Each season of 24 is like a 24 hour high-budget non-stop action movie.raksrules said:I also would like to know about this. What is the basic premise of the show ?
Premise is the same in every season. Someone is going to attack America (enemy may be external or internal) and Jack Bauer is in the middle of it cause he is the best they've got.
BTW, I'm not criticizing 24.

It is probably the best action series I've seen. It's so damn gripping. I watched 4 seasons in less than 2 weeks. It's pretty realistic considering the fact that there are lots of casualties (the cast changed in almost every season, except few main characters).
If you want to give it a try-
1. Get hold of the 1st season.
2. Watch at least 4-7 episodes.
3. Don't blame me if you get addicted.

PS: BTW, if anyone is into the action genre, I would really recommend the UNIT . Each episode is like a mini-movie.