Final speech by Nathuram Godse when he was tried for murder of Mahatma Gandhi

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blr_p said:
I still think India+Pak have lots to gain economically, if they can put behind their troubled history.

You misunderstand, i am in no way suggesting re-unification.

I was referring mainly to trading, and afterwards re-opening of borders so there is exchange of people & culture.

Those two statements you made are markedly different. Anyway, trade with any country(not just pakistan) is good for india.....So why single out pakistan??There's already illegal trade going on between the two countries and even if that was legalised, we wont prolly see an exponential rise in trade bet. them.Trade with america,SE asia, Europe are a lot more important than trade with pakistan.Anyway it is pakistan and not india that's blocking the trade.So there's nothing much we can't do.

But for that to happen, "trust" has to be built up and reconciliation is the first step towards it. The stumbling block as always is Kashmir.

So we should give up kashmir to pakistan just to enable trade with pakistan:rofl: :rofl:FYI, it's not kashmir that's the stumbling block. It's the paki army that's blocking trade with india using kashmir as a pretext.Infact it's the paki army that's the root cause of all problems between india and pakistan.Only people who fall prey to Pakistani propaganda believe that kashmir is the stumbling block that's preventing trade between the two countries.

i think the gist of what you said is that India would be better off without *another* gandhi in office. Again this would make for another topic.

Stop imagining things.Read that post again.What i said was that it would have been better for india if M.K.Gandhi never existed......When did i ever say that i have a problem with "another" gandhi in office??FYI, the gandhis of today aren't even related to M.K.Gandhi.And i don't have a problem if another "gandhi' becomes india's next PM(as long as it's not sonia gandhi).Infact i would love to see rahul gandhi become India's next PM.

ever notice how europe works nowadays, How sworn enemies that only 60 years ago were destroying each other are now almost working together economically & culturally.

How S.Africa managed to overcome its demons after brutal oppression ?

It would be very educational to undersand the mechanims used for reconciliation here.

Isn't it high time we did the same ?

And what the hell has that to do with south asia and how is that even related to this topic???? If you are stupid enough to believe that the same thing could happen between india and pakistan,then think again.:rofl: :rofl: As long as pakistani army sticks to its current behavior,nothing will ever change.To improve relations we need both sides to work together...... Everytime time we tried to improve relations with pakistan,everytime we trusted pakistan, we were stabbed in the back by pakistan.....We tried agra summit,we got kargil.They invaded india in 48,65 and 71.Everytime we try to improve relations with that country,we end up paying a heavy price.Do you want us to keep trying the same failed ideas again and again and again?? How long should we continue making a fool out of ourselves??:@ :@ Everytime we try to be nice to our pathetic neighbour, everytime we try peace with them,they mistake it as a sign of our weakness........the end result---- we get kargil,terrorist attacks,bomb blasts,etc,etc.Talking with pakistan under the current circumstances is meaningless.As long as the attitude of paki army doesn't change peace won't work.Pakistanis understand only the language of force....that's it!! We live in a real world not an ideal world.

Foolish concepts like non-violence will not work against our enemy.How many instances do you know where non-violence ever worked??Infact non-voilence has never 'worked' in any politically relevant sense of the word, and there is no reason to suppose it ever will. It has never, largely on its own strength, achieved the political objectives of those who employed it.The only ones who belive it works are the foolish idealists and dreamers. Do you think non-violence would have worked against hitler or for that matter pakistan terrorists or their army??

MICHAEL NEUMANN said the foll. about gandhi"he wanted independence from British rule, a united India, and nonviolence itself, an end to civil or ethnic strife on the Indian subcontinent. What he got was India 1947: partition, and one of the most horrifying outbursts of bloodshed and cruelty in the whole bloody, cruel history of the postwar world. These consequences alone would be sufficient to count his project as a tragic failure.

What of independence itself? Historians might argue about its causes, but I doubt any of them would attribute it primarily to Gandhi's campaign. The British began contemplating--admittedly with varying degrees of sincerity--some measure of autonomy for India before Gandhi did anything, as early as 1917. A.J.P.Taylor says that after World War I, the British were beginning to find India a liability, because India was once again producing its own cotton, and buying cheap textiles from Japan. Later, India's strategic importance, while valued by many, became questioned by some, who saw the oil of the Middle East and the Suez canal as far more important. By the end of the Second World War, Britain's will to hold onto its empire had pretty well crumbled, for reasons having little or nothing to do with nonviolence.

Another factor was the terrorism--and this need not be a term of condemnation--quite regularly employed against the British. It was not enough to do much harm, but more than enough to warn them that India was becoming more trouble than it was worth. All things considered, the well-founded fear of generalized violence had far more effect on British resolve than Gandhi ever did. He may have been a brilliant and creative political thinker, but he was not a victor."

