English TV series discussion

Can't ****ing wait...

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
2. Lets not forget the automagically reloading shotgun with an infinite supply of shells. Enough to keep up with automatic rifles too.

Those were AA-12 shotguns with a drum magazine which can hold 20/32 shells. I think that was justified for all the firing that happened. :p
As for Dex:

1. So awesome and brave of Hannah to go to the hospital to save Harrison's bleeding. She could've stopped that bleeding by applying some pressure and tying up nicely with some cloth. Instead the writers chose to make that wound something that requires stitches so she had to take him to the hospital.

2. And the US Marshall Clayton did not turn up at Deb's place despite the hospital receptionist telling him, Hannah was there with Harrison? How sweet of him! He must've thought since it is dark, it might be a good idea to go in the morning. Meh! He could have caught her red-handed at Deb's place!

1. Well, i have been injured at the same spot and have seen another friend getting a cut at the same place. Mine was fixed with applying pressure and tying a handkerchief (i was playing cricket, had to finish the match), while my friend needed 4 stitches. So yeah, a cut under the chin requiring stitches is common.

2. Even I was thinking the same :p !
1. Seems to me Meth Damon has a crush :)
2. Lets not forget the automagically reloading shotgun with an infinite supply of shells. Enough to keep up with automatic rifles too.

1. Lydia and Skyler will have something in common then - I.F.T. (Todd and Ted)
2. Can't really say how many shots they fired. They all looked like they were being replayed from different angles; you can see the dents on the cars to judge how many shots were fired.

In a show where they dissolve a body with Hydrofluoric acid, use a mercury fulminate crystal to bomb a place, have two planes crash due to an operator, arrange 10 prisoners to be killed in under 2 minutes, erase hard disks with giant magnets, and not to mention the blue meth, artistic liberty has always been present in the background.
Good thread..:):):)..
Series I have watched so far
Sherlock,Person of Interest,Elementary - Stopped after 7-8 episodes,HIMYM,Luther,Homeland
Currently watching Prison break. Now on season 2
Hustle's season 3 episode 2 (The Henderson Challenge) & episode 4 (A Bollywood Dream) were awesome. Loved the former as it involved the duel between Danny & Mickey and of course the twist at the end, while the latter was just total fun. Good season over-all.
Just completed two seasons of Grimm:

The series is quite good. I would rate it above Supernatural (though it only has two seasons). What added more fun to it was, I got 720p rips to play on my new LED. The color reproduction - the series has been shot with many rural, forest shots - was quite amazing and it added to the fun.
Recommended show :)

I used to watch Grimm while it was airing but stopped midway into the second season. Will probably pick it up again someday.
Watched the season 6 premiere of Sons of Anarchy and the episode ended with a bang! Did not quite see that one coming. :eek:

Plenty of hilarious moments as usual.

@soggy316 - did you catch the episode? :)
Any good iOS app for TV shows

iTV Shows 2. Yes that 2 is part of the name. I use it extensively. In fact since my phone is jailbroken, i have 2 copies of this app installed on the same phone and one is for tracking what i am watching and one for tracking what i am procuring.
There are many other apps as well on app store and i have tried lots of them but i only like this. I have around 10+ TV series tracking related apps installed on my phone which i never use.

Check these screenshots from my device.

IMG_0946.PNG IMG_0947.PNG IMG_0948.PNG IMG_0949.PNG
Watched the season 6 premiere of Sons of Anarchy and the episode ended with a bang! Did not quite see that one coming. :eek:

Plenty of hilarious moments as usual.

@soggy316 - did you catch the episode? :)

I am one Season behind :(, going to marathon S5 this weekend

Just finished
AD S4 - I liked it, it is not a patch on S1-3 but it is still good, they could have cut down the George Sr., Michael and Lindsey episodes. Also there was a tad too much over explanation by the narrator.
The Following - decent timepass, but I will probably only watch the season premier to see the cliffhanger resolved, and I won't be returning to it.
OINTB - Good show, I'm not entirely sure it is my type of show though, the finale ending was awesome. :D
Justified (S1) - Brilliant show, i love how the "procedural" element of the show is straightforward and does not have the usual pre ad-break twists that normal "crime of the day" shows have. Also, I am in love with Ava.