eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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bitsandpieces said:
well, ebay doesnt even tell him or any other user why his account got banned. given that, do you think ebay is interested in creating a safe market place ? or really care weather the seller loses or not ?

i just hope sumhw with so many sellers getting banned sum1 takes up legal action which will force ebay to clear up the stuff. when they tell you why they banned you, what will you fight ?

Actually I know what mediahome is facing. I used to be a small seller on ebay and got rid of my old gear that way.
Someday ebay just decided that I violating copyrights by selling branded stuff below mrp and banned my account.
I had to create new account to use all these coupons. I stay away from ebay generally. The prices are ~15% higher than the market rate.
I hope medihome doesn't suffer a huge loss because of this. It's ebay's fault really. Once the order is cleared by ebay the seller is required to ship asap. Who gave ebay the right to cancel an order AFTER it has been shipped ?

5% and Max - 750


The voucher entitles you to get 5% off (subject to a maximum discount of Rs. 500/- on anything)


The voucher entitles you to get 5% off (subject to a maximum discount of Rs. 1000/- on anything)
I feel that good sellers like mediahome should start selling more from techenclave and all our TE members should prefer our sellers. I am sure we get lot cheaper from our members than anywhere else.
akg7091 said:
Who gave ebay the right to cancel an order AFTER it has been shipped ?

yes, this is a point ebay need to clear up. and fast. you might decide to refund money for which stuff has not been shipped if the user violates sum or other rule. but certainly not what has been shipped.

if they do this way, i guess a lot of gud sellers like mediahome and other will stay away from them. i never understood why he didnt want to list stuff on ebay. now i guess i understand after seeing this.

5% coupons wont make much of diff on ebay. ebay prices most times aint competitive enough compared to the market price in bigger cities
^^ Let the tide settle for some time... eBay cannot ignore the business these coupons bring to them... The cost in terms of exposure to newer & more purchases cannot be ruled out....

Once their sales start dipping they will once again come up with some kind of promotion which will benefit them & users all along....

Sab (19 members) kitni umeed se iss thread ko dekh rahe hain. Waiting for coupons....Lolzzz :)


Added these coupons and remove the previous non-working ones
few days back i had a chat with friend who is a ex ebay employee
following points came out of the discussion
1. ebay india right now is aiming to increase volumes so coupons are there
2. they r fully aware of ebay coupon sharing and ppl making multiple ids, (they actually visit forums like TE)
3. some employee in a bid to increase volumes put a 250 off coupon without realising what it would snowball into
4. things got out of hand and they had to do damage control by banning ids
Why dont we all start calling and using ebay consumer chat and and give them a piece of our mind?
Im sure they'l give in after some time...If you purchased from mediahome then why not try to do this for them?
Ok i had a chat and now i know wat big IDIOTS are there at ebay!!
Ebay bonehead:- Since you payed using coupon you wont get refund.
Me:- Fine i didnt ask for it, but then I got the product in time, So what abt the seller?
Ebay:- Ship the product back to the seller
Me:- so are you ready to send a demand draft of 100rs for shipping charges?
Ebay bone head again:- We advice you to solve the problem with the seller amicably.
Me:- You idiot, You ppl, ie Ebay , are the main problem!!
Had to go somewhere so shut the window afer 2min of waiting :@

So all you people who get bored in office or feel its your duty, please do open ebay chat and fire off..:ohyeah:
Ebay chat:-

eBay Customer Support
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