Formula One - European Grand Prix

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@ Quick --- Looking at your siggy, I am dreading what it is.......

NAAH!!! Seriously, I am waiting..... as long as you don't put down the KINGS FROM MODENA.
TheMask said:
simultaneous bongoli komentory?
i don mind as long as u volunteer to do the 'komentory'. :P

QuickFire posted 1.48 minutes later:

nope m8..i wont put down the 'KINGS'...they'll do it themselves ;)
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Hey All...

Ferrari has won so many times...Let the kids have sumthing to celebrate or n joy...Shumi has had more than enuf....He is gr 8 and he will be...But its to move on...

Hop Kimi gets the rite car..

And PRAY NARAIN isnt pushed out of Jordan......He has been on bad luck for last 2 !!


East or Weat Inida is the BEST !!!
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