English TV series discussion

iOS users here, iOS 7 especially, what app are you using for tracking TV Shows ?
I was using iTV Shows 2 on older version of OS but since now i updated my phone, i have to download iTV Shows 3 which has iOS 7 looks and all that. But i want to know what others may be using so i can make an informed decision.
Checked out a couple of episodes of Brooklyn 99. Comedies generally suck these days and this is one of the relatively better ones. Not impressed with the role for Andre Braugher but I guess he has been in a lot of duds since his role in Homicide.
Completed with 5 episodes of Banshee does the later episodes show the past of how the robbery of diamonds took place or is it going next season ?
^^Yes, more than worth it.

Justified will be back soon enough. Am I the only one who thinks Raylan Givens is the most stylish male TV character?

^^Yes, more than worth it.

Justified will be back soon enough. Am I the only one who thinks Raylan Givens is the most stylish male TV character?

The first episode is called A Murder of Crowes. Such a brilliant title.

Completed 'Coupling' yesterday. Loved the show. They picked the perfect time to end the show too. With Jeff gone in season 4, it hardly would have been the same, had they continued. Oliver was a very poor replacement and he would never have lasted. Apart from the last 2 episodes, season 4 was awesome. Definitely recommended for all you comedy fans out there. Thanks @srkmish for the recommendation.

Started Les revenants last night and I'm down to the last 2 episodes. I was so sleepy by the time I crashed, but I still wanted to watch the show. Amazing show. Great locations, eerie soundtrack, fine pacing and a thrilling storyline. I'll complete this tonight.
Saw the 1st Episode of Banshee i didn't find it mind blowing though.
Banshee gets real good real fast.
It also has what is shaping up to be the best villain in a TV series since Gus Fringe. Oh Kai Proctor and his 'lessons in power' :D.

On a different note, I can't help but draw similarities between Banshee and the Preacher comics.
It's eerily similar to one of the Preacher arcs where Jesse Custer settles down in a small southern town which is run by a powerful boss who owns a meat-packing plant.
Even Kai Proctor's dog in the show is called Preacher, that's definitely a reference.
Finished watching Breaking Bad last night and was having all kinds of weird dreams all through the night :(
It had that kind of impact.

Where do I go from here, any suggestions?
I was looking at either of Game of Thrones, Mad Men, The Wire or may be even Orange is the new Black.
Completed first 6 episodes of Orphan black. Now this is thriller drama done extremely well. Fast paced, no time for unnecessary drama and no overcomplicated plot. After bates motel, this is the one im enjoying most in the action thriller genre