English TV series discussion

raksrules said:
I also would like to know about this. What is the basic premise of the show ?
Each season of 24 is like a 24 hour high-budget non-stop action movie.

Premise is the same in every season. Someone is going to attack America (enemy may be external or internal) and Jack Bauer is in the middle of it cause he is the best they've got.

BTW, I'm not criticizing 24. :P

It is probably the best action series I've seen. It's so damn gripping. I watched 4 seasons in less than 2 weeks. It's pretty realistic considering the fact that there are lots of casualties (the cast changed in almost every season, except few main characters).

If you want to give it a try-

1. Get hold of the 1st season.

2. Watch at least 4-7 episodes.

3. Don't blame me if you get addicted.


PS: BTW, if anyone is into the action genre, I would really recommend the UNIT . Each episode is like a mini-movie.
Jasku said:
Any mentalist watchers here?...I watched Season 1 and 2 on Zee Cafe, is it just me or did s2 get very predictable and monotonous?

Have watched the S01E01. Its more like the serious version of Psych.

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Sei said:
Each season of 24 is like a 24 hour high-budget non-stop action movie.

Premise is the same in every season. Someone is going to attack America (enemy may be external or internal) and Jack Bauer is in the middle of it cause he is the best they've got.

BTW, I'm not criticizing 24. :P

It is probably the best action series I've seen. It's so damn gripping. I watched 4 seasons in less than 2 weeks. It's pretty realistic considering the fact that there are lots of casualties (the cast changed in almost every season, except few main characters).

If you want to give it a try-

1. Get hold of the 1st season.

2. Watch at least 4-7 episodes.

3. Don't blame me if you get addicted.


PS: BTW, if anyone is into the action genre, I would really recommend the UNIT . Each episode is like a mini-movie.
Some how i feel like i am watching Die Hard. :P
Sei said:
PS: BTW, if anyone is into the action genre, I would really recommend the UNIT . Each episode is like a mini-movie.

I was not hooked onto it, coz I cannot watch 24 episodes at a stretch.. and I hate keeping track... plus 24 eps make one story.. that's one long story :|
Watching house, season 1, episodes 22 (final) and in initial parts i have got a doubt. The female doctor tells house "the women you use to live with" and then house replies "that is her Indian name, on drivers license her name is Stacy"

What did he mean by that highlighted part ?? Can someone please enlighten me. :S
raksrules said:
Watching house, season 1, episodes 22 (final) and in initial parts i have got a doubt. The female doctor tells house "the women you use to live with" and then house replies "that is her Indian name, on drivers license her name is Stacy"

What did he mean by that highlighted part ?? Can someone please enlighten me. :S
Native Americans are traditionally bestowed a name based on their duties within the tribe or things they are good at; Walks-with-Jaguars, Dances-with-Wolves, etc.

Don't worry, it wasn't a jab at Indians but Red Indians :P.
guys if u want action watch human target. great serial.
how i met ur mother is getting monotonous. same with two and a half men
big bang is great. watch also monk. good serial.
24 is 24 hours in 24 episodes each episode depicting one hour of jack bauer's life. It is die hard of TV minus the cuss words that is:)
^A Game of Thrones is the first book in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin. Each season of this fantasy series will cover one book. It is one of the greatest TV series ever made. It is comparable to and is on par with "The Lord of the Rings" series which is saying something for a TV show. The series has already been renewed for a second season, but going by the reception the series has got so far, it is here to stay for a long time. Not even a single episode has been stale so far, infact each new episode raises the bar. A must watch for anyone.
^According to Wiki there are 2 more books left to be released by the author which puts the total number to 7. Thats 7 years worth of great TV. And if each season is as strong as Game of Thrones, maybe we can have even 2 seasons per story. What makes this series special is that it closely follows the books which means we are likely not going to see any filler episodes and the quality of each season will remain in check. This is one epic series in the making.
^Oh, I thought that was a typo. Anyhow, he is not too old. I mean there are actors way older than him who are still acting, no reason why he will not be able to finish a book. :P
ggt said:
Breaking bad in the 3rd was a bit disappointing for me. Reached to episode 10 . Hope the 4th one comes out good.
You're concluding your view for the season without even having watched it completely, you're great.
blkrb0t said:
You're concluding your view for the season without even having watched it completely, you're great.
lolz .. I did watch it and i stick to what i have said.
The build up to the tuco cousin thing was an anticlimax.
On a side note .. Thank you for acknowledging my greatness :P
Had a chance today to catch up with the last few episodes of Season 3 of Castle. The season finale was awesome..! For some reason, this show manages to keep me hooked on to it always. :) Waiting eagerly for Season 4..

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