eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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MrHunt said:
Guys I am looking to buy samsung c3212 from this listing. If anyone knows this seller please comment.

eBay India: SAMSUNG C3212 DUAL SIM CAMERA FM SUPER SLIM WARRANTY (item 390175519511 end time 26-Apr-2010 15:28:21 IST)

Good thing is he is from Pune too. What things one should take care of while buying from ebay ? Thanks a lot.

All i look for is a good feedback. If the guy's got anything more than a 100 feedbacks with an aggre of 97%+ positive, then i'm good to go.

Another very very big thing is that the user accepts paisapay . I dont even consider paying by any other method. Almost everybody accepts paisapay, but it's so taken for granted that you tend not to look for it, and assume that he does. Look everytime you buy for that paisapay board.

On a separate note, i've just created 4 new accounts today!

Doesnt help my original account's feedback at all.. but 20% on each item is very very tempting :P

HailStonE said:
Contact the seller then... he might be able to help...

By the way for Banglore people looking for second hand AC... I found this...

eBay India: Hitachi 1.5 Ton Quadricool Window AC (item 170473385724 end time 22-Apr-2010 17:34:04 IST)...

He's got 0 rating.. Seems genuine enough, but a sell woudn't be my first transaction on ebay.
puppeteerX said:
He's got 0 rating.. Seems genuine enough, but a sell woudn't be my first transaction on ebay.

Contradicting statements... :S:S

People can actually see the ac before taking delivery & then confirm receipt only if they are satisfied... So that if there is no deal then your money will be totally safe.

that's why only local buyers can take advantage of the deal... :cool2:
I am looking for a decent USB lamp for my laptop .Need one badly there hundreds of them to choose from dunno which to get.I do not want the light to be too bright or too dark some thing which is decent for me to see the KB and yeah should not conk off that easily.
RoBoGhOsT said:
u can get the raid store hdd , it will sell for 1.3-1.5k.
or get pendrive + bluetooth headset both will fetch 1.5k total easily .

Guys please pardon my ignorance.. But how do we score these runs? Is this offer open for everyone? How does it works?
niteshkhatri said:
Guys please pardon my ignorance.. But how do we score these runs? Is this offer open for everyone? How does it works?

The run scoring scheme ended on 11th April 2010
BTW it was 1 run for every Rs 100 spent on Ebay site
just redeemed my runs for nikon L21 + bluetooth headset :D

niteshkhatri said:
Guys please pardon my ignorance.. But how do we score these runs? Is this offer open for everyone? How does it works?

its over now .. buy any stuff and get points using coupon notout001 etc

1 run for 100 bux spent . use the runs to get gifts .
shravank30 said:
The run scoring scheme ended on 11th April 2010
BTW it was 1 run for every Rs 100 spent on Ebay site

Hey I had made a purchase on 7 Apr for around 17K. How do i redeem the points for that?

Guys any link with the offer details would be really appreciated.! I dint find anything on ebay.in..!
niteshkhatri said:
Hey I had made a purchase on 7 Apr for around 17K. How do i redeem the points for that?

Guys any link with the offer details would be really appreciated.! I dint find anything on ebay.in..!

Please check your registered email, they have send an email with your password for claim your gift.
check ebay deals of the week starting 28th april

^read the last line :P

so people get ready to get some good deals on netbooks and digicams
MohitPreet said:
check ebay deals of the week starting 28th april

^read the last line :P

so people get ready to get some good deals on netbooks and digicams

you got some serius sweat stakes in ebay haha

nice find and nice initiative.
^ He seems to have increased the price. Yesterday it was only Rs 5485, an increase of Rs 90. :P But still a good deal :P
medpal said:
you got some serius sweat stakes in ebay haha

nice find and nice initiative.

no sir , my friend is a registered seller on ebay , he got this email from ebay in his mail box ,
even TE dealers here who are dealing on ebay wud have got the same mail i guess , itwares , mediahome , buygamingstuff can confirm on this ,
i have got no stakes in ebay :P
MohitPreet said:
no sir , my friend is a registered seller on ebay , he got this email from ebay in his mail box ,
even TE dealers here who are dealing on ebay wud have got the same mail i guess , itwares , mediahome , buygamingstuff can confirm on this ,
i have got no stakes in ebay :P

Any idea what deals will be coming out tomorrow?
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