The peaceful existence the small seaside community of Point Pleasant, New Jersey changes forever when a young teenage girl, named Christina Nickson (Elisabeth Harnois), is rescued from the ocean by local lifeguard Jesse Parker (Sam Page) and brought to the home of local doctor Ben Kramer (Richard Burgi). The Kramers, including Ben's wife Meg (Susan Walters) and daughter Judy (Aubrey Dollar), take an instant liking to Christina and invite her to stay with them as she searches for clues to her past and attempts to find her mother; a Point Pleasant native whom Christina never knew. Christina is unaware of the profound effect she has on the town's inhabitants; her presence awakens repressed feelings, unlocks secret desires and heightens emotions. Tensions flare between Jesse, who finds himself inexplicably drawn to Christina, and his best friend Terry (Brent Weber), who secretly lusts after Jesse's possessive girlfriend Paula (Cameron Richardson). Paula's devious, hot-to-trot mother Amber (Dina Meyer) attempts to rekindle her relationship with the good Dr. Kramer. Also, long-buried secrets kept by Jesse's parents, the domineering and hot-tempered police captain Logan (Alex Carter) and the God-fearing Sarah (Clare Carey), begin to surface, especially when the mysterious and charismatic Lucus Boyd (Grant Show) arrives and insinuates himself into Christina's new life.