eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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medpal said:
same here :D was the dealer calcutta based?

Infact that purchase was for a friend.

Yes the dealer was Calcutta based only. Me and Aditya ordered from the same seller. :ohyeah:
I assume it's pretty safe since sellers never get to see your credit card number, paisapay acts as an escrow service in between .
seller pays 4% on paisa pay remittance ;For cc ican understaand but for bank transfer Oh come on complete rip off!Final value fee 1-4% depends

Hence products get 10-15% more than market :( And top of that no selers protection :(
paisapay is a damn thief. Once your money is stuck, you are bounded in endless circle of mails to and fro to them.

I second that. Had a tough time for a refund for item not shipped by seller. Took me one month to get the refund apart from the numerous mails and calls to their toll free no..
jerin said:


you havent replied to my mail...
My friend is working on that:)

Back to topic.... any reviews on the 2GB MP3 player by YES? looks like it does not have a LCD display...Is it worth buying?
Gaurish said:
what you guys think of this deal?
Nokia e63
in checked in local nokia showroom, its available for 14k

so on ebay, its cheaper

i got one E63 from ebay during a previous offer from a different seller without much hassle except for the paisapay verification. With a coupon, got the cell around 1.3k cheaper than available locally that too on EMI.
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