your case, this time to the concerned team, and they will revert back to us in next 48 hours.

11:36:01 AM Me
ru sure

11:36:23 AM Vidya M
Yes, our team will update us in next 48 hours.

11:36:27 AM Me
i have heard this thrice from payal once from gilbert/gilberg

11:36:45 AM Me
but i got no reply from ur side after that

11:37:00 AM Vidya M
Can you tell be date when you had paid for this item?

11:37:13 AM Me
4th april i think

11:37:24 AM Vidya M

11:37:48 AM Me
its somewhere in april ...1-2 days up or down may be max...

11:38:04 AM Vidya M
Thank You for providing me with the information.

11:38:24 AM Me
So whats the action ebay is going to take may i know that?

11:40:54 AM Vidya M
I have informed your situation to the team, so that they can look into the matter and decide upon the further course of action.

11:41:23 AM Vidya M
Please contact us in next 48 hours, and we will update you the revert send to us by our concerned team.

11:41:26 AM Me
so u tell me exact date ebay is going to respond back

11:41:52 AM Me
how n where should i contact n wht reference should i give?

11:42:29 AM Vidya M
You can contact us on chat or You can contact eBay Helpline on the Toll Free numbers i.e. 1800 209 3229 (For all landline and mobile phone

11:42:37 AM Me

11:42:43 AM Vidya M
The reference number of the escalation is : 00233900

11:42:50 AM Me
wht reference should i give...

11:42:52 AM Me

11:44:11 AM Me
so 2mrw even or tuesday morning should i contact?

11:44:11 AM Vidya M
Is there anything else that I can help you with?

11:44:30 AM Me
tomorrow evening should i contact u?

11:45:04 AM Vidya M
Please contact us on 26-Sept,09.

11:45:16 AM Me

11:45:27 AM Me
m recording this chat for future reference

11:45:30 AM Me
thank you

11:45:39 AM Vidya M
Connected with a Customer Representative
Session ID:19450600
Pick one of the following options:
OK Cancel

The reference number of the escalation is : 00233900
lets c i'll contact them again on monday...I wanted to post it here so that u ppl will get to know whats gng on and also I can access this conversation from absolutely anywhere even my mobile :)
Mods please implement some of suggestion done here like putting the name in the OPs thread and other guys can post on their blog and whatever they have to spread this message and give a thrashing to this camera zone :@
You might as well forget it! If Ebay has not yet responded, it is unlikely they will respond now! And since you seem over reluctant to peruse the case through consumer forum, I don't think much if anything would come out of it!

Moral of the story?

Don't buy anything without manufacturer warranty and in case you get in to same situation, don't wait for months, hoping dealer's heart would change and he would correct his mistake!

Ps. sorry to sound rude.
i would still suggest you not to delay registering complaint with consumer forum anymore. Do it as soon as possible.
This is sick and you ought to fight it on principle, if not for the loss you sustained :@

First, consumer court. Sorry to break this but I'd suggest you rule this one out. Reason being, a consumer complaint, or for that matter any civil dispute, has to be raised before a court where the defendant (the dealer, in your case) resides or carries on business. So you'd have to file a complaint before the relevant district forum in Mumbai. I don't think that would be feasible for you (Chandigarh/Hyderabad > Mumbai).

I'd suggest you shoot a mail to Hyderbad Cyber Crime Cell (cybercell_hyd@hyd.appolice.gov.in and Detective Department, Hyderabad City Police). Email them that you have been defrauded into paying money for a defective camera.

Send a legal notice. Even though you may not be able to sue the person in consumer forum for practical reasons. It acts as a coercive tactic and often works. Throw in legal terms...consumer forum, Section 420 Indian Penal Code, civil and criminal liabilities etc.

File a complaint on www.http://www.ccccore.co.in as somebody mentioned before. Often they take the matter on behalf of the complainant and ask the sellers to mend their ways. Remember though, they are just a 'pressure group' ... no real authority or anything.
All the best.
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Dealer's responsibility ended when u got the product. U should've taken the camera to nearest Sony repair center. No wonder he is not responding.
Rockfella said:
Dealer's responsibility ended when u got the product. U should've taken the camera to nearest Sony repair center. No wonder he is not responding.

mate, he has given dealer warranty, meaning its a grey product
Sony India aint going to honor the RMA

the dealer took the defective piece and not responding at all
Hi guys we have received following mail from ebay.....
From: claimsdept@ebay.com [mailto:claimsdept@ebay.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 1:37 AM
To: Tripta Kishore
Subject: Receipt of your eBay Protection Claim (US)

Dear eBay Member,
Thank you for contacting eBay. Your online claim regarding item number 370179790724 has been received by the Standard Purchase Protection Program team. Your claim is very important to us and will be fully investigated. Please do not reply to this email, as it is a confirmation of receipt of your claim only.
What happens now?
Your claim has been assigned to a claims administrator who will fully review your case.
Within the next 14 days, your claims administrator will contact you via email requesting Proof of Payment and a Letter of Authenticity or Appraisal (for Significantly Not as Described claims only). If your claim has been resolved and does not need to be pursued, please reply directly to your claims administrator’s email.
Proof of payment may be provided in the form of a photocopy of the front and back of a money order, receipt, cashiers check, personal check, etc. - whatever form of payment you used to pay for the item. If you paid via PayPal, please provide a copy of the payment history or the email payment confirmation for the item. For transactions that were paid using PayPal, along with the required proof of payment, you must include documentation showing that you were denied coverage by PayPal. If you paid with a credit card (either directly or through an online payment service other than PayPal), eBay will require proof of denial of reimbursement through the credit card company. This will typically be in the form of a letter from your credit card issuer.
The Appraisal or Proof of Authenticity based on an independent authenticator's physical inspection must be on company letterhead of the authenticator and must include contact information for the authenticator (name and telephone number).
Please refer to eBay’s Standard Purchase Protection Program – Coverage and Eligibility requirements at the URL below:
United States and Canada: eBay: Redirect
Australia: eBay: Redirect
As a reminder, the maximum coverage under eBay's Standard Purchase Protection Program is $200.00 minus $25.00 (to cover processing costs). Please be aware that additional charges such as shipping and handling, and/or escrow fees are not covered under this program.
For more information about eBay's Standard Purchase Protection Program, please go to the URL below:
eBay: Redirect
Please do not reply to this email notification; it is a confirmation of receipt of your claim only.
eBay Claims Administration
Another mail in her inbox as well.....

