English TV series discussion


Can't wait for that long, no way, specially if it's a current season (can't help much if you've missed it already). Watching them after season end does help keep the momentum going though. Saw the first 6 at one go, one long weekend. Likewise for many other "hit" sitcoms.

BTW did anyone see Mad Love a.k.a. Anu Mallik comes to sitcom party to ripoff HIMYM, merge "Marshall" and "Barney" into one, Make the lead character (Jason Biggs) exactly like "Ted" and have the female lead redo her "Stella" performance. Oh and NYC and narration etc . The orientation of the Bar has been flipped 180 deg. (paradigm shift, init?). Heights of chori and seena zori.

Oh did I mention awful ? :) got cancelled after 1 season, watch it on Star World now, or not!
quixand said:

Can't wait for that long, no way, specially if it's a current season (can't help much if you've missed it already). Watching them after season end does help keep the momentum going though. Saw the first 6 at one go, one long weekend. Likewise for many other "hit" sitcoms.

I totally understand, dude. But the high-momentum, marathon sessions of 4-5 episodes in a day works much better for me. I have other stuff to keep me occupied till the season ends ;). To each his own
Actually the bulk watching thing is exactly the way I prefer too but not for shows that are currently going on, because it's very difficult Not to watch :)

The Apprentice US season 1 all done in 1 day, likewise for Entourage, Game of Thrones, HIMYM, TBBT, That 70's Show etc etc.

Agreed with the momentum thing plus somehow the bad parts just don't seem that bad.
Bluffmaster said:
Are you serious? I am yet to watch the second episode but the first episode was a TV masterpiece. Breaking Bad is NOT about action , its about some amazing acting and slow buildup of tension. You should rather watch "24" if action is what you desire.

Breaking Bad: "Box Cutter" Review - TV Review at IGN

same question to you man

Are you serious???

what was special in the first ep to make it a masterpiece

yeah yeah...i now its more of a drama than action

by action i didnt meant 'mindless blasting of bullets'

im sure the' last few seconds' of e1 will lead to something....
i agree with bluffmaster there, the long scene involving gus in ep 1 doing his thing (not writing the spoiler here) and then jesse sitting in front of speakers in

ep 2 were quite riveting. overall the story has moved forward building up a tense prologue to what appears to be an epic season already.

moreover giancarlo(gus) and jonathan banks(mike) are a great addition to an ensemble of remarkable actors (aaron paul, bryan cranston et al).
Agree with @Bluff.

Loved the gus sequence. I really didnt expect that. Or didnt understood why he did that?

Anyways.. started fringe marathon. Loving it.