Filthy India Photos, Chinese Netizen Reactions

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I have seen a half burnt dead body being thrown in Ganga in Rishikesh while I was rafting. The raft guide was cool about it. He said that the body has been put in "Ganga Mayya". It's very normal for people living along Ganga river I guess.
apextwin146 said:
We already pay Education Cess. Do you even know about it? How many schools have been opened up in the remote areas from the money collected from this Tax!

Who is gonna pay for making education free till 18? The govt?Nope! Its gonna come down on us middle class indians as some xyz Tax. So please be realistic about what you say rather farting out the first thing that comes to your mind.

Also how is Litracy, Population & Poverty corelated. Can you provide some data to back this theorem of yours "Literacy rate up = Poverty rate down = Population growth "
There are a lot of assumptions you have made. You assume that tax will be levied and the government will not increase the education budget without increasing any tax rate. Im being very much realistic, and you please be a little open-minded abut things and try to grasp them yourself rather then someone explain it to you. With literacy, poverty will go down...its simple common sense (Have you heard about it ?) and they are very much co-related. I tried to explain how population growth is related but you dont seem to understand so there is nothing more I can do. :)
Education is already free for girls till 10th and for boys till primary i think. But problem is these children do not enough to eat so they are forced to work instead of going to school. To counter that government started the mid-day meal in municipal schools which helped bring is some children. ultimately, even that failed as prices of esential commodities kept spiraling northwards. from a meal it became a packet of biscuit now. So even if we pay a 1% cess or less on education it does not go towards educating. most probably its goes to paying someones salary.
6pack said:
Education is already free for girls till 10th and for boys till primary i think. But problem is these children do not enough to eat so they are forced to work instead of going to school. To counter that government started the mid-day meal in municipal schools which helped bring is some children. ultimately, even that failed as prices of esential commodities kept spiraling northwards. from a meal it became a packet of biscuit now. So even if we pay a 1% cess or less on education it does not go towards educating. most probably its goes to paying someones salary.
Education is free till 14 years of age IINM already. Cutting on faltu expenses (For eg. CWG) and giving priority to Education budget will help the literacy rate. Budget for the mid-day meals can be increased accordingly wrt food inflation. (Without having any effect on any tax rate)
apextwin146 said:
Can you provide some data to back this theorem of yours "Literacy rate up = Poverty rate down = Population growth "

There seem to be plenty if you just google for it.
Yrus said:
Dictatorships may hide the problems, but sometimes its not a bad thing, because of these pics we face embarrassment at the hands of some chicoms and goras, National interest and image comes first
I do not face any embarassment at all. You are the one that is being overly sensitive. You are embarassed by the actions of other indians. Nothing in those pics takes away what this country is or will become, you need to believe in that more ;)

This is just like the reports that came out beforer the CWG, where there any major screwups ? nothing, it passed off fine. It could have been better, there could have been less scams, but overall we put up a party that was acceptable.

Yrus said:
Why are these practices in Varanasi not eing curbed(throwing of dead bodies), because votes of a particular community gets affected ;)
This has already been discussed, read the thread. The wood mafia would not allow the govt to solve the problem.

Yrus said:
Yes, we still achieve progress through democracy, but it is unbearably long, instead have a strict authoritarian rule for say few decades, clean up the mess and then have a gradual transition towards democracy.
Or speed up reforms so that more money is made in the country and it trickles down faster. There are many bottlenecks in the system that need to be fixed. We've had reforms that benefit the corporates which trickled down to the middle class, the next phase is reforms at lower levels. I'm not sure if we've succeeded but it will not be for a lack of trying.
Mephistopheles said:
There are a lot of assumptions you have made. You assume that tax will be levied and the government will not increase the education budget without increasing any tax rate. Im being very much realistic, and you please be a little open-minded abut things and try to grasp them yourself rather then someone explain it to you. With literacy, poverty will go down...its simple common sense (Have you heard about it ?) and they are very much co-related. I tried to explain how population growth is related but you dont seem to understand so there is nothing more I can do. :)
Please tell me why are we paying a Education cess of 2% if it were possible for Government to increase the Education Budget in the first place?
Oh and since you are in touch with reality can you please tell me what is the current Education Budget and which ministry /subordinate Govt Organisation is responsible for Allocation of funds for this School opening programme.
I have worked with NGOs in UP from a education perspective. The real reson why people below poverty line have more number of Kids is cuz it directly translates to more earning members which in turns brings more income to the household. Even if you educate them this mindset would not change.
Neither do they have enough income/resources to make a jump from their current economic status even after being educated since most of the Decent paying jobs beings produced in India are grabbed by the bloated middle class.
Whats good on paper(as you have explained) is rarely good in practise. You can continue to sit back in your chair and bark out your correct theories but its not gonna change a thing in reality until you get up and do something about it, Atleast i am doing something are you?
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