eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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Question for anyone who used coupon KPUBYIJYTZ to get 15% off coupon on next purchase:

1. What items can this coupon be used? I tried this for this camera (New Canon Powershot SX150 14MP 12X Zoom + 4GB Card + Case + Charger | eBay) and it says coupon can not be applied. Thing is I am able to apply it on a different listing of the very same camera model (@ slightly higher price). Will I still get the coupon? Or will eBay block it?

You probably tried to use it on a "Deals of the Week" item so that's why it didn't work. It should work fine for all other item categories.

I used that coupon on a mobile, but still didn't receive any 15% coupon yet. Anybody here who got that?

you'll find it on ebay's page on 24th august. there'll be a separate header which 'll direct you to the "claim your gift" page

btw, did you get the canon 550d?
sandeepsachin I did called electro-vision ,no one answered the call.. :annoyed:
I skipped 550D for 60D. Bought it in eBay. The seller is from Chennai too (Sankyoelectronics).
Clicking ever since...
I just got 2 coupons in 2 diff email ids, 200 off and 150 off. got a zippo lighter fluid can for 45 rupees and a amzer screen gaurd for my phone for 30 rupees :P:yahoo:
I have 2 10% off max. 2000 coupons which I am not using. If someone is interested, they will have to PM me. Preference to older (by tenure, not age :P) forum members.

EDIT: Both coupons gone...
your sucha bad ass :D

Many have hobby of creating ebay accounts

12-13 accounts ain't that many...I read somewhere that many guys have 100+ accounts on ebay :scared14: and I just have 12-13 :unsure:

I have more than 40 :yawn:
Way to go, my friend :gap:

- - - Updated - - -

can you share deals which you purchased.
so we also can get them.


Well, I don't have links right now but I can list the items

1) 2-3 keychains
2) 2 recron pillows
3) 2 Almond packets
4) stainless steel spoons (buy6 +6free = 12 spoons@Rs.155-150=rs.5 :gap:)
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