Encounter with Noobs !!!!

My life is a hell because of my knowledge in tech. I never thought that my IT and banker friends are so nOObs around tech section. I encounter them all the time
when it's a lunch time or at holiday they call me for asking even a small doubt about their rig. God will help other tech knowledgeable member from this section.
Well this has been real problem with me in last few years. and i have turned this thing into time pass profession. lol. I am ok with Family friends. but when friend's friends comes :annoyed: i simply tell them that i will charge x amount to do it. :p No more free lunch. :devil:
Can't do with them they are nice guys but they are headache for me. I can't thank for your suggestion.

One thing I do is, suggest them to buy high end hardware. They do not, since they are always on a budget and end up buying cheap stuff which is available in the shop.
This way I get to say, I told u not to buy that and you still got it. Now don't come to me for help :bleh:
Problem Solved !!
One thing I do is, suggest them to buy high end hardware. They do not, since they are always on a budget and end up buying cheap stuff which is available in the shop.
This way I get to say, I told u not to buy that and you still got it. Now don't come to me for help :bleh:
Problem Solved !!

Why would you do that ?

If you dont want to help say it on the face instead of bad advise.
Pretty sure mykey must be feeling:


My life is a hell because of my knowledge in tech. I never thought that my IT and banker friends are so nOObs around tech section. I encounter them all the time
when it's a lunch time or at holiday they call me for asking even a small doubt about their rig. God will help other tech knowledgeable member from this section.
been there! earlier it used to irritate me, these days I handle it by just three simple conditionals:-

  • Software problems = FORMAT IT
  • Hardware problems = repair/replace
  • Buying Advice = Checkout reviews on the net

It's not so easy in practical life my friend. I never intend to do that to my friend with this type of cheap tricks. Sorry don't take this thing a wrong way, but i can't do this thing
to my friends.
One question for you?
Can you do this to your dear but nOObs friends with this type of cheap trick.

They mostly want a machine that will last them 10 years and run every game that comes on the market in the next 10 years. Tell me what would you do.. :)

Also I do not suggest something because its costly and the person would not afford it. I suggest parts that are VFM and also out of the guys budget but are aligned to what he supposedly looks for.
Now if anyone gives me that kinda requirements whose mistake is it. ha tell me :)
Trust me once, out of humanity, I did give a friend a config that was actually affordable to him and he got the machine. I was formatting his machine every month. Just coz it was my config and it did not run as he expected it to.
But if a sane friend asks me, then I do sit down and make him understand he does not need a machine that will last him 10 yrs.. just the main components that matter shud be good.

Oh and yes.. to my n00b friends I'm a n00b too :p

Pretty sure mykey must be feeling:



I was formatting his machine every month. Just coz it was my config and it did not run as he expected it to.
Oh yeah, not just with config this happens all the time with everyone I am sure. Once you recommend something strongly, you are blamed for life when things go wrong. Best is to just give a suggestion and tell them to research further on their own.
^The same thing can be seen with the mobile also, if you suggest a mobile and then when he/she cannot operate properly or is not satisfied then the blaming starts (experienced personally) )
Dude i encounter with noobs in my life from class 6. they are helpful in lots of stuff but when it came to tech they are freaking me out with their
knowledge. one day my friend want to buy a ups and the budget is around 3k. the shopkeeper is so cleaver he show him the worst companies ups
in low rate to sale it and that idiot bought it at home and ask me to run that ups. i came to his house and ask him why did he buy that ups. he said its
come under the 1.5k and laugh on the shopkeeper. when i start the ups its take down his psu and motherboard and the budget goes beyond his imagination.

BTW Which U.P.S was that ?:scared14:
Dude i encounter with noobs in my life from class 6. they are helpful in lots of stuff but when it came to tech they are freaking me out with their
knowledge. one day my friend want to buy a ups and the budget is around 3k. the shopkeeper is so cleaver he show him the worst companies ups
in low rate to sale it and that idiot bought it at home and ask me to run that ups. i came to his house and ask him why did he buy that ups. he said its
come under the 1.5k and laugh on the shopkeeper. when i start the ups its take down his psu and motherboard and the budget goes beyond his imagination.

my 7.5K APC ups blew itself out after 10+ replacements .....reading this now i think it could have been much worse :p.
I am tired of people asking - kaunsa mobile loo (which mobile to buy) HTC, samsung or any other... how can one tell the answer just by brand name and with no models specified..

Also irritated by people asking - China mobile hai kya (is it china mobile) for my T-mobile handset :mad:
Awesome thread lol. Quite a few gems in here :)

Here are some of my experiences. Not all of them are computer related though.

First one is from childhood, when we used to rent VHS tapes from Video Libraries. Anyone remembers how the tape lid used to open up on pressing the side button and you could see the actual magnetic tape? Well, I was walking back home through the playground and some of my colony boys got curious and were playing around with my rented VHS tape. One kid opened the lid somehow and started pressing the tape against his eyes. Then he said, "Koi negative dikh he nahi raha, tape kharab to nahi?" (Can't see any negative, is the tape faulty?), after I stopped laughing, I told him "Thank god I didn't have an audio cassette tape with me, otherwise you would have stuffed it in your ear" :D

Another one, was about a decade back. My then friend didn't have a cell phone and used to call from her home. One day after returning from college, she told me that she was trying to call me from college the whole day, but could not reach me. I was shocked that she got a cell phone and didn't even tell me. So I asked her about which phone, etc. Then she says its the same phone she calls from everyday. It works at home. Then I realized and fell down laughing. She carried her cordless phone handset to college with her, lol.

This one is from my school days. When we used to have PC-AT, PC-XT etc. No HDD, just 5.25" Floppy drives. Computer period starts in school and we boot up to DOS to begin our epic BASIC journey. I hear some frustrated sighs from behind me and turn back to see what's going on. One of the classmates computer is not booting up and I see him frantically recycling power and working with his Floppy Disk. I get up to help him and then stopped in my tracks and burst out laughing. You guys remember how PC-ATs used to do power on diagnostics, etc. As part of that, the Floopy drive LEDs used to light up 1 by 1, in sequence, drive A, then B then back to A and then load up OS from Boot disk if inserted in A. Well, this guy would enter his boot Floppy in drive A, and when B: LED used to turn on, he would take out Floppy from A and put it in B. Then A drive LED would turn back on and he would take out Floppy from B and put it back in A. By that time System would have though Drive A is empty and it would throw up an error message. He kept on repeating this cycle till we could stop laughing and help him out.

Last one I can remember is from Engineering college, First Semester I think. We had a course called Computer Programming and we had a usual moronic professor. The professor could not even pronounce Computer and used to called it as 'kmp-veee-terrr'. Well, the language he was teaching was BASIC again ><. Time came for end semester Viva. We are all standing in a line outside our magnificent computer lab with its 4 computers. My roll number was in 50+ range so I know I have a long wait. Also one of the rare opportunity to be popular, as I was the proclaimed 'Computers Guy', so all the guys and girl are asking me this and that about BASIC, trying to brush up at last minute. First girl goes in and 5 minutes later comes out. Everyone is like what were the questions. She said only 1 question was asked, "Explain ON GOTO statement". I though easy enough, confirmed her answer as correct and also answered 50+ repeat request to explain that, in case someone else got same question. 2nd girl goes in, comes out. Its the same question. 3rd, 4th.... same question. Now we realized, the prof is not that interested. So it went on and when my turn came after almost 3/4th of my class, the prof asked me the same question!!! So I gave him the complete explanation. I got the shock of my life then. He looks at me and tells me, "Sab yahi kah rahe hain! Aap kuch aur sunaiye." (Everyone is giving the same answer, you tell me something else!). I was stunned. I gave him 2-3 different worded explanations. Even wrote a few programs out, but he wouldn't get satisfied! Now the background is that I used to be very vocal in his classes and point out a lot of errors in his classes, etc. I virtually taught the entire class Computer algorithms and BASIC in that semester. Final result, he gave everyone A and gave me B :( Guess I was the noob who didn't stick to cramming books and his dictated programs (YES DICTATED programs as class notes to be written in full in our notebooks ><)

LOL, I guess I've gone on too much. Keep sharing your funny experiences :)

@StillWaters My exp was different. I was popular coz I fixed up the ailing Statistics Department's computer lab. Imagine my own classmates calling me "Sir" :bleh:
Actually this was the responsibility of a very "khadus" sir who used to teach BSc Computer Science or BCS in some place. That sir and me used to be seen together in the labs chatting and peering over computers and that sir doling out orders to me and lauding me on my achievements :p Imagine my surprise when the BSC students approached me to butter that sir up to get his signature so that their files would be certified :p
In short I was famous.
Come practicals... we had an external professor who came from Ferguson College to take our Practical exam.
She was whooping the students with her questions left and right... Everyone scared... I got a very simple program *phew*
Did the program. Got the output. Took my answer sheet and output paper and went to the professor. She lazily said.. "Explain how this program works?"

I went on like a machine gun :p line wise explaining what the program did.... She was :scared14:
Then the program finished... She asked why did u stop... I said program finished ma'am... She embarrassingly and looked at my paper.
Called our sir and asked who is he, pointing at me, Sir said... he is a guy who we consider has a "Masters in Everything Computers"..
Meh... Nubs :bleh: :bleh:
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Awesome experience @djmykey. My experience in engineering improved a lot after the first semester. By 5th semester, I had the HOD's keys to the computer labs of both my Electronics Engg Deptt and Comp Sc. Deptt. I remember lots of night outs in those labs playing Myst, Doom, Wolfenstein and that stupid Battle Chess, lol. Ultimate fun was when the Optical Communications professor asked a project group to take my permission before using the lab computers, rofl.
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If a 650M gives you 30 FPS, a 7730 is sure to give you 300FPS naa!

- - - Updated - - -

Also, 630M in XPS will give better framerate than 650M in Inspiron because XPS is made for gaming and Inspiron for web surfing