Farcry 4 - Discussion Thread

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Do this only for normal rhinos and it is pretty darn effective.In the special hunting quest riding on an elephant will save you form counterattacks but use a shotgun only.After the items were crafted I always maintained a safe distance from these psychos.

I just reached the Northern Island after last evening's long session, will now take over the Bell Towers and Outposts on that island before continuing on with the side and main missions like I was doing. So far it's a been a great game with choc full of fantastic stealth and full on action packed missions, enjoying it thoroughly!
I am using buzzer the gyrocopter to take on outposts. Its fun . This game is bigger than FC3 .
I didnt and moreover they get liberated as undetected. The trick is simple,high it at its highest altitude till it starts buzzing.
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You lose a lot of xp when you are detected though.Sniper Rifle FTW!!!!

Couldn't have agreed more with you. To find a suitable position on top of a hill and then snipe the enemies with a silenced sniper file undetected without them having a clue of where you are is immensely gratifying! Definitely an amazing way to take care of those Outposts filled with pesky guards.
Couldn't have agreed more with you. To find a suitable position on top of a hill and then snipe the enemies with a silenced sniper file undetected without them having a clue of where you are is immensely gratifying! Definitely an amazing way to take care of those Outposts filled with pesky guards.
In FC3 you could take out the heavies with a standard suppressed M700 by aiming at the back of their headgear just above the collar where it was exposed.But now in FC4 even if that portion is exposed it is impossible to kill them undetected without the Heavy Takedown or the Z93.

But Heavy Takedown gets you 500 xp which is nice.I used to snipe all the guards and then leave the heavies to to Sneaky takedowns
From the map how to find main mission, I was on tower and outpost hunt bag packupgrade hunt , now I don't know where I left main mission
From the map how to find main mission, I was on tower and outpost hunt bag packupgrade hunt , now I don't know where I left main mission

Access the map and search for a yellow sword icon (two swords together actually, same icon which is displayed when the game saves). That should be the mission marker and it will clearly state when you hover the mouse over the icon that it's a 'Campaign Mission'. Also, there should be letter icons on the map (eg, 'A' or 'S' and the likes) which represent people who give missions to you.

Be sure to capture the Outposts and more importantly climb the Bell Towers and destroy the propaganda radio boxes on each Bell Tower after you climb them as this will reveal the map in it's entirety and help you in accessing every nook and corner of the in-game world. Not to mention it will give you more safe-houses for 'Fast-Travel' which is a great thing to have when you need to travel between two places quickly.
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Yeah,Main Missions are having alphabet A/S/Y or even W and 2 yellow khukri crossed or the golden path on the map .

@ Marcus,i am using M-79 as a sidearm . I have also unlocked 2 fortress and mastered 2 outposts . You can also try with a sniper and some animal bait . I have completed many side missions . Shangri La bells twice to unlock something that i dont remember. Best is to purchase a buzzer or the gyrocopter. I wish if i had the PS4,it looking so great compared to what i get on PS3 . But all in all its a good game,the more i am playing it and exploring - the more i am liking it.
Completed the game this evening!! Completed all of the main quests, side missions and Shangri-La missions along with climbing all the Bell Towers and capturing all Outposts (on both islands)... this has to be one of the most action packed fun gaming experiences I've had since finishing GTA V last year. Choc full of solid gameplay, this one has quickly become the best title I've played this year. A thoroughly enjoyable experience which I cherished, every bit.

My in-game choices:

Didn't kill Amita and Noore, Made Sabal the leader of the Golden Path and Killed Pagan Min with a bullet to his head.

After those choices headed to YouTube to watch the other endings and the alternate ending as well. Cheers! :)
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Is there any way to get rid of the letterbox effect, I mean the black bars at top and bottom? I am playing at 1920x1200. I am quite sure that I have seen screenshots of this game in true full screen!


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    FarCry4 2014-11-29 06-43-58-352.jpg
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No @ blackhawk . I was asking @ithehappy .
But now that you answered,i want to know if you are having the same issue as reported by @ithehappy . Because Ubisoft knowingly put this glitch for people who are playing the pirated version . For other users who have bought the game,there will be patches and updates coming for it.
No @ blackhawk . I was asking @ithehappy .
But now that you answered,i want to know if you are having the same issue as reported by @ithehappy . Because Ubisoft knowingly put this glitch for people who are playing the pirated version . For other users who have bought the game,there will be patches and updates coming for it.

I didn't face any such issue. Game ran flawless on full-screen @1920X1080 on 'Very High'.

Back on topic... having completed the game I went on and did all of Hurk's missions (Hurk's Redemption - Limited Ed Bonus Missions) and they were a blast through play-through, especially the last two. With that I think I've had enough fun with Far Cry 4 and now must move on to a different title. :)
16:9/1920x1080 never had the problem at first place! And this is ON TOPIC.


PS : Just saw this comment on Steam, hmm!

I have a 16:10 ratio 2560:1600 resolution monitor and there is no way to play full screen with the proper aspect ratio. 16:9 ratio with 1920:1080 resolution is stretched vertically and it does fill the whole screen, which is fine, but everything is elongated vertically on my monitor. I tried 16:10 with 1900:1200 (which would give the correct ratio and graphics setting) and that just puts bars on the top and the bottom of the screen which makes the aspect ratio really off and far too stretched horizontally. I also tried windowed and borderless with Auto aspect ratio and I cannot get the proper aspect ratio for my monitor.

I can tell you right now that UBIsoft is being run and mismanaged by overly educated resume polishers who are more concerned about exerting their power and getting promotions then making a good product.

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