And i fully agree with Neumann. Besides like i said before, this moron even demanded funds for pakistan after independence...what do you have to say about that??

If gandhi put Jinnah in power, why would the ppl. Jinnah represented not think him to be a mere puppet in that case. Are you suggesting that they followed jinnah inspite of this, How simple of mind they must be

i never said gandhi put him in power.What i said was that the reason he rose to power was because of gandhi..gandhi and co. gave him too much importance.Ofcourse once he came to prominence, he did everthing to distance himself from gandhi, establishing his own identity by taking on congress/gandhi on most issues and even managed to position himself as the sole saviour of indian muslims.He further went onto portray congress as primarily the party of the hindus and the only way muslims will ever be safe is in a sepearte homeland for them.

I fail to understand one thing though....why are these scumbags only born in india:huh: :huh:
arrow055 said:
And i don't have a problem if another "gandhi' becomes india's next PM(as long as it's not sonia gandhi).Infact i would love to see rahul gandhi become India's next PM.
He'll have to sacrifice his life for that. I would love to terminate a liar*, and a member of this stinking fake Nahru-Khan-Gandhi-Roberto-Maino family.

* - Rahul's original name is "Raul", and Priyanka is "Bianca" in reality. Indians are easily fooled.
yamaraj ... i seen you commenting on gandhi and nehru from one blog post ,which has been repeatedly mentioned all over the net ...but no one knows who wrote it would be very much appreciated if you have find some reputable link who has given the facts as is in the blog so that i can also blv it...i just dont want to blv some blog post by some one anonymous

and for the rest , it would be a little nicer to give a respect to Mr.Gandhi and stop calling him names...hes not called father of the nation for nothing
kippu said:
yamaraj ... i seen you commenting on gandhi and nehru from one blog post ,which has been repeatedly mentioned all over the net ...but no one knows who wrote it would be very much appreciated if you have find some reputable link who has given the facts as is in the blog so that i can also blv it...i just dont want to blv some blog post by some one anonymous

and for the rest , it would be a little nicer to give a respect to Mr.Gandhi and stop calling him names...hes not called father of the nation for nothing
1. You can find everything, but only if you truly intend on finding the relevent information. I have read texts of KN Rao and S Swami, and also many documents available on the net. I encourage you to try various combinations of Sonia, Rajiv, Rahul, Raul, Priyanka, Bianca, Gandhi, Roberto, Khan, Nehru, Maino, KGB, citizenship et cetera. Note that you won't find such information in tabloid newpapers or via unprofessional Indian news channels.

Read this, for example - Richmond IMC: STORY BEHIND SONIA’S U.S. TRIP CANCELLATION
and, this - Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi » SlideShare
and, this - Do You Know Your Sonia? « Rising Sun

2. While I do have some respect for Mr. Gandhi, I don't consider him the "Father of the Nation". To be fair and frank, he doesn't deserve that title.
Rahul's original name is "Raul", and Priyanka is "Bianca" in reality.

If thts true, then its a revelation to me..but i dont understand how tht changes things...every parent wishes to give their kids some part of their own if they have second names of Raul n Bianca, why does anyone need to object to it?? :huh:

Does it mean tht just because they are indian citizens they have no right to have italian or any other name?? :O
Private Ryan said:
If thts true, then its a revelation to me..but i dont understand how tht changes things...every parent wishes to give their kids some part of their own if they have second names of Raul n Bianca, why does anyone need to object to it?? :huh:
Does it mean tht just because they are indian citizens they have no right to have italian or any other name?? :O
I don't object to their Italian names at all. But what is important is how they are deceiving the Indian people by using their fake Indianized names, so we can relate to them easily and cast our votes in their names. This is fraud - an act of 420 - and they've been pulling these stunts ever since Indira married Feroze "Khan", and change her name to "Gandhi".

Sadly enough, the uneducated and foolish junta doesn't pay much attention to the details.
Well atleast Rahul n priyanka are legally Indian citizens and their mother has got the citizenship as a right of her marriage to an ppl know tht Rahul n priyanka are the children of a RAjiv n Sonia..n they also know about sonia's origin.. so technically, they are not doing any fraud by gathering votes using their indianised image..every other politician in this country does so..they come up with innovative ways to fool ppl n gather votes..sometimes its the religion, sometimes its the caste thingy, and above all is the usual 'Naaraa' of better progress n development ...these fookers are all the same, man..its almost like a breed become a politician n it gets into ur blood..soon you start to sucking others as well......:lol:
how come i never heard a mainstream tv channel report these stories then? and sorry i wont blv anything mr s swamy says ... that guy is one publicity monger and all the three links are just the same story with different presentations .... give me one professional news channel with the links of your stories or if you wanna blv anything thats written on the blogs and in the internet... be my guest
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