Enter The MAtrix

Freaky said:
Unlocked ? If not, it would cost 20 ~ 25$ more to unlock.
The whole point to sell without cntract is to give unlocked.

btw $599 would have some taxes extra.

i remember seeing one on moto's site for that price range.

i would prefer directly from moto to avoid bloat from the provider.

and then moto may honour your warranty in india in this case...

place an order for unlock code a moment ago.

now wait game begins :p
sid1712 said:
Whoa, congrats man. Thats an awesome phone.

PS - Tried any Tegra Zone games yet ?
not purchased any yet. The phone will most probably sit until I receive unlock code.

sabby said:
Congtrats :)
thanks :)

PC back to life?

-Sent by my Personal Assistant; Pardon her for typos if any. She just wants to Captivate! :p:)
Congrats, Bro. :D Enjoy the new phone. Btw, one of my friends in US got this phone, and he says the real life performance is not as good as it sounds and looks on paper.

Yes, after using the SAMOLED, its hard to go back to a normal LCD as I feel so too after using my Fascinate and now the Vibrant. But yes, please give a detailed review of the

performance of Atrix. Would like a second opinion. :)
Private Ryan said:
Congrats, Bro. :D Enjoy the new phone. Btw, one of my friends in US got this phone, and he says the real life performance is not as good as it sounds and looks on paper.

Yes, after using the SAMOLED, its hard to go back to a normal LCD as I feel so too after using my Fascinate and now the Vibrant. But yes, please give a detailed review of the

performance of Atrix. Would like a second opinion. :)
shall unlock tomorrow and then i can comment about actual performance.

review is on the list. come to gtalk if you have my id.

if nt them pm me yours :p
now who is going to solve the MAtrices ?? :lol:

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

finally unlocked :hap2::cheers::jumpy:
Woooo, OK now we need to know real world battery life performance after you've used it for a few days :D

Also, how smooth are the UI animations/movements/responsiveness compared to iPhone and WinPhone7 ????
vishalrao said:
Woooo, OK now we need to know real world battery life performance after you've used it for a few days :D

Also, how smooth are the UI animations/movements/responsiveness compared to iPhone and WinPhone7 ????
will update after 2day usage..

UI is smoothest out of what android i have used so far.

You dont even have to actually touch completely, it's like one tangential point contact to screen (like in a spark :p) and the screen registers a touch..very responsive.

I can not say i have used iPhone4, it was kind of 'trying it' kind of experience. Yet to locate a wp7 phone in local malls to try them.

I like how smooth and designed to comfort iPhone is OOB but im not yet old enough to just settle for pre-adjusted comfort levels..maybe in a few years or after getting hitched :p; Currently i have too much time to waste on customizing and setting things to suite my comfort.

WP7 UI looked awesome OOB, hopefully I should get one to try soon.

going out for weekend so many some pics too..

just charged battery to 100%

changed Plugin support to 'on-demand' in browser settings (this is to enable flash on demand rather than always ON)

people have reported the battery loss due to motoblur integration... solution is to install other launcher and free motoblur using titanium backup.. will leave it stock for now to get a baseline of battery performance 1st :)
Thanks madnav, I guess I will wait for my coworker to get his Atrix to check it out myself. It has Froyo I believe which will later be updated to Gingerbread? The UI should be better with 2.3 if not with the current 2.2 and if it is as smooth as iOS/WP7 then I will buy this device for myself in a heartbeat! :D
Dude, did you actually purchase two pieces or my mind is playing some tricks (looking at the last image you posted) :S