Subject: SHORC003 eBay Purchase Protection Claim 1704371 (KMM6595198I15977L0KM) Received: 29-Sep-2009
From: eBay Customer Support Expires: 29-Sep-2010

My name is Ria and I have been assigned as the Adjuster for your
Purchase Protection Claim regarding item number 370179790724. Your claim
has been assigned Claim Number 1704371.

In order to complete your claim submission, additional documentation is
required. The required documentation described below must be received
before we can begin processing your claim.

1) Proof of Payment

If your payment was sent via bank transfer, deposit receipts, credit
card or bank statements, or other bank documentation or records relating
to the payment will be acceptable.

If payment was made using a demand draft or money order, please send a
copy of the cashed payment. You can contact your bank or the
establishment the money order was purchased through if needed to request
a copy of the front and back of the cashed cheque or money order.

If you paid with a credit card (either directly or through an online
payment service other than Paisa Pay or PayPal), proof of denial of
reimbursement through the credit card company is also required. This
will typically be in the form of a letter from your credit card issuer.

NOTE: In case you have made the payment via Paisa Pay, you will NOT need
to send any payment proof. Simply reply to this email confirming the

PaisaPay Transaction ID:
Email Address:
Seller's Email Address:
Amount Paid:
PaisaPay Coupon Used: Y/N

2) Appraisal of the Received Item

The Appraisal must be based on an independent authenticator's physical
inspection. Please take the item and a copy of the item listing to a
store or neutral third party that specializes in the product and have
them determine the value and condition of the item. Have them write
their response on store letterhead. We will also need the name and phone
number of the person who does the evaluation for verification purposes.

You may send the documentation attached on this e-mail address:

Attn: Ria D.
Claim # 1704371

(Note: This email address is only used to receive your required

To assist us in quickly processing your claim, please insure that you
reference both my name and the claim number when submitting the
documentation. Please allow 7 days for a response once you have
submitted the required documentation.

Upon receipt of the required documentation within the requested time
frame, we will begin processing of your claim. Please be aware that we
must receive this documentation within the next 14 days. If the
necessary documentation is not received by the eBay Claims
Administration , we will be forced to close this claim.

3) For verification purposes, please also provide your contact
information as outlined below:

*Full Name:
*Street Address:
*Postal Code:
*Phone Number:

If your claim is approved, we will mail a Demand Draft payment made
payable to you, using the name and address that you verify in the above

If you would prefer to receive your payment via PayPal instead of a
Demand Draft, please also provide us with your preferred PayPal payment
email address and we will issue your payment via PayPal.

PayPal payment email address:

*(NOTE: Please be sure to provide all of the information listed above in
your reply. We will not be able to continue processing your claim unless
you first verify this information)

For more information about eBay's Standard Purchase Protection
Programme, please go to the URL below:

eBay Buyer Protection Program

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Ria D.
Claims Adjuster
Standard Purchase Protection Program

eBay official time
proof of purchase!!

bank transaction,

paisapay transaction id..

he must be having all these..

atleast he got some positive reply from ebay,

his case is being heard,

thats wat i meant!
How much price difference did it make buying grey? OT :P

Spectre said:
mate, he has given dealer warranty, meaning its a grey product

Sony India aint going to honor the RMA
the dealer took the defective piece and not responding at all
Very sorry for you , Something similar had happened to me , I bought a Nikon L18 with dealer warranty from ebay and the camera conked off after 2 months , fortunately though the seller was based in Delhi and i physically took the camer to him and he promptly replaced it .
hp-india said:
Not really. How is he gonna appraise the product when he doesn't have the camera in hand?

dude I have appraise from the dealer himself that the product is dead !! He had sent me a mail regarding the same. So I think that should work. Plus we'll tell them that we have returned the product as well since we have proofs of that as well . We'll get scanned copy of camera bill. Paisapay order completed mail . Bank statement of the payment made. Letter of us sending the product, acknowledgement of product received(email) and also that the product received is dead said by dealer himself(again an email) and send it to them tomorrow. If they dont create a problem of transaction being old ,rest all should be fine.

We have enough proofs for the same i think.

Hope it works, Will keep you all updated about the same. Thanks.

Please check mail attached below for further confirmation.

-----Original Message-----
From: kk [mailto:kkcamerazone@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:56 PM
To: Prinshu Agarwal
Subject: RE: Sony dsc-S950 replacement


We have got the camera from your side.

From our end we have received the Dead camera ( no display no movement )

We have forwarded the same to service , we are awaiting the reply from
service .

Soon we will update u the status.

Thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: Prinshu Agarwal
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 5:24 AM
To: kkcamerazone@gmail.com
Subject: [?? Probable Spam] Sony dsc-S950 replacement

Dear Sir,
I had shipped you my Sony DSC-S950 for replacement from mysore
and would like to know as when will i be receiving it.
Kindly reply asap

Prinshu Agarwal
Do comment whether it will work or not...
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