Encounter with Noobs !!!!

This incident is just a minute ago.

My cousin had mailed me some funky, casual group photos in which he is there and had asked me to please make passport photo out of these :wacko:
A few incidents involving me. This was back in the days when I had just got my first PC and knew nothing other than using Office (and Turbo Basic) on it because that was all I was taught in school.

Dad saw an ad in the Paper a PC with Printer free. We went to the shop. It was a PCS PC which had XP loaded on it. I was familiar to 98 as it was used in school. Like an idiot I told them to install 98 before delivery. When they delivered it I was left wondering why are images in the folder not displaying as previews like they were at their shop. When I asked the engineer about this he told me XP is the latest OS and has that feature 98 doesn't. Felt like the biggest dumba** in the world.

After the engineer left I kept messing around a bit and then decided to shutdown the PC. When I did, the PC turned off without telling me - 'It is Safe to shutdown...' (don't remember the entire line) like it used in the school PCs. So I hit the power button again. The PC booted again. Tried to shut it down again the same thing happened. Thinking OMG it is broken on the first day called the engineer. He said it is normal on the newer machines. Relaxed but feeling even dumber I put down the phone.

Then there was the 'INTERNET SAGA'... :ashamed:
Now this is good. Chennai BSNL the noob, fallen for a known hoax :p
Chennai Telephones- Mobile users Dos and Donts
Last point: It has been reported in the press that some unscrupulous elements may contact your mobile saying that they are from government agencies or Service Providers and request you to press #90 or #09. It is reported that doing so would transfer control of your SIM to the caller. SO DO NOT PRESS #90 or #09 when asked by unidentified persons.

snopes.com: #-9-0 Phone Scam

Really funny.

This is used to spread misinformation too:
Was thinking of calling a friend , so I opened the contact list and pushed the call button without even seeing I held the phone towards the ear, after few minutes of waiting i noticed there is no dial tone :p I saw again and noticed the shit phone has multiple number saved and asking me to choose one of them :lol:
This happens with me all the time. Use this Nokia C2-02. I press the call key select the person i want to call. I click on it and press the call button and hold it near my ear then realize there is no dial tone then hold it back and i see so many same no's :facepalm :difference is: Suppose the no is 9876543210. It will show
So, I was once talking to a friend of mine. He said that "Microsoft has secretly working on next OS, which will be released after 8." I told him it isn't so secret and many companies start their future products even before releasing current product which happens to be in final stage, ie testing and all. His reply? "But do you know they have scrapped 9 and are directly going for 10." I was like WTF and said "How will they change number? Won't the newly underdevelopment OS will be labeled 9, instead of calling 'scrapped' OS Win9?"
But he was stuck saying next OS will be Windows 10. I just googled "windows 9 scrapped" and asked him where is this important information and why no one is talking about it.
His reply melted my brain. He said "Because no one has submitted links to google yet." :rolleye17:
This one always brings a smile to the face whenever i recollect.

I took along a friend to NP as he wanted to purchase a portable. Yr was ~2006.
But him being a total noob with computer stuff (he is an electronics engg) , i thought i ll do the talking and will select the shops to get the rates as well.

I knew a handful of shops which would provide us quicker service and with better pricing as well. We enter one such shop and i ask first up if he has the 'Transcend' casing for laptop HDD.
The owner was already talking on the phone so he asked the brand name again. My desperate friend, who never realised how i been skimming the net in all the years as we completed engg in different states, and that i had decent knowledge now.. pulls me back by the shoulder and with 200 percent confidence (the one that you see on Mr Know nothing at all but still the world is my playground) and asked: "Bhaiya, he is asking if you have Transient brand's casing with you" ? (remember, this friend was electronics student. The word 'Transient' was like reflex action thing to him.)
Ofcource the shopowner said no with an indifferent look.

I had a facepalm moment and quietly tapped on friend's shoulder and nodded my head, indicating that lemme do the talking. I got the casing ordered by mentioning Trancend again.

Next i asked him for Hitachi's laptop hdd. I recalled that perpendicular loading technology was gaining momentum in the comp world. I knew it would be too much for the owner to answer, but i still asked him if heard about anything similar this hdd might be having.

Shopowner obviously couldnt fathom what i was asking and with the bewildered look asked: "Hain ji??" (What is that ?)

Now before i could explain or abort the question, my friend again enters the convo and proceeds: "Bhaiya, he is asking.. like the hdd .. the disk is generally placed vertically in here right.. does this Hitachi hdd has the platter loaded perpendicularly or not"

Now that question really did stumped me as well. That okay, i used talk very less during my school days and maybe that is why he has been all gung ho.. getting the impression that whatever i knew is common sense tech knowledge and can be easily derived.
I was looking at my friend as if he was still in school. Didnt knew if i should bail out and let the two people discuss something which they didnt knew about, or tell the shopowner to pass me the bill, so that we could scoot asap.
I am working in an application development where sw patches are released as bootable .iso files. We need to generate those iso every now and then and test them in testing machines.
And almost 8 out of 10 new guy burns the dvds as data dvd are tries to install.
All are bloody engineers ... BE/Btechs.

The guy sitting next to me shouting in the morning his "internet" is not working. Wanted to log a help-desk request from my machine - so while he was doing it I checked his computer. The network icon wasn't showing in the taskbar. Opened the networks connections (WinXP) and found that his LAN is disconnected. But I saw the ethernet cable is plugged in. Tracing the cable backward, I found it was coming from his VoIP phone. (in VoIP - IP Phone setting, the connection from network plug comes to VoIP and from the VoIP, the connection comes to PC) And my 'friend' has put his mobile charger removing the VoIP phone adapter (and since the device was Off - no network to the computer).
(nobody expects him to know "how IP phone works". But thats basic wiring - an engineer should at least know those things)
i really get frustrated, or wanna laugh out load when even today people rate graphics card on the memory basis..

"1gb hai, mast hai" "512mb hai bhai"

and i haven't got enough patience in me to argue with them or to make them understand because they won't be able to..