ethan ...I know you were merely having fun ....

...no offense taken mate...we go a long way back
regarding the data...we have different ways of watching...I usually watch the stuff late night whereas my wife watches these over time (sometimes even 2 months later)...Having a collection at disposal means I dont have to wait for weeks for a download to happen when I have the urge of watching a movie or a series... Atleast unless we have "Hong Kong" like connections
I still indulge in watching some episodes of friends, LOST and some other old series here and again. I have a collection of CSI which I watch whenever I am unable to decide what else to watch. I started watching Spartacus only around 2 months back and only because it was lying in my HDD....
So all these are basically the reason why we like to store...
regarding the data...if u take anough care and upgrade in time... U don't lose any data. I have been collecting since 15 years now and I haven't lost a single dvd as well. it all depends on how u store ur stuff. I have never had a hard drive failure till date mate.
for my DVDS (stopped writing dvds 5 years back)....For each dvd I wrote I used to pack them in a airtight polythene pouch which would stop air flow and avoid oxidation of the dye...till date (some dvds are 8-10 years old) - all my dvds read perfectly - I get a few read errors sometimes (1kb or so which I copy through ignoring the errors) which I am ok with.
But certainly, I would like to have my series collection in 720p or 1080p from the sd quality. 80% my movies are in 1080p with most of the IMDB top 150 in 1080p --10-25gb prints