eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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I was testing it 20 mins back and even at that time it was working... but its not working anymore... looks like coupons have been disabled.
I guess they too are going for a cleanup like we had in TE ;)

keep patience guys....

We will hopefully get a new set of coupons in a few days...

PS: Sighh !!!! even I had so much on my shopping list. ebay prices will no longer look attractive without the coupons...I guess the 250 flat coupon was the culprit. We were all having a party since Diwali.

Come on ebay we want to buy from u but not at 10% higher than market rates
party is over.now those u have received there order.login there ebay account and confirm the order received .so that seller get there money
WingZero said:
wen did u buy it nyway??....been days??..:S

Got it on 24th the last date to ship item is 30th .Sent a mail to the seller yesterday he responded saying he will do it ,but wasnt done:@ so sent a mail again waiting for the reply :S :S
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