House has got nothing on this. Clive Owen is amazing. Add to that the surgical knowhow (or the lack of it thereof) on that era, and you actually get to see how surgeons devised many of the methods we take for granted today. Till now I've only read about the surgical "experiments" in the 80s and 90s. Now see them firsthand the genius (and madness and the concern to improve and improvise techniques) of those surgeons. Cannot recommend it enough.Is it really that good? Looks like I need to give it a try.
From the trailers it looked like Dr. House (read brilliant doctor with drug issues) set in 1900s. I think there is a Cuddy like character too.
On the record, not a fan of House here. Too unrealistic. This, on the other hand, I guess, is exactly what the surgeons of that era did.