English TV series discussion

Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

^Have you seen the US version of The Office? If so then how is the UK version compared to it?

I just completed watching the US version & it's hilarious. Barring season 4, all of them lived up to my expectations. I hate Brit comedies, so not sure if I would want to pick it up. Any thoughts on it?
Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

Bluffy, have seen Band of brothers. terrific series. Americans make their tv series with all seriousness, innovative storylines and huge budgets sighh...and we have our hindi serials :@

Thanks guys.

Im DL'ing "Firefly". Next will be "Psychic" followed by "Early Edition" and "The Wire"
Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

Ethan_Hunt said:
^Have you seen the US version of The Office? If so then how is the UK version compared to it?

I just completed watching the US version & it's hilarious. Barring season 4, all of them lived up to my expectations. I hate Brit comedies, so not sure if I would want to pick it up. Any thoughts on it?

Yes, I've seen a few episodes of both the US and UK versions. I prefer the UK one but like the US version too. If you generally hate Brit comedies (with all their subtle/dry humour) you won't like the UK version, but you can watch an episode or two to check it out anyway...
Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

vij said:
Bluffy, have seen Band of brothers. terrific series. Americans make their tv series with all seriousness, innovative storylines and huge budgets sighh...and we have our hindi serials :@

Thanks guys.
Im DL'ing "Firefly". Next will be "Psychic" followed by "Early Edition" and "The Wire"

Dont forget to see the movie "serinity" once you complete the episodes of firefly..
Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

vishalrao said:
Yes, I've seen a few episodes of both the US and UK versions. I prefer the UK one but like the US version too. If you generally hate Brit comedies (with all their subtle/dry humour) you won't like the UK version, but you can watch an episode or two to check it out anyway...
It's nothing against the Brits in general but I fail to get most of their humour parts. It doesn't really flare up to the American style or may be it's just me. ;)
vij said:
Americans make their tv series with all seriousness, innovative storylines and huge budgets sighh...and we have our hindi serials
Amen brother. I ignored a lot of good TV shows thinking it would be the same old lame ass shows as out here in India. But boy was that a rude slap on my face when I got to know all these amazing shows. It's a completely parallel world. I have put my movie watching on break just to catch up with some of these shows. It's really addictive. No wonder these people only make 2-3 seasons over a span of 2-3 years. They sure do take a lot of break but when they come back, BANG! It's like fresh stuff all the time. :)
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

Watch Family Guy, hilarious.
If you don't like cartoons, you can watch six feet under, Sopranos, 24 etc.. All are damn good.
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

Try Firefly , Band of Brothers..

and my personal favourite "Day Break"

Edit :- Damn Firefly and BoB already recommended :bleh:

Ok Go for E-Wing - Rare show but interesting.
Another one Six Degrees - Nice one with Bridget Moynahan ;).

You might wanna check Wiki for these shows, Read the premise and see if you find it curious or interesting. I find the shows in that manner ;) Tv.com is crap in case of reviews.

Will add something as and when i remember ;)

Now I need some advice - I am only watching current shows these days but i want something for Rainy Days(/years) as my 2mbps will retire in few months.

So i have Sopranos, Oz, The Wire, Outrageous Fortune, Brotherhood etc saved amongst other shows.

I am thinking of downloading Six Feet Under and Big Love. Any Suggestions ?
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

Start downloading seasons of Top Gear(UK Version) if you're into cars. 100% satisfaction guarnteed. Get it even if you aren't into cars (but i know you wont, most probably).
If not, there are already lots of good suggestions in this thread.
Happy viewing :)
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

I am surprised nobody mentioned "Everybody hates chris"!

Really loving the show and im in the 4th season now. Really witty comedy in there!
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

+1 to Family Guy and Six Feet Under, those were really good :)

And +1 to Top Gear... also check out "Fifth Gear" for more of the same stuff...
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

Californication(Not seen it but one of my good friends swears by it)

How I Met Your Mother(HIMYM)

Big Bang Theory(Every god damm geek should watch it)

Top Gear(the show doesn't need any introduction)

Fifth Gear(Its preety good, If you like top gear and cars then you better watch it, They reviews are funny and also Top Gear is not on at this time of the year :P)

All these're miles ahead of the Heroes S3 and LOST btw

That's a pretty bold statement. Specially on a Tech site where there is a pretty active and dedicated current season thread about the series and every ten minutes of the episode is dissected and discussed on that thread. I guess you haven't started with the fifth season as of now. Trust me you will have you make some changes to that statement after watching the fifth season.
Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

Thanks for the quote switch, not sure how i missed it.

Gunman said:
Terminator: TSCC's seemingly good, after the first season i.e. Me stuck on the 8th episode now.

All these're miles ahead of the Heroes S3 and LOST btw. :P

IMO Terminator sucks big time. Apart from couple of episodes overall series has been bad. First season was okay, second is bad. I had to stop watching.

Heroes am not sure and I think even the producers have no idea where the story is going. But still it ranks far ahead of terminator.

Comedy shows don't qualify to be compared.

And yeah, unless you have watched LOST till 3 season, you don't qualify to compare any other show with it :tongue:
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

@switch The problem remains in getting to the fifth season. :P

a few of you diehards managed to survive that long.

Not everyone had the patience for it though


i've loved every moment of Terminator. A couple of episodes here and there managed to lower the intensity a bit.. but overall its been an Awesome experience.

I'm surprised that no one's recommended Eureka yet.. thats another very nice series..
Re: Please Suggest an English TV series

Arya said:
Thanks for the quote switch, not sure how i missed it.

IMO Terminator sucks big time. Apart from couple of episodes overall series has been bad. First season was okay, second is bad. I had to stop watching.

Heroes am not sure and I think even the producers have no idea where the story is going. But still it ranks far ahead of terminator.

Comedy shows don't qualify to be compared.

And yeah, unless you have watched LOST till 3 season, you don't qualify to compare any other show with it :tongue:

I guess its subjective..
You can call heroes and terminator bad, but only by the standards they have set themselves, independently, they still kick ass:)
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

Another show that is really good "The Burn Notice" ... Its about an undercover agent who has been blacklisted and is trying to find out who betrayed him. Meanwhile he is stuck in Miami - his hometown.

I have seen all of Season 1 and 12 episodes of season 2, and I am relieved to find that it hasn't lost its pace.

The others have already mentioned by people here.
Re: Please suggest an english TV series

I'm surprised that no one's recommended Eureka yet.. thats another very nice series..

Yup Eureka is a brilliant series. Also if you havent watched Seinfeld (who on earth havent watched it ?) watch the series first. It is hands down the best American comedy series ever created...

And yeah I couldnt stand Lost, watched a couple of episodes in the starting.. maybe its just me, but I dislike shows with over dramatization. PB, Heroes all of them after season 1 appeared to be over dramatized. Lost is the epitome of over-dramatization btw...

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