Great article . Echoes my thoughts. I would rather have modern family cancelled. The author hits the right notes (below)when he describes current state of modern family. Trophy wife was so much better.
It’s no secret or surprise that Modern Family is ABC’s biggest comedy hit, but its episodes are often bland and unoriginal, featuring plots ranging from “a couple bickers” to “a different couple bickers.” The “modern families” on that show — a couple with children, a May-December couple with children, and a gay couple with children — aren’t anything special. Trophy Wife featured an older man/younger woman couple, too, but included a twist. There were two ex-wives in the mix, and everyone is heavily involved with the children: two from the first marriage, one adopted during the second. Trophy Wife focused on a family that basically had four parents of varying ages, backgrounds, approaches, and experiences. The way that these differences caused them to both clash and come together created an original — and very, very funny — story. With such rich characters (and the great actors behind them), Trophy Wife could throw any two together and have spectacular